Harvard study: people with long gray hair are less likely to get cancer? Is it true or false? Listen to the doctor to analyze

As people grow older, many people have left traces of years in their previous life. When they first begin to age, their bodies will also have some obvious manifestations, such as long Gray hair, wrinkles, tooth loss, etc., are also obvious changes in aging.

And many people are also very troubled by this, and they do not want to age prematurely, especially white people. Many people also choose to dye their hair black to look younger.

However, with age, gray hair will increase, even after dyeing for a period of time, White hair will also grow back, which is also very troublesome for many people.

But some time ago, researchers from the Department of Dermatology at Harvard University said that people with white hair are less likely to develop cancer. As soon as this news came out, it also caused heated discussions among people, which made some people feel very happy. So is this statement true or false? Is there any scientific basis for it? Let’s analyze it in detail.

Why do people grow white hair?

1, age factor

In fact, the reason for the appearance of long white hair is also a manifestation of aging, because with the increase of age, the functions of various organs are not as good as the previous metabolic capacity, which will also cause the accumulation of toxins.

In addition to the large-scale wear and tear of the hair follicle, the production of a large amount of hydrogen peroxide will inhibit the production of melanin. This will also lead to the problem of easy graying of hair, which is also a normal physiological phenomenon.

2. Disease factors

In fact, the reason why the hair turns white may also be due to some diseases, such as pernicious anemia or cardiovascular disease, hyperthyroidism, etc. Normal hair growth leads to the problem of gray hair.

3. Mental factors

Live now. The pace of life is getting faster and faster, and some young people are in a fast-paced state for a long time, and people’s pressure is also increasing, which will also lead to a series of reactions in the body, affecting the normal blood supply of the hair follicles, and also causing hair loss. There is a problem of malnutrition and whitening.

4. Nutritional factors

In fact, the reason why the hair turns white is also due to the lack of a certain supply of nutrients. If women often diet or are picky eaters in their daily life, they will cause the body to lack certain vitamins. and other substances.

This will affect hair growth, not only whitening but also The problem of hair loss, so you should also pay attention to proper nutritional supplements in peacetime.

The reason why the hair turns gray is closely related to the above reasons. However, a Harvard study found that people with long gray hair Not easy to get cancer, so is this claim credible?

Harvard study: People with gray hair are less likely to get cancer? Is it true or false? Listen to the doctor to analyze.

In fact, this statement mainly comes from KazakhstanIn a study from the University of Florida, researchers pointed out that the growth of white hair is actually a self-protection mechanism in the body, indicating that the stem cells that produce melanin have been damaged and should be removed, which can help reduce the risk of cancer.

So is this really the case?

In fact, this study originated from a mouse simulation experiment in 2009 to explore the relationship between graying of hair. study, this study did not analyze the relevant data on cancer incidence.

The so-called long white hair can reduce the risk of cancer is just a misunderstanding of foreign media reports. This also has no scientific basis.

And now it can be understood that for an elderly person, the drama is much higher than that of a young person, which is similar to that of a young person. Medical conclusions are also conflicting.

In addition, the director of the Department of Dermatology of Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine also responded, and the appearance of white hair is related to the above-mentioned Several factors are related to a certain extent, so there is no clinical evidence to prove that white-haired people are not prone to cancer, so everyone must not listen to rumors.

In fact, long white hair is also a normal phenomenon, don’t worry too much, it may also be aging Of course, there is no direct connection between long white hair and cancer, so everyone should not blindly listen to it in peacetime.

And if you want to protect your body, you should focus on improving your diet and routine, so that your father can reduce the risk of cancer. risk, and take care of the health of the body.

Extended reading: Is long gray hair aging? If you grow in these 3 positions, be vigilant!

Although it is said that the appearance of gray hair is more directly related to aging, and it is also the cause of aging, but there are also some people who are 35~40 years old. As I get older, my hair starts to turn white. This also makes people very worried, is it aging early? In fact, in different positions, gray hair also indicates different health problems, especially the following parts.

Grey hair on the temples – insufficient liver and gallbladder

If there is a problem of white hair on the temples, it may also be a manifestation of insufficient liver and gallbladder. The liver stores blood, so the hair on the temples is long. White hair is also a manifestation of liver blood deficiency.

In addition, the liver and gallbladder are both inside and outside, so the lack of liver and gallbladder will also affect the growth of hair. We must pay attention to replenishing qi and blood, and take care of the health of the liver, which may help to improve the effect to a certain extent.

Forehead white hair – spleen and stomach disorders

Maybe in normal times, many people will find that some people have white hair on their foreheads. In fact, this is also a manifestation of spleen and stomach disorders.

For some people with weak spleen and stomach, abdominal pain and bloating are often accompanied, and stools may also occur. Problems such as sugar solution, bad breath, etc., will also affect the nourishment of the hair, which will lead to abnormal graying of the hair.

Therefore, when the forehead hair turns white, and some abnormal performance occurs, you should go to the hospital for a check as soon as possible. Spleen and stomach function. Learn to regulate the health of the spleen and stomach.

White hair on the top of the head and back of the brain – insufficient kidney qi< /p>

ActuallyThe appearance of long white hair on the top of the head and the back of the brain is related to the lack of kidney qi. The top of the head is where the Du and Ren vessels pass through. The Ren and Du vessels are also related to the kidneys. Insufficient kidney qi, resulting in a loss of qi and blood.

And it will also be accompanied by insomnia and dreaminess, so this phenomenon occurs within a period of time. Go to the hospital to check the kidney function, and finally protect the kidneys and take care of your health.

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