Coronary heart disease does not necessarily require stents! Two-flavored recipe for early coronary heart disease and early prevention

Let’s talk to you about coronary heart disease today.

Nowadays, more and more people find coronary heart disease, and vascular stents have almost become the standard for people with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. I’m sorry to say that I have heart disease.

The more stents are installed, the more careful I live. I am afraid of this, afraid of that, I dare not eat it, and I dare not drink it.

Is it necessary to install stents for coronary heart disease? Actually not necessarily.

In the outpatient clinic, many patients with stents, chest tightness and pain have not been resolved. So, is there any better way?

Tell everyone here that Chinese medicine may be a better choice. If you don’t believe it, you can read a medical record:

Patient Liu, 56 years old, still has chest tightness and chest pain after coronary stent surgery, and takes western medicine every day. Occasional irritability.

Look at its tongue: white and greasy tongue coating, slightly yellow. Feel the pulse, feel the pulse.

With the addition and subtraction of Gualou Xie Baijiu soup, after eating less than five pieces, the chest became very smooth.

The cause of this patient is that the phlegm-dampness blocks the chest. This recipe of Gualou Xiebai Baijiu Decoction is to open the chest wide and swollen, regulate qi and dissipate phlegm, and dissolve the phlegm in the chest. , the unobstructed feeling will naturally disappear.

Through the above cases, we can see that traditional Chinese medicine is effective for patients with mild coronary heart disease, and the effect is not slow.

Here, I recommend two small recipes, both from Zhang Zhongjing’s “The Golden Chamber”, which can treat mild coronary heart disease.

1. Chenpi, citrus aurantium, ginger, simmer in water.

This method is used to treat the early stage of coronary heart disease, which is manifested as shortness of breath, chest tightness, gas congestion, shortness of breath, abdominal distension, bloating, vomiting and other symptoms.

2. Poria, almond, licorice, simmer in water.

This method is suitable for people with coronary heart disease manifested as air congestion in the chest, shortness of breath, chest tightness, a lot of expectoration, thick and greasy phlegm, and white and slippery tongue coating.

Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to one person and one side. If you have this problem, you may wish to talk about it.