Dog days to maintain health, do more of these three things

It is about to enter the end of the dog days, and the weather is still hot. The so-called “fu” refers to “fuxie”, that is, the summer evil in the so-called “six evils” (wind, cold, summer heat, dampness, dryness, and fire), and it is also the time when our yang is most prosperous. During dog days, the body sweats a lot, consumes a lot, is easily fatigued, has no appetite, and has a weakened immunity, which may lead to diseases. Be careful not to stay in an air-conditioned room for a long time and eat too much cold food during dog days.

Staying in an air-conditioned room for a long time will affect people’s perspiration function and easily increase the humidity in the body. It is easy to get sick in autumn and winter.

Although the dog days are hot, don’t eat too much cold food. Eating too much cold food is easy to be hurt by cold evil. After a large amount of cold drinks enter the gastrointestinal tract, it will interfere with the normal peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, cause digestive disorders, and even induce abdominal pain in severe cases. Conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome.

Do more of these three things during dog days to recuperate your body.

1. Drink Sandou Soup to dispel dampness and prevent heatstroke

Sandou Soup is made from red bean, mung bean and black bean. Chixiaodou is diuretic and dehumidifying, black bean tonifies the spleen, nourishes the kidney and clears heat, and mung bean prevents heatstroke and detoxifies. Eating three kinds of beans together can have an excellent effect of removing dampness and preventing heatstroke. When the cold and dampness in the body is removed, the yang qi will be more abundant and more vigorous.

,2, eat more ginger

From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, ginger is acrid in taste, slightly warm in nature, enters the spleen, micro, and lung meridians, and has the functions of sweating and relieving the surface, warming in the middle and stopping vomiting, warming Lung cough, detoxification effect. Ginger can grow our yang qi, improve the deficiency of cold in the spleen, and play a role in warming the stomach and strengthening the spleen.

3. Soak your feet more

Go with cold, damp, summer, and damp feet. In summer, the humidity is just right, so that the dampness is blocked in the spleen and stomach, there will be no appetite, sleepiness, lack of energy, and easy irritability. Soaking your feet in summer can help to get rid of cold and dampness and prevent symptoms such as colds and colds. Increase appetite and promote sleep. Soaking your feet with warm water can better stimulate the meridians and stimulate the body’s internal organs. Especially for people with congenital poor spleen and stomach, it is more suitable for foot bathing in summer. When the spleen and stomach are healthy, it is not easy to be invaded by moisture.