Does this “cure”? CCTV exposure——

Although the health hoax that alkaline water can “cure diseases” and “acid-base constitution theory” has long been exposed, there are still water companies in the market that use the concept of alkaline water to promote their products. Recently, a water company in Kunming, Yunnan claimed that alkaline water has therapeutic effects, and the local State Administration for Market Regulation immediately investigated the company involved.

The alkaline water gimmick is still revived in the marketing war

“For health, drink alkaline water.” This is the marketing of Kunming Water Enterprise “Shilin Tianwaitian” Natural Beverage Co., Ltd. Advertising slogan. On the official website of the company, the reporter saw that the slogans such as “Alkaline life every day, a new way of quality life” can be seen everywhere on the homepage. At the same time, the company also opened a column to introduce alkaline water and health series science popularization, alkali treatment and other related Content, in the form of a small video, claiming the therapeutic effect of alkaline water on diseases.

There are more than one brand of alkaline water in the name of “effective”. The reporter visited the market and found that there are various propaganda concepts such as PH value 8-9, small molecule water for pregnancy preparation, and low sodium and low sugar. And how should consumers judge? Does alkaline water have any effect on the body?

The reporter randomly selects an alkaline water on the e-commerce platform to consult its efficacy, and the customer service can give “relieve the sub-health state caused by high uric acid, gout, gastric acid and other acidic constitutions, and the effect will be better if you insist on using it. more pronounced” and “regular consumption can balance the pH”. In some supermarkets and convenience stores, alkaline water with “efficacy” is also welcomed by many consumers.

Experts said that at present, most consumers in China are still only in the stage of health awareness, but relatively lack of health knowledge. Many companies also took the opportunity to exaggerate and falsely promote the concept of alkaline water.

Expert: Alkaline water is a gimmick created by enterprises

Wang Silu, a national senior food inspector and food safety science expert, said in an exclusive interview with The Paper that “alkaline water” is just a business A deliberately created publicity stunt.

Wang Silu said that, first of all, the “acid-base constitution theory” is not valid from a scientific point of view. There is no such concept in the proper nouns and terms of real medicine. The human body is composed of various parts. The acidity and alkalinity of water are also different, and there is no scientific basis to support that drinking alkaline water can change the pH value of the human body.

As a result, Wang Silu believes that the alkaline water of various concepts on the market is indeed alkaline when tested, but it is actually a concept specially created by water companies, and it has no effect on the body after consumption. The benefits, from a nutritional and modern medical point of view, are not recommended for consumers to be overly obsessed and admired. In contrast, for ordinary people, sterilized tap water is safer and more reasonable after boiling and drying.

Source: CCTV Financial Reference News Guangming Network

New Media Editor Wang Yan

New Newspaper Essence Article Introduction

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