He discovered prediabetes at the age of 50 and successfully reversed it a year later. His 5 points of experience are worth referring to!

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Review of this article: Li Tian, ​​Chief Physician of the Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University

Many people’s perception of diabetes is “once you have it, it will be with you for life”. There are many real-life cases of successfully reversing diabetes.

In March 2022, Meng Guang, a physician at the Central Hospital of China Railway Third Bureau Group, published an article about a clinical patient who successfully reversed prediabetes . This is a 50-year-old patient with pre-diabetes. Through his own unremitting efforts, he successfully reversed it after one year, and various indicators of his body reached normal values. Not only did not enter the diabetes period, but also restored the health of the body. What kind of efforts did it take to reverse the disease? His 5 points of experience are worth learning!

Lesson 1: Control your daily diet p>

According to the “2020 Guidelines for the Management of Pre-diabetes”, pre-diabetes should pay attention to a reasonable diet, and use a low-calorie diet to control the development of pre-diabetes, and maintain a low-calorie diet for four weeks. In the future, the function of our islets can be restored to a certain extent.

In your daily diet, you can eat more whole grains and less refined grains. Coarse grains contain more dietary fiber, which can lower blood lipids, lower blood sugar, and prevent constipation. At the same time, it should also be noted that the intake of coarse grains and refined grains should be maintained in a certain proportion to maintain a balanced nutritional state. Simply eating whole grains may cause malnutrition.


In the early stages of diabetes, reduce the intake of snacks. Although some sugar-free foods can be consumed by diabetics, excessive carbohydrate intake can also be converted into glucose in the body, resulting in increased blood sugar. Other ingredients in snacks also have many influencing factors for patients with early diabetes, so for their own health, patients with prediabetes should eat less snacks.

A few diabetics believe that eating less staple food in three meals a day can control sugar intake and reduce blood sugar. Some non-staple foods remain indifferent. In this way, malnutrition is likely to occur, and excessive intake of non-staple foods is also prone to high blood lipids, resulting in an increased risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

For patients with early diabetes, < /span>Meat is rich in protein, trace elements and various vitamins, and is an indispensable thing in the diet. A variety of meats are eaten alternately to ensure a balanced nutrition. Beef, chicken, and fish are all good selection.

Experience 2: Persistent exercise and scientific weight loss

Scientific research has found that if patients with diabetes caused by obesity lose 20 kilograms of body weight within one year, 80% of these patients are likely to be able to reverse their type 2 diabetes; Type diabetes also has a chance of reversal. Therefore, controlling your weight and exercising can be of great help in the treatment of diabetes.

On April 1st, Professor Roy Taylor, Professor of the Department of Medicine and Metabolism, Newcastle University, UK, announced again at the “2022 British Diabetes Professional Conference”. new research results. The new study shows that even underweight patients have the potential to reverse type 2 diabetes. The study attracted attention in the field of diabetes research as soon as it was published.

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The 2020 Guidelines for the Management of Prediabetes also point out that it is necessary to Do proper exercise. Guidelines call for greater than 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week. Long-term persistence will make a large part of our patients with pre-diabetes revert to normal people, and even patients with pre-diabetes that cannot be reversed can delay the time to enter diabetes.

Pre-diabetic patients can perform aerobic activities such as jogging, stair climbing, mountain climbing, swimming, cycling, etc., try to avoid strenuous and confrontational exercise, and take light to moderate physical exercise and physical activity, that is, activities in which the body is prone to sweating while exercising. It should be done gradually and not suddenly strenuous exercise, otherwise it will easily lead to hypoglycemia. Start with short-term light physical activity and gradually increase the amount of exercise and exercise time as your physical fitness improves.

Appropriate physical exercise on a regular basis can not only reduce body weight to reduce insulin resistance, but also accelerate blood sugar consumption, exercise one’s own cardiopulmonary function, and enhance one’s own tolerance Oxygen capacity is of great benefit for the recovery of patients with early diabetes.

Lesson 3: Regular monitoring of disease changes

“China’s Guidelines for the Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes” clearly states that the short-term goal of treatment for patients with early diabetes is to control high blood pressure. Blood sugar and related metabolic disturbances to eliminate diabetes symptoms and prevent acute complications. The long-term goal is to prevent chronic complications, improve the quality of life and prolong life of patients with early diabetes through good metabolic control. That’s why doctors recommend that people with diabetes go to the hospital at least once a year.

After the initial diagnosis of diabetes, patients need to do various physical examinations and strictly monitor various physical indicators. The main types are as follows:

1. Blood related tests. Include blood sugar, blood lipids, glycosylated hemoglobin, liver and kidney function, and blood routine.

4. B-ultrasound examination. Related examinations include: abdominal B-ultrasound to check whether there is any change in the shape of the liver and kidneys, and whether there are other diseases in the abdomen; Including ultrasound of the carotid artery and ultrasound of the blood vessels of the lower extremities.

5. ECG examination, chest X-ray examination, diabetes Examination of neuropathy, and very important examination of the fundus. If there is nothing unusual about the body, we may choose to have a regular check-up every year. If you find related problems, you should follow the doctor’s order for regular review and treatment according to the doctor’s order.

If the glycated hemoglobin is well controlled in the early stage of diabetes, can be treated every six months Do a check. If your blood sugar is not well controlled, check it every three months. Check for other complications, if blood sugar control is not good, the frequency of checking should also be increased.

Lesson 4: Medication Intervention as directed by a doctor< /span>

Generally speaking, if we change our eating habits and living habits for 3 to 6 months, we still cannot control our weight and blood sugar to a normal level. Within the scope, at this time, we can consider certain drug interventions.

In addition, some drugs have been clinically proven to prevent diabetes, including metformin, GLP-1 agonists, pioglitazone, Medications such as orlistat. However, for the application of such drugs, it is necessary to follow the doctor’s advice and not take them privately.

For pre-diabetic patients, the most important thing is to control the total calorie intake, maintain a balanced nutrition, maintain exercise, and strengthen blood sugar monitoring , can not rely too much on drugs to control the disease.

Experience Five: Quit smoking and limit alcohol to live a healthy lifespan>


Smoking affects blood sugar strong>, as we all know, cigarettes contain nicotine, which stimulates the sympathetic nerves, which stimulate the sympathetic nerves to secrete adrenaline, and adrenaline is a glucocorticoid, so it will cause the patient’s blood sugar to rise.

Furthermore, smoking affects the endothelium of blood vessels, and the impaired endothelial function will lead to atherosclerosis and cardiovascular atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis can lead to coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, and atherosclerosis of cerebral blood vessels can lead to cerebral infarction and cerebral hemorrhage. If atherosclerosis occurs in the lower extremity blood vessels and peripheral blood vessels, it will lead to diabetic foot and pain in the middle of the night.

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Although quitting smoking is extremely painful for most patients with early diabetes, but for the sake of their own health, if you want to get rid of diabetes as soon as possible, you should make up your mind to stop the loss in time. Quit the habit of smoking early.

Alcohol consumption is also unfriendly for people with prediabetes, alcohol will also have various adverse effects on the body and affect the control of the disease.

Source: Health Times (ID: jksb2013)

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