Eating bananas to supplement potassium or lower blood pressure? Is it good or bad for the body? 4 types of people eat as little or as little as possible

You eat a variety of foods every day, but do you really understand the nutritional value of various foods? Lack of trace elements, or only know how to eat health care products? In fact, there are many nutrient-rich, daily-visible champion foods, from calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamins, to protein, dietary fiber and other essential nutrients, you can make up for them one by one!

As the temperature gradually rises, and in the summer when you sweat as soon as you are active, a large amount of sweat will be discharged, which will cause the human body to lose a certain amount of sodium and potassium. element. If potassium is not properly supplemented, people will feel tired; when potassium deficiency is severe, it often leads to metabolic disorders, arrhythmia, and general muscle weakness. Properly increasing potassium intake can effectively improve high blood pressure. When it comes to potassium-supplementing foods, many people first think of bananas. Maybe eating bananas to supplement potassium can lower blood pressure?


Eat Bananas for Potassium Is it true or false that it can lower blood pressure?

Medical research suggests that bananas can treat high blood pressure because bananas are rich in potassium, which balances high blood pressure caused by sodium. do you know? Bananas are one of the fruits with the highest potassium content. Each 100 grams of bananas contains about 256 mg of potassium. The potassium content of a banana is about 500 mg, and the sodium content is relatively low, which is helpful for lowering blood pressure, so eat some bananas appropriately. Good for controlling blood pressure.

In addition, eating two bananas a day can effectively reduce blood pressure by 10%, and bananas can also regulate tension, and can help the body quickly Provide energy, and generally eating some bananas in moderation is good for the body. In addition, kiwi is known as the “king of fruits”, rich in arginine, which can effectively improve blood circulation and prevent the formation of blood clots.

has a certain auxiliary effect on reducing the incidence of coronary heart disease, hypertension, myocardial infarction, arteriosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases. People with high blood pressure can eat properly some kiwis.


Banana is good, Not everyone is suitable for eating bananas, these 4 types of people try to eat less or not eat them

1. Diabetics p>

The glycemic index of bananas is relatively high. If a diabetic patient eats bananas for a long time, it may slow down the blood circulation and lead to the accumulation of metabolites. aggravating the condition;

2. Peptic ulcer patients

Patients with peptic ulcer secrete more gastric acid, and at the same time, the contraction function of the stomach is relatively poor, and eating bananas for such people is easy to worsen the gastrointestinal condition;

3. Edema Patients and patients with kidney disease

Banana is rich in potassium, and the circulation of potassium is regulated by the kidneys. If a patient with edema or kidney disease eats a lot of bananas, the potassium content in the blood will increase rapidly, which will increase the burden on the kidneys of the patient. Conducive to recovery;

4. Don’t eat bananas on an empty stomach

< span>Banana can promote gastrointestinal motility. Eating bananas on an empty stomach will cause gastrointestinal function to advance, which is extremely detrimental to health in the long run. detailedTo be more specific, eating bananas on an empty stomach will speed up gastrointestinal movement, promote blood circulation, increase the load on the heart, and easily lead to myocardial infarction.

All in all, banana is a cold fruit with a sweet taste. It is generally best for people who suffer from diarrhea, weak spleen and stomach, nephritis, cold stomach, and swollen feet during pregnancy. Eat less or no bananas. If you really want to eat bananas, you can cook the bananas and eat them, but it must be in moderation, and you can’t eat too many bananas at one time.