Eating apples at night hurts your stomach? Doctor reminds: At night, eat less of these 4 kinds of food

The stomach is the organ that absorbs and digests food in the human body. If the digestion and absorption function of the stomach is abnormal, it means that the human body has stomach diseases.

Traditional Chinese medicine says that 10 people have 9 stomachs, which means that 9 out of 10 people suffer from stomach diseases, so that Although the statement is a bit exaggerated, it shows to a certain extent that the population of gastric diseases in my country is extremely large.

Especially in modern society, more and more young people have become the main force of stomach problems, and they have to face problems from life. Stress in all aspects, mortgage, car loan, raising children, supporting the elderly, in order to make a living, they are exhausted from work, and eventually have stomach problems for many reasons.


Causes of high stomach problems

1. Skip breakfast

For never eating breakfast or not For people who are used to eating breakfast, the gastric acid secreted by the stomach has no food to digest, which will damage the esophagus and gastrointestinal mucosa. In the long run, it will not only easily lead to ulcers, but also may lead to the deposition of cholesterol in the bile and induce gallstones. Breakfast should not only be eaten, but also try to eat easily digestible, anti-irritating and nutritious foods.

2. Overtime and staying up late

High work pressure, nervousness, and often working overtime and staying up late can easily lead to excessive secretion of gastric acid and cause stomach discomfort. Overtime workers must ensure sleep and relieve mental stress. You can prepare some snacks on hand, such as bread, biscuits, etc., and replenish them in time.

3. Sleep after eating< /p>

Many people have the habit of eating late-night snacks and drinking beer on the road after working overtime or night shifts, and falling asleep when they get home after eating. However, it takes about 4 hours for food to be completely emptied from the stomach to enter the small intestine. A full meal before going to bed, the food in the stomach has not had time to digest, and it is easy to have abnormal digestive function.


Eating apples at night hurts your stomach?

Apple should be a regular fruit in every household, and the price of apples is relatively cheap , but its nutritional value is very high, and there has been a saying in the folk that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away from me”.

From a nutritional point of view, apples are rich in pectin, fructose, vitamin A, vitamins C, vitamin E, and a certain amount of potassium ions. Eating apples in moderation can effectively absorb dietary fiber in apples, thereby promoting intestinal peristalsis.

Apple also has a certain antioxidant effect, which can delay skin aging and enhance the body’s immunity. Appropriate consumption of apples can also improve human vision, relieve visual fatigue, and also have adjuvant therapy for patients with night blindness.

But doctors do not recommend eating apples at night for two reasons:< /span>

1. It will increase the gastrointestinalBurden, causing indigestion

Because the human body’s gastrointestinal digestive function is relatively weak at night Yes, if you eat apples at this time, it is easy to cause indigestion, abdominal pain, bloating and other upper abdominal discomfort.

2. Can affect sleep p>

Because apples are easy to cause satiety, if you eat apples before going to bed, especially within an hour before going to bed, you will be full because affect sleep.

How to eat apples to nourish the stomach?

—Potato Apple Mashed span>

Ingredients: Potato, Apple, Plain Cheese, Pine Nut Powder


1. Peel and wash the potatoes, Cooked, mashed; cheese mashed; apples peeled, washed, mashed, and then boiled in water until transparent.

2. Put apples, cheese and pine nut powder in the potatoes and mix well.

—Apple Pomegranate Juice

Materials: pomegranate, apple, lemon

practice :

1. Peel the skin of the pomegranate and take out the fruit; wash the apple, remove the core and cut into pieces ; Wash the lemon and cut it into cubes.

2. Put the apples, pomegranates and lemons into the juicer to squeeze the juice.


Doctor Reminder: At night, eat less of these 4 foods

1, Dessert

Excessive sugar After entering the body, it will not only be converted into fat, but also affect the intake of other vitamins, causing obesity; clinical experiments have shown that the more women eat sweets, the more likely they will get candidal vaginitis than normal women. much higher.

Excessive sweets will affect the body’s normal absorption of vitamin B, and insufficient vitamin B1 will cause visual impairment Neuritis, so that the eyes are more prone to fatigue than normal people, thereby aggravating the feeling of physical and mental fatigue of the whole person.

2, BBQ

After grilling, the nature of the food tends to be dry and hot. In addition, the use of various condiments, such as cumin, pepper, chili, etc., are all hot ingredients, which are very spicy and exciting, and will greatly increase the heat. Stimulation of gastrointestinal motility and secretion of digestive juices may damage the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, and also affect the balance of the physique, making people angry.

Nucleic acid in meat is decomposed with most amino acids in Maillard reaction to generate genes when heated mutantThese genetic mutations may lead to the development of cancer.

3, beans

Some foods can produce a lot of gas during digestion, leading to bloating. Such as beans, Chinese cabbage, onions, corn, bananas, etc. Excessive bloating not only makes the stomach uncomfortable, but also affects sleep. Therefore, you should avoid eating such foods as much as possible at night.

4, ginger

The ancients said: “Eating ginger in the morning is better than eating ginseng soup; eating ginger in the evening is equivalent to eating arsenic”. Ginger is spicy and warm in nature, and contains volatile oil, gingerol, resin and starch. Ginger can enhance and speed up blood circulation, stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, stimulate the stomach, promote digestion, and also have antibacterial effects.

Eating a little ginger in the morning is good for the rise of yang energy and health. But eating it at night, because ginger is originally hot, it will make people angry and hurt the body, so it is not suitable to eat.


What’s good for dinner?

Nutritionists recommend that you should eat a moderate amount of foods containing color during dinner. Amino acid food, because this substance will generate serotonin after metabolism in the human body, which can inhibit the excitability of the central nervous system and produce a certain sense of drowsiness.

In addition to millet, in pumpkin seeds, yuba, tofu skin, dried shrimp, seaweed, black sesame, etc. Vegetables are also very high in tryptophan.

In addition, vitamins have a synergistic effect with each other, can regulate metabolism and enhance the function of the nervous system, so it can play a very good role The effect of eliminating restlessness and promoting sleep is very important for modern people.

Whole grains contain the most b vitamins, so we should have the right amount in our dinner diet eat some whole grains. There are many foods that contain B vitamins, such as oats, barley, brown rice, whole-wheat bread, whole-wheat crackers, etc.