Grain rain health, safe into summer

Grain Rain is the sixth solar term in the twenty-four solar terms and the last solar term in spring.

Grain rain means “rain produces a hundred grains”. At this time, the precipitation increases significantly, and the seedlings in the fields are first planted and new crops are planted. , most need the moisturizing of rain, as the so-called “spring rain is as expensive as oil”.

In the rainy days, the warmth has not yet arrived, and the cool breeze has disappeared. In the clear and humid weather, “strengthening the spleen and stomach and strengthening the defense” is a required course for health preservation in this solar term.

Spring evening rain Gu Sheng

Qingming Ma, Grain Rain Flower, Lixia Dian Bean Seed Sesame

Guyu Health-Daily Living< /h1>

Ten thousand steps a day

< span>In the late spring and early summer, all things enter the growth stage from the germinal stage, and in accordance with the season, people should also strengthen outdoor exercise, such as running, fishing, boxing, gymnastics, walking, playing ball , fly a kite, spit out the old and accept the new.

At the same time, stretch your muscles. It is recommended for office workers to walk within 3 kilometers, ride bicycles for 3 to 5 kilometers, and take buses for more than 5 kilometers. If you have a long way to work, you can also take the bus, get off 4 stops in advance and walk instead.

Wake up half an hour early

After the vernal equinox, the daylight hours gradually increase, and people should shorten their sleep time accordingly. Therefore, before and after Grain Rain, you should adjust your work and rest. You can get up about half an hour earlier.Increase outdoor exercise to help yang qi grow.

If you feel sleepy during the day, take a nap to refresh. Nap time should be half an hour, not more than 1 hour.

Guyu Health -Healthy diet

Yang Yang and spleen, more sweet and less acid

Grain rain is the last solar term in spring. It is still necessary to nourish the liver. The principle of “nourishing the yang and nourishing the spleen, more sweet and less acid” should be followed. The diet is mainly light, you can drink red bean soup, greenBean soup and green tea to prevent internal heat accumulation. Do not eat hot and spicy food such as dog meat, mutton, and spicy hot pot.

Liver for liver, chicken liver is best span>


Chicken liver is sweet and warm, nourishing blood and nourishing the liver Compared with other animal livers, the effect is the best, and it has the effect of warming the stomach. Chicken liver porridge is the recommended top grade. Method: Take 3 fresh chicken livers, cook porridge with 100 grams of rice, add some seasoning and serve.

Invigorating the spleen and removing dampness, calming the liver and nourishing blood

The diet during the Grain Rain season should fully consider the body’s need to remove dampness, and eat more food that nourishes the liver, protects the spleen, removes dampness and diverts water. Barley, yam, Gorgon and other crops are sweet and non-toxic, invigorating the spleen and removing dampness.

Vegetables such as white radish, bean sprouts, bamboo shoots, and crisp lotus are in season and have the same effect. , everyone may wish to buy more and eat more during this time, not only to eat fresh and delicious, but also to be healthy and safe.

Guyu Health-Acupressure

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Remove dampness and strengthen the spleen – Sanyinjiao

Sanyinjiao is the acupoint on the Spleen Meridian of Foot Taiyin, it is also the Spleen Meridian of Foot Taiyin, Liver Meridian of Foot Jueyin, Foot The meeting place of the Shaoyin Kidney Meridian. This acupoint can simultaneously regulate the Qi of the liver, spleen and kidney. “The liver stores blood, the spleen controls blood, and the kidney stores essence.” The kidney is innate, the spleen is acquired, the liver regulates and smoothes the qi mechanism, the functions of the three viscera are coordinated, the qi and blood are naturally sufficient, and the evil qi will not come to the door.

Methods:Two points on the left and right, each day Knead for 3-5 minutes.

Transportation Spleen accumulation – Panmen Point

Panmen, the door of the spleen and stomach. It can be used for all digestive disorders (abdominal pain, bloating, not wanting to eat, etc.). The 18 days before the end of each season are the most vigorous. Grain Rain is the last solar term in spring, so we must pay attention to the regulation of the spleen and stomach. The spleen is the key to the amount of qi and blood in the whole body. Children grow and develop flesh and wisdom, and women have good looks and beautiful skin. It depends on the qi and blood produced by the spleen.

Methods:Kneading, It is possible to press. Children under 3 years old, 3 minutes each time. 3-12 years old, 5-10 minutes each time. 10 points or more for adults. This acupoint is easy to operate and can be used when riding or walking.