Grain Rain is here! Seize the last health-giving solar term of spring and do 4 things well!

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April 20th The “Grain Rain” in the fourteen solar terms is also the last solar term in spring. After the Grain Rain, it is early summer. “Rain produces a hundred grains”, the temperature rises quickly before and after the Grain Rain, the temperature difference between morning and evening is large, and the rainfall begins to increase.

But the more we change like this, the more we need to pay attention to our health care, in order to make a smooth transition and a more peaceful summer Lay the foundation.

Li Yanling, director of the Nutrition Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, published an article in Health Times in 2014, saying that in the spring, the liver qi is in season, and excessive liver qi is easily damaged. The spleen and stomach, coupled with the Grain Rain season, is rainy and humid, and dampness is most likely to damage the spleen and stomach. At this time, the focus of health care is to strengthen the spleen and stomach, remove dampness and dilute water. Recommend these 6 foods

1. Yam /span>

Li Yanling, director of the Nutrition Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that the spleen and stomach are easily damaged during the Grain Rain season, and As the temperature rises, people start to eat some cold food, and special attention should be paid to strengthening the spleen and stomach.

At this time, to strengthen the spleen and stomach, you must pay attention to “softness”. The softest food is yam, which is eaten every day. Some yam has a good spleen effect. In addition, honey and jujube are also good choices.

2. Coix seed

Li Yonghua, a nutritionist, wrote in Health Times in 2012 that stomach discomfort, heaviness of limbs, Skin rashes may be due to excessive moisture in the body, you can eat some coix seeds. Coix seed has the functions of clearing away heat and invigorating the spleen, diverting water and infiltrating dampness, so it is very suitable for spring consumption.

Coix seed can be used to make porridge or soup, but it is not suitable for people with spleen deficiency and pregnant women. In addition, beans and melons are also good dehumidifying ingredients.

3. Brown rice< /strong>

Henan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Chief Physician Mao Dexi said in an article in Health Times in 2016 , Brown rice is unfinished rice, which retains the nutrients in the rice germ.

Brown rice has the functions of invigorating the spleen and nourishing the stomach, eliminating irritability, quenching thirst, stopping diarrhea, etc. It has a significant effect on promoting intestinal peristalsis, preventing constipation, and can also help improve diabetes and obesity. A cup of brown rice tea can replenish your energy and refresh your spirits.

4. Bean sprouts< /strong>

During the Grain Rain season, there is a lot of rain and humidity. Bean sprouts, red beans, black beans, wax gourd, lotus root, kelp, crucian carp, etc.

In this season, people are prone to lack of vitamin B2 and vitamin C, resulting in erosion of lips and inflammation of the corners of the mouth, commonly known as “rotten corners of the mouth”. “In addition to supplementing vitamins, you can also eat more soybean sprouts to improve symptoms.

5. Toon< /strong>

Mao Yanrong, Department of Gastroenterology, Dongzhimen Hospital, Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, published an article in Health Times in 2018, saying that during the Qingming Festival From the beginning to the beginning of Guyu is the most plump season of Chinese toon. Toon sprouts contain volatile aromatic organic compounds such as toonin, which can strengthen the spleen and appetizers and increase appetite.

6. lotus leaf

Wei Muxin, chief physician of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Jiangsu Provincial People’s Hospital, said in an article in Health Times in 2012, In late spring, the temperature gradually rises, and the diet should be light. Spring fatigue and heavy legs are actually a manifestation of “dampness”. You can put some lotus leaves in the soup and eat it 1-2 times a week, which has the effect of strengthening the spleen and removing dampness.

In addition, suitableWhen drinking sour plum soup, mung bean soup, red bean soup, to prevent heat accumulation in the body. And it is not advisable to eat more hot food such as mutton and pepper. Do 4 things

Grain rain increases , is conducive to the growth of cereals. At this time, it is also an important time to do allergy prevention, dehumidification and skin care health care. You may wish to do 4 things.

1Cold water nose rubYang Ming, director of the Department of Otolaryngology, Nanjing Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, published an article in Health Times in 2012, saying that for allergic constitution For people who have more pollen and catkins before and after Grain Rain, they are prone to disease. Washing the nose with cold water every morning and evening is good for enhancing the immunity of the nasal mucosa and is a good way to prevent and treat rhinitis. When washing the nose with cold water, rubbing the nose wings can improve the blood circulation of the nasal mucosa and help relieve the symptoms of allergic rhinitis such as nasal congestion and sneezing.

2Tea wash strong>Wang Chengsheng of the Nanjing Natural Medicine Association Health Rehabilitation Professional Committee published an article in Health Times in 2012, suggesting that washing your face with leftover tea water can not only reduce the occurrence of skin diseases, but also make the facial skin smoother. Glossy and smooth. Apply gauze dipped in tea to the dark circles under the eyes, 1-2 times a day, for 20-30 minutes each time, to help eliminate dark circles. In addition, the tannic acid of tea can also relieve dry skin. 3Pressing and rubbing dampness-removing pointsNanjing Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine In 2012, Liu Wanli, the chief TCM physician of the Department of Gastroenterology at the Hospital, said in an article in Health Times that the humidity in the air increases, which makes it easy for damp pathogens to invade, resulting in symptoms such as poor appetite, drowsiness, and soreness in joints and muscles, and various joint diseases. Patients should pay more attention. Dampness should start with strengthening the spleen and nourishing the spleen. Yinlingquan is the key point for eliminating dampness. It is located on the inner side of the calf of the human body, in the depression on the inner side of the tibia below the knee. Sitting or lying on your back, massage the acupoints of the left and right legs 60 times each time, and massage once a day in the morning and evening.

moderate exercise every day< /strong>

Health manager Ma Yongqiang published an article in the Health Times in 2011, saying that in late spring and early summer, all things enter into During the growth stage, in accordance with the season, people should also strengthen outdoor exercise, such as running, fishing, boxing, gymnastics, walking, playing ball, flying kites, etc.

The best way to exercise is to walk briskly. 10,000 steps.

More solar term health knowledge

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Editor of this article: Wang Zhen Reviewing director: Yang Xiaoming

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