“Healthy” chronic gastritis: three points depend on treatment, seven points depend on nourishment

Chronic gastritis refers to various chronic gastric mucosal inflammatory lesions caused by different etiologies. It is a common disease, and its incidence ranks first among various gastric diseases. Currently, gastritis is divided into two categories: atrophic gastritis and non-atrophic gastritis. Chronic gastritis is clinically mostly caused by improper diet, craving for raw and cold food, coldness in the stomach, or oversaturation, which leads to damage to the spleen and stomach, and then endogenous dampness and heat. It may also be caused by negative emotions such as anger or depression.

Good character, nourishing stomach and body

First of all, stomach problems are related to Personality-related, should avoid “jiao” or “impatient”. This “Jiao” is the “Jiao” of anxiety. With the rapid development of modern society, people pursue “fast” in everything, everyone seems to have lost patience, and anxiety is spreading. Health is gone, replaced by various physical and mental illnesses. In order to have a good stomach, psychological adjustment cannot be ignored.

Foreign studies have shown that the gastrointestinal tract is the second brain of human beings, and gastrointestinal diseases are closely related to mood. The fast pace of life and the anxious and tense atmosphere are one of the social factors that promote human disease. It is very important to adjust the mood to treat the disease. For chronic gastritis, it is necessary to strengthen the psychological adjustment and develop a good lifestyle. If the emotion is too much, it will cause damage to the corresponding organs, that is, anger hurts the liver, joy hurts the heart, thinking hurts the spleen, sadness hurts the lungs, and fear hurts the kidneys. Most of the damage to the function of the spleen and stomach is worrying, that is, thinking too much, overthinking, and heavy psychological burden.

All physiological activities of the human body are completed under the innervation of nerves, including the gastrointestinal tract. The gastrointestinal tract is innervated by the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves, which restrict each other and maintain the balance of yin and yang in the body.

Sympathetic excitation inhibits parasympathetic nerves. The sympathetic nerve inhibits the movement of the gastrointestinal tract. When the emotions are tense and anxious, the sympathetic nerve will be excited. Once the sympathetic nerve is excited, the parasympathetic nerve will be inhibited, and the movement and secretion of the gastrointestinal tract will be inhibited. After a long time, indigestion will occur.

Parasympathetic nerve can promote gastrointestinal motility, excite the gastrointestinal tract, promote the secretion of digestive juice and the synthesis of pepsinogen, which is the “positive energy” of gastrointestinal motility.

When the anger is strong and the mood is irritable, the sympathetic nerve is excited, and the parasympathetic nerve is correspondingly inhibited, resulting in insufficient secretion of pepsinogen, slowing down of gastrointestinal motility, and poor digestion and absorption. Then it gets worse. This is also known in Chinese medicine as “the liver wood overcomes the spleen soil”. If a person thinks too much for a long time and the parasympathetic nerve is suppressed for a long time, gastrointestinal problems will occur. This principle is similar to that of traditional Chinese medicine, “Thinking hurts the spleen”.

To restore the function of the parasympathetic nerve, it is necessary to reduce the time of sympathetic nerve excitation, calm the mind, and let the body calm down. The so-called “good character nourishing the stomach method” refers to correcting bad character and habits, without rushing or impatience, and in an orderly manner. Recognize what you really need, don’t be controlled by desires, don’t do so many things at the same time. Speak slowly, don’t interrupt, and speak slowly when you have something to say. Slow down the speed of eating, do not eat too fast, let the food fully contact with the saliva in the mouth, and let the salivary amylase digest part of the food first, which can reduce the burden on the stomach.

Adjusting personality can help restore health, develop a good personality, and chronic gastritis will heal faster and more thoroughly. Diseases are not formed overnight, but are produced subtly. Only by correcting the usual bad habits and developing a good mood and character can fundamentally reduce the occurrence of stomach problems.