Can the issued Lianhua Qingwen prevent the new crown? What’s the use of it? Under what circumstances can it be eaten?

Some netizens joked that many families are now short of food and drink, but there will be no shortage of “Lianhua Qingwen”. On the 3rd of this month, 8 million boxes of Lianhua Qingwen were grandly landed at Shanghai Yangpu Station. Logically speaking, they are “timely rain” and should be able to relieve everyone’s symptoms. However, on the issue of whether to eat or not to eat, many People are in trouble.

“Eat! No matter if it works or not, I’ll do it first!” – This category belongs to the treatment of diseases, < strong>The idea of ​​staying safe without being sick is in line with the psychology of most netizens, but there are also joking ingredients in it. Everyone still understands the truth.

“Don’t eat it! You are not a positive patient, let’s listen to what the authority has to say!” – this category belongs to< strong>Rational type, the ability to keep calm and think in the face of the epidemic is admirable, especially for drugs, no matter how anxious you are, you must meet the indications. .

Just when everyone was hesitating, an article “Don’t eat Lianhua Qingwen to prevent the new crown” appeared on the Internet. Article 1 As of now, there have been 9,924 comments. There are debates on Chinese and Western medicine in the comments, and some people called Lianhua Qingwen “qu”, saying that the article was too arbitrary, and it was originally useful for upper respiratory tract symptoms. In short, good, There are bad reviews.

Of course, some people remain neutral, believing that it is a free drug, and it does not say that it can prevent the new crown. It is a misunderstanding by everyone. Now I keep a few boxes at home, just in case of any symptoms, it can be used in an emergency.

Photo source: China News Network

< p data-track="8">What kind of medicine is Lianhua Qingwen? Should I take the medicine after I get it? Eat under what circumstances? Please read on.

Can the Lianhua Qingwen distributed to prevent the new crown?

I think when the ninth edition of the new crown diagnosis and treatment plan was released, many netizens were very excited. For the treatment of mild and ordinary patients.

Yes, look carefully here, the diagnosis and treatment plan clearly states thatit is a therapeutic drug , did not say that eating can prevent viruses. Soon, various news websites and experts in the medical community also stood up to remind everyone that if you don’t have symptoms of new coronary pneumonia, don’t take medicine indiscriminately >.

Furthermore, this is an oral drug, which does not produce antibodies like a vaccine.Stays in the body for a short time, and is quickly excreted, making it difficult to prevent the virus. Especiallychildren, the elderly, and patients with chronic diseases, it is very dangerous to take medicine indiscriminately, and adverse reactions may occur due to unsuitable physical constitution.

Although Lianhua Qingwen cannot prevent the new crown, it is not It is useless and can be taken in 3 situations:

①I have done nucleic acid, but the results have not come out, and I have fever again , muscle soreness, sore throat and other discomfort symptoms, you can take it at this time.

②It has been diagnosed positive and can be used for treatment, but it is best to consult a doctor before taking it.

③The common cold can also be used to treat patients with aversion to cold and fever.

In short, the distribution of the drug to residents is equivalent to adding a layer of insurance , it is best to have no symptoms. If you have symptoms and you cannot receive treatment for the time being, you can take this medicine for relief first.

However, it is still recommended that everyone, when conditions permit uncontrolled, feel uncomfortable, or < strong>Seek medical treatment, do not judge by yourself, because there are many types of colds, the symptoms are easy to be confused, if body cold, spleen and stomach are too weak , taking medicines indiscriminately may aggravate your discomfort.

In addition, even if you have symptoms, you should carefully read the instructions to see if you are allergic to the ingredients. It is not recommended for people with unstable blood pressure and a bad heart. use.

suspecting myself Suspected symptoms of new coronary pneumonia, what should I do?

Don’t eat by yourself until you are not sure if you are infected with the new coronavirus The best way is to go to the fever clinic for help in time. Take precautions on the way to the hospital and avoid taking public transportation. Before the nucleic acid results come out, the patient may need to be isolated. It is recommended to relax. It may be just a common cold, and we will wait until the results come out.

Respiratory diseases are prone to occur in spring. Random thoughts, if other diseases have been ruled out, the doctor will give professional judgment and guidance, the patient just needs to follow the instructions, don’t worry, they will be properly treated.

From the attitude of many netizens this time, it can be seen that a few people are too playful about taking medicine. Although it is a joking tone, it is worrying. I want to emphasize it again to everyone here.Proprietary Chinese medicine is right or wrong, wrong or harmful, only by rational use of medicine can solve the disease and protect one’s own health.

Treat the novel coronavirus rationally and correctly understand Chinese patent medicine

About 2.5 million peopleare victims of irrational drug use in my country every year. As early as three years ago , the National Health Commission and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine jointly issued a notice on focusing on monitoring rational drug use, in order to standardize drug use and protect People’s health, of course, everyone must master the relevant knowledge of medication, know what to eat under what circumstances, how to eat, how much to eat and other issues.

If you don’t know what your illness is, you can’t take medicines indiscriminately, and you can’t mix several kinds of medicines, thinking that you are taking the wrong medicine. It’s okay, the truth is that eating it wrong is very likelymay cause serious liver and kidney damage. The doctor asks the patient to take the medicine, but the patient can reduce the dosage and frequency at will, even if it does not follow the doctor’s advice, this approach is also wrong. It is not advisable to think that TCM is non-toxic and nutritional..

In short, there are roughly three ways to prevent viruses, the first is vaccination, the second is to improve immunity, and the second is to prevent the virus. It is to do a good job of protection. At present, there is no medicine that can directly prevent the virus. In the same way, Lianhua Qingwen cannot prevent the new crown, but it does not mean that it is useless. Correct understanding of traditional Chinese medicine, seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages is the responsibility of the doctor, and it is also the due meaning of the patient’s medication.


[1]Do not eat Lianhua Qingwen prevention New crown · Dr. Clove. 2022-04-17

[2] Don’t eat it! Lianhua Qingwen cannot prevent the new crown · Jimu News. 2022-04-17

[3] What should I do if I suspect that I have symptoms of pneumonia caused by a new type of coronavirus infection? · Guangming.2020-01-23

[4] Chinese patent medicine has become a key monitoring drug, experts: patients will use Chinese patent medicine more rationally · Health Times.2021-04-11