Eggs, duck eggs, goose eggs, which has the highest nutritional value? It’s not too late to understand before eating

Eggs are a common egg food in daily life. They are rich in nutrients. Compared with duck eggs and goose eggs, the price is also the cheapest. of.

In fact, eggs, duck eggs and goose eggs are all poultry eggs, but people often compare these three kinds of eggs in life, and want to Do you know which kind of egg is more nutritious and has higher nutritional value for the body?

First of all, let’s take a look at the nutritional value and dietary taboos of eggs, duck eggs and goose eggs

1. Eggs

Eggs are rich in a variety of nutrients needed by the human body, and are easily absorbed and utilized by the body , such as protein lecithin, egg yolk, vitamin A, B vitamins and nutrients such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, etc.

Especially in eggs The protein belongs to high-quality protein, contains amino acids needed by the human body, and is easily absorbed and utilized by the body. The absorption rate in the human body is as high as 98%, and there are many types of eggs sold on the market. Brown-skinned eggs, there are differences in the nutritional value of different eggs, but the core components are not much different.

A study found that there are 12.7 grams of protein per 100 grams of brown eggs, and 12.8 grams of protein per 100 grams of white eggs.

It can be seen that, if you want to supplement the body with protein, eggs are undoubtedly the best choice, and the price is affordable. The utilization rate is also the highest.

Which is the best brown egg or white egg? It can only be said that each has its own advantages. How to choose completely depends on your actual situation. No matter which one you choose, it must be based on freshness, which is also one of the better sources of protein.

Egg Diet Taboo

Although eggs are rich in nutrients, However, for some people with allergies or certain diseases, they need to avoid eggs when eating eggs. For example, people with protein allergies, people with kidney disease or hepatitis disease, in order to reduce the burden and damage of the body, they should eat less eggs. for the better.

2. Duck eggs

Duck eggs are rich in Protein, B vitamins, phospholipids and vitamin A, as well as nutrients such as calcium, iron, and phosphorus.

In fact, the protein contained in duck eggs is comparable to that of eggs, and the total amount of other minerals is much higher than that of eggs.

However, the fat content in duck eggs is also higher than that in eggs, so it is better for people who lose weight to eat eggs. Moreover, duck eggs are rich in calcium, which can effectively prevent osteoporosis and promote bone development. Iron has a good effect of iron supplementation and can prevent iron deficiency anemia.

Duck eggs also have the effect of promoting appetite, neutralizing stomach acid, and nourishing the skin. They are a rare beauty product.

Diet taboos for duck eggs

Comparison of nutrients in duck eggs High, but the cholesterol content is also very high. For middle-aged and elderly people, excessive consumption is easy to accelerate, the cardiovascular system is hardened and the aging speed is easy to induce a variety of diseases.

Especially for diabetics and pregnant women, duck eggs are not a friendly food, coupled with high fat content, and Risk of weight gain.

3. Goose eggs

Heda is rich in protein, lecithin, calcium and iron and other rich nutrients. The content and types of nutrients are the same as those of eggs and goose eggs, but the types of amino acids are less, especially the cholesterol is higher than that of eggs and duck eggs. Some.

Especially the protein and lecithin content in goose eggs are much higher than those in eggs and duck eggs, from the nutritional point of view , which is higher than the first two. However, because goose eggs have many dietary taboos, they are not suitable for everyone to eat goose eggs.

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goose egg Diet taboos

Goose eggs are high in nutrients, but not suitable for patients with visceral damage, including persistent hypothermia or arteriosclerosis Eating goose eggs will only aggravate the condition, especially for patients with fractures, and it will also affect the healing speed of fractures during the rehabilitation process.

In addition, fever patients cannot eat goose eggs, because the patient’s digestive gland secretion capacity is reduced, the digestive enzymes produced by the body are relatively low, and eggs contain high protein, which is prone to bloating and diarrhea, and has symptoms of abdominal discomfort. , and should not eat goose eggs.

and goose eggs cannot be eaten with seafood or other cold foods, such as mangosteen, persimmon , crabs, etc.

It can be seen that from the perspective of nutritional value, there is no obvious gap between goose eggs, duck eggs and eggs, and each has its own advantages, so It is not possible to directly say which egg is more nutritious to eat.

Two, eggs, duck eggs, goose eggs, which has the highest nutritional value?

Through the above, we found that the efficacy and function of the three egg foods are undoubtedly different, and the nutritional value is not too obvious, but it is suitable for the crowd However, it is different. Which type of egg has the highest nutritional value, and it is necessary to choose the most suitable one according to your physique and health needs, so that your body can get more nourishment.

Although these three common categories contain high nutritional value and have a very high nourishing effect on the body, it also depends on how to eat them. From a nutritional point of view, it is best not to eat pickled eggs.

However, in order to prolong the preservation time of various eggs, some elderly people at home often choose the method of pickling. It is indeed more delicious, and it can also improve appetite, especially the egg yolk is in a state of oily, which is very attractive, but such eggs contain more calories than the steamed bread and rice we usually eat.

For people who suffer from chronic diseases, they must avoid it, otherwise it will not be conducive to the recovery of the disease, and even aggravate the disease and damage the health. In fact, in addition to this kind of pickled eggs, there are three kinds of eggs that are best eaten less or not, and you must be vigilant.

Third, the doctor reminds: eat as little as possible 3 kinds of eggs

Soothing the heart Eggs

Some people in life like to eat candied eggs, thinking that such undercooked eggs are not damaged inside and contain nutritional value The highest, especially the egg yolk is watery.

In fact, this undercooked sweet-hearted egg contains Salmonella in the egg yolk, which will induce abdominal discomfort, abdominal pain, diarrhea, or It is an adverse reaction of high fever and systemic pain, which affects the health of the body.

Eggs with dark spots on the surface

poached Open the eggshell after the fish. If you find that there is blackening or a large number of black spots inside, it is best not to eat such eggs. Generally, such moldy eggs already contain aflatoxin.

Aflatoxin is listed as a Class 2a carcinogen by the state. It will have a serious impact on health in the future. In severe cases, it can lead to liver cancer or even death. It is best to throw away such moldy eggs with black spots in time.

Cracked eggs

In fact, the shells of eggs are very fragile , once accidentally shaken or squeezed in the process of transportation, the egg skin will crack, which will easily lead to the growth of a large number of bacteria.

Therefore, for the sake of health, it is best to throw away eggs with cracked eggshells in time, because they already contain a lot of bacteria, and you should accidentally throw them away. Eating will cause bloating, abdominal pain, and indigestion.