Expert: Treatment of rare diseases of multiple sclerosis requires “symptom treatment”

China Youth Daily client news (China Youth Daily, China Youth Daily reporter Wang Lin) “The management of multiple sclerosis needs to take into account both the cause and the symptomatic treatment, not only to control the disease from the source, reduce disease recurrence, and delay disease progression. At the same time, it is necessary to scientifically manage the symptoms that occur during the disease process.” Dong Qiang, director of the Department of Neurology of Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University, said at a multiple sclerosis summit forum recently that this rare disease requires “co-treatment due to the disease.”

    Experts and clinicians in the field of neuroscience from all over the country share their insights into multiple The results of diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases such as sclerosis.

Multiple sclerosis (“MS” for short) is an immune-mediated disease characterized by inflammatory demyelinating lesions of the central nervous system. Different locations of the damaged nervous system have different symptoms, and are prone to repeated attacks, which will bring great distress to patients. If the patient is not treated in time, over time, the patient will have multiple relapses, the disability symptoms will not develop, and the life expectancy of the patient will be shortened by an average of 6 to 7 years compared with the healthy population.

In my country, the incidence of multiple sclerosis is 0.235/100,000 people per year, and it is estimated that there are 30,000 to 50,000 patients nationwide. In May 2018, the National Health Commission and other five departments jointly formulated the “First Batch of Rare Disease Catalogues”, which included multiple sclerosis.

At the “Multiple Sclerosis Summit Forum” held on June 11, nearly a thousand well-known experts and clinicians in the field of neuroscience from all over the country, through the “cloud + offline meeting”, He shared the results of diagnosis and treatment in recent years, and proposed a new treatment concept for multiple sclerosis, which is “co-treatment due to disease”.

Wang Yongjun, President of Beijing Tiantan Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University and Chairman of the Neurology Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, mentioned that in recent years, the field of neuroimmune diseases in my country has achieved rapid development, but multiple sclerosis is the representative of the disease. Neuroimmune diseases still face problems such as difficult diagnosis and treatment, incomplete diagnosis and treatment system, and insufficient standardized treatment.

Dong Qiang said that in the past, there has been a lack of drugs that can improve the walking ability of MS patients. With the development of medical technology, drugs that can improve the walking ability of adult patients with multiple sclerosis are gradually introduced into China.

This forum is hosted by the well-known pharmaceutical company Bojian. Wen Haoji, President of Biogen Asia Pacific, said that in the field of MS treatment, Biogen has a leading drug portfolio. Under the favorable policy of accelerating the review and approval of innovative drugs for rare diseases, it is hoped that more innovative treatment options will be brought to China in the future. Join hands with all parties to further improve the level of MS diagnosis and treatment.

Source: China Youth Daily Client