Feeling tired all the time, maybe there is something wrong with your eating habits

Have you ever felt this way? You just can’t tell. You feel tired all day long, you can’t keep up your spirits, and you want to lie down when you get home from get off work.

In fact, this is not only due to heavy work and lack of rest, but the food you eat also plays a role in fuelling the flames~


7 kinds of food Tired

1, coffee, strong tea

Coffee and strong tea contain a lot of caffeine, which inhibits the adenosine neurotransmitter in the brain, and adenosine is one of the homeostatic factors that regulate sleep.

In other words, excessive intake of caffeine will make the nervous system excited to a certain extent, which will not only affect sleep, but also It is conducive to the relaxation of the brain. If it is not well adjusted, people will feel more tired after a long time.

2, wine< /p>

Alcohol makes the brain extremely active, and even small amounts of alcohol can reduce sleep quality and make People are trapped in a vicious circle of exhaustion.

3, sweet tooth

Most sugars in sweets are monosaccharides or disaccharides, which are quickly digested by the body absorbed into the blood. When blood sugar levels rise, insulin secretion increases, and high insulin levels are one of the causes of drowsiness.

In addition, if you eat too many sweets, the sugar will be converted into fat in the body. If you let it develop, the fat will continue to accumulate, which will cause overweight. And obesity, increase the metabolic burden of the organs. Fatigue may also be exacerbated when the body is consistently overweight and obese.

For added sugars, the recommended intake for healthy adults is no more than 25 grams per person per day.

4. Main insufficient

The staple food is rich in starch, which will be decomposed into glucose after entering the digestive tract, and then absorbed and utilized by the body. Once the intake is insufficient, it will be difficult to maintain the operation of the body, which will lead to the calorie “beyond making ends meet”, and then the situation of fatigue and lack of energy will appear.

In addition, the coarse grains in the staple food are a major source of B vitamins, which are directly related to the body’s energy metabolism. When the intake is insufficient, it will lead to abnormal energy metabolism in the body, lack of “fuel” in human cells and tissues, showing fatigue, lethargy, and lethargy.

So, eat a moderate amount of staple food at each meal, such as a fist-sized steamed bun or rice. And try to match the thickness as much as possible. The polished rice and white noodles are eaten with oats, kidney beans, red beans and other coarse grains.

5. Don’t eatred meat strong>

Red meat, which is the meat of pigs, cattle and sheep, is rich in iron, which is an essential substance for the human body to synthesize hemoglobin.

Therefore, people who do not eat red meat for a long time and only eat vegetarian food are prone to insufficient iron intake and may develop “iron deficiency anemia”. At this time, hemoglobin cannot send enough oxygen to the body tissues, and it will also show fatigue and fatigue.

“Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents” recommends that the daily intake of livestock and poultry meat is 50-75 grams. You can choose some fresh lean meat, such as beef tendon, tenderloin, etc., and eat less fatty beef, fat sheep, pork belly and other high-fat meat, especially the “three high” and obese people.

When cooking meat, try to use stewing and steaming methods, such as steamed steak, stewed lamb, etc.

6. Eat too greasy strong>

When a large amount of fat enters the small intestine, it will increase the secretion of cholecystokinin in the small intestine, thereby promoting sleepiness.

It is recommended to eat less high-fat and high-calorie foods, and the daily intake of edible oil should preferably not exceed 25-30 grams. It is best to eat light food for a few days after each high-fat diet to avoid accumulation of fat and reduce the burden on various organs of the body.

7. Drink less water

Not drinking enough water can also cause fatigue. Although we have been popularizing the knowledge that “healthy people should drink about 1500 ml of water a day”, there are still a few people who can do it, and some people even drink only one glass of water a day.

The energy metabolism of the human body and the operation of the body require water. If the water shortage in the body exceeds 10% of the total body water, fatigue will occur.

Healthy people are advised to take the initiative to drink boiled water every 2 hours, and drink slowly.

5 ​​golden principles of healthy eating /span>

A healthy diet can help reduce fatigue and even prevent many diseases. To this end, nutrition experts have summarized 5 principles.

1. LessEat processed foods


The delicious taste of ham, instant noodles and milk tea is well known, but too much salt, oil or trans fatty acid is not good for health.< /p>

A study published in the British Medical Journal found that people who ate four or more servings of ultra-processed foods a day had a higher risk of all-cause death than those who ate less than two servings a day. 6.2% higher.

2, every dayeating a qualifying breakfast

Skip breakfast and your brain will signal the need for high calories, causing you to eat more for lunch and dinner.


It is recommended to eat breakfast every day, including at least starchy staple foods, proteins such as eggs and lean meat, and Fresh fruits and vegetables.

3. DinnerEarlier

The best time for dinner is between 18:00 and 19:00. Diabetics need to control their blood sugar before 18:00.


If healthy people have to eat dinner after 19:00, please try not to exceed 21:00, otherwise it will easily increase breast cancer and Prostate cancer risk.

4. The order of eating before meals

Insist on “eat vegetables first, then meat, rice and other staple foods. The order of eating at the end helps to reduce postprandial blood sugar peaks, reduce blood sugar fluctuations, and effectively prevent hypoglycemia.

This kind of eating order is especially suitable for diabetic patients. It is also beneficial for healthy people to control their weight~


5. SeriousEat p>

Eating, watching TV, and playing games will make the brain unable to receive hunger signals, thereby increasing the risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other diseases.

A study in the United States found that people who watched TV while eating were more likely than those who watched TV while eating 37% lower risk of obesity.

It is equally important to cook at home regularly.

In addition to saving money, it can also reduce the risk of infectious diseases such as Helicobacter pylori and enhance our well-being.

A reasonable diet needs to be adhered to. If you still feel sleepy during the adjustment process (everyone knows how sleepy it is in summer), you can use these 5 A variety of foods can help you relieve fatigue and refresh your mind.

Du Mom said

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Finally, I will give you a guide on diet:

Brain fatigue eat more nuts,

Eat more pears for voice fatigue,

eat more millet for stomach fatigue,

more for legs Eat bananas.

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