Diabetic patients, if the body has these 6 kinds of manifestations, beware of aggravation of the disease or induced complications

Although diabetes is a systemic metabolic disease, if early receiving scientific and standardized treatment in the early stage, it can stable blood sugar.

However, during treatment, many patients had poor medication habits or living habits, resulting in blood sugar levels. A series of abnormal changes will also occur in the body.

Once these abnormalities occur repeatedly, the patient must be highly vigilant, which is most likely related to exacerbation or complications.

What abnormalities should be alerted to the diabetic body?

I. Decreased vision

For diabetic patients, if there is a phenomenon of sudden vision loss, For example, if you suddenly become particularly blurred when looking at something, have tenderness in your eyes, or lack of visual field and drooping under your eyelids, you must cause high vigilance.

These conditions occur due to retinopathy, which can cause a series of eye complications.

Second, foot infection

If People with diabetes have ulcers on their feet, and these ulcers are difficult to heal and get worse.

In addition, if there are pain in both feet, difficulty walking, cold skin temperature, and numbness in the feet, it is usually caused by diabetic foot

strong>Related. Then the patient must be treated as soon as possible, otherwise it is very likely to lead to amputation.

III. Paresthesia of the limbs

If there is pins and numbness at the end of the extremity, or when wearing socks and covering the quilt, the end of the extremity will feel very Obvious tingling and ant walking are generally caused by diabetic neuropathy.

If not treated early, cardiovascular, digestive system, urogenital system and other parts will be affected later.

IV. Blood pressure and dyslipidemia

The patient’s blood pressure and blood lipids showed an unexplained rise phenomenon, or the patient repeatedly experienced dizziness, palpitation and fatigue in daily life , dyspnea and other problems are most likely related to the development of diabetic cardiovascular disease.

Especially for the obese diabetic population, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, etc. The probability of serial cardiovascular disease is particularly high.

V. Polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia

If a patient with diabetes has urination very abundant with extreme thirst, overeating, dizziness, excessive lethargy ;

and the skin and mucous membranes are too dry, and there is a rotten apple smell in the breath, which is very likely to be related to the occurrence of >diabetic ketoacidosis. If not treated early, it is very likely to endanger the patient’s life.

Six. Repeated edema

For some patients who did not do a good job in diet during treatment, For example, eating some high-salt foods, or drinking and drinking too much water, will increase the burden on the kidneys, resulting in >In the case of edema in the eyelid and calf area.

However, if recurrent edema occurs, accompanied by indigestion, anorexia , abnormal urination symptoms, most likely related to diabetic nephropathy.

All in all, for people with diabetes, if the above 6 symptoms appear in daily life, accompanied by unstable blood sugar level, they must be highly vigilant. Due to suffering from various complications.

diabetic patients must be admitted to the hospital quickly for examination, take appropriate measures and timely treatment. And do diet, exercise< /strong>In order to maintain your own health to the greatest extent, you can maintain your own health to the greatest extent.