Hegang Second Specialized Hospital conducts lectures on mental health knowledge

[Source: Hegang Second Specialized Hospital]

In order to relieve the occupational pressure and mental burden of the employees of the Baoquanling Hospital of Beidahuang Group, on June 9th, Hegang Wang Lifang, deputy chief physician of Gangshi Second Specialized Hospital, was invited to give a lecture on “Physical and Physical Health of Medical Staff” in Baoquanling Hospital of Beidahuang Group.

< span>The theme of this lecture is “Learn to manage emotions, work and live happily”. Ms. Wang Lifang is an expert in the Chinese psychologist database, a national registered psychotherapist, a national second-level psychological counselor, and a part-time director of the Heilongjiang Psychological Counselor Association. Vice President of Gang City Psychological Counselor Association. He is good at treating insomnia, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, psychological decompression of all kinds of people, and high-efficiency study and score-raising counseling for students. Lectures are conducted online and offline.

< span>The lecture starts with various problems that are prone to occur among medical staff, analyzes them one by one, puts forward suggestions one by one, and gives detailed explanations from three aspects: emotion and health, understanding stress, emotion management and stress release. The whole lecture was relaxing, pleasant and rich in content. Teacher Wang Lifang gave a positive guidance to the employees of Baoquanling Hospital of Beidahuang Group to relieve work and life pressure and maintain a healthy and positive attitude with a large number of vivid examples of psychological problems and presentations with pictures and texts.

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