Can you frighten a northern man to cry? Only the big cockroaches in the south! A picture teaches you how to completely eliminate it

China has a vast land and abundant resources. From north to south, there are great differences in customs and climates.

This is why there are deep misunderstandings in both the North and the South.

For example, southerners think that northerners are not afraid of cold, that northerners do not like to eat rice, and that northerners speak Mandarin;

For example, northerners think that southerners will be warm in winter, but they do not experience cold until they come to the south in winter;

For example, northerners think that everything in the south is one size smaller. Small bowls, small noodles and even steamed buns are all small dumplings. Even Xiaoqiao, Xiaohe, and even girls look like Petite and cute.

Until, all this misunderstanding, disintegrates when northerners see “Southern cockroaches”…

Southern cockroaches may be the shadow of northerners for a lifetime

For the shadows of the South, there’s nothing like picking up an overnight drink in the morning and taking a sip until you find the one at the bottom of the glass soaked in the sauna overnight and finally dying The cockroach at the bottom of the cup.

(Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!)

Why are southern cockroaches so scary, the main one word—–


The southern cockroach, scientific name is “American cockroach” russet cockroach, its body size is the largest among the common cockroaches in my country, and its body length can reach 32—38mm.

And this kind of cockroach is not only in the south. Although most of them are in the south, they are distributed in Beijing, Shaanxi, Liaoning, Heilongjiang and other regions.

The most troubling thing is that people can give birth very easily. Periplaneta americana can produce 15-90 oocysts in its lifetime, and each oocyst can produce 15-90 oocysts. It will contain 14-16 eggs.

In addition, in addition to having more babies, people “only need to mate once, and they can lay eggs for life”, which means that as long as they “play poker” once, they can basically reproduce continuously in the background.

This high-efficiency reproduction rate also allows the American cockroach to have “an endless shortage of children and grandchildren.”

So that’s why it always says—-

Just seeing one cockroach in your home could mean hundreds or even thousands of cockroaches hiding under your nose.

Cockroaches are not only creepy, they are also good at spreading disease

In addition to their amazing reproductive abilities, cockroaches themselves carry about 4More than 0 kinds of pathogenic bacteria, which are important sources of pathogenic bacteria, parasites, viruses, etc.

At the same time, the secretions and excrement of cockroaches can also cause allergic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, infant asthma and other diseases, as well as damage to furniture and books at home , clothing, etc., will also bite the power cord, leaving hidden dangers of accidents.

It is precisely because of these various “powers” that humans have always tried every means to fight against cockroaches: