Can blood type predict cancer? Type A, Type B, Type O, Type AB, which one has a higher risk of getting sick?

Mr. Fang from Jiangmen and his wife have been married for seven years and have two daughters after marriage.

Recently, Mr. Fang took his two-year-old daughter to the hospital to see a doctor. During a blood test, it was found that the youngest daughter turned out to be blood type B. Mr. Fang himself is blood type O, and his wife is type A, why would he give birth to a daughter with blood type B? He suddenly collapsed.

Is this a mistake?

Subsequently, the hospital collected blood samples from Mr. Fang’s family and performed blood type gene sequencing. It was found that Mr. Fang’s blood type gene was normal O01/O01, but his wife’s blood type was normal. The gene is A102/Bw11——In addition to the common A gene, there is also a mutated Bw11 gene. The blood type genes of the two daughters are both Bw11/O01, Bw11 from mother and O01 from father.

Therefore, the wife’s blood type is relatively rare ABw subtype blood, if only ordinary blood type testing methods are used to judge , may be mistaken for blood type A.

Finally, the doubts in Mr. Fang’s heart were resolved. This was considered an oolong. On the Internet, there has been a lot of discussion about blood type. What is the relationship between blood type and life expectancy, disease, and genetics?

I. People with type O blood are more likely to live longer? Are people with type A blood more cheerful?

Question 1: Is blood type related to longevity?

Scientists are also interested in this question.

A study as early as 1961 found that among 125 healthy men aged 65-89, the proportion of blood type A was higher. But later, similar studies have been inconclusive. For example, in a survey of 269 centenarians in Japan, it was found that blood type B accounted for the largest proportion; for another example, research in the United States concluded on the contrary, that blood type B is a sign of early death.

Currently, the link between blood type and longevity is inconclusive, and since ABO blood type is an unalterable trait in humans, these findings may be down to “rather interesting” facts rather than “Clinical Practice” Facts.

Question 2: Does blood type determine personality?

Type A: Emotional but lacking in decisiveness, introverted and conservative, easily anxious and easily discouraged.

Type B: Outgoing, active and sociable, sensitive, nosy and light on promises.

Type O: Bold and Howard Johnson, confident, aggressive and strong-willed, likes to command others.

AB type: cloudy and sunny, very common sense, but not good at hard work, very direct.

After reading the above categories, do you feel that many personalities match you? In fact, the statement that “blood type determines personality” has never been recognized by the academic community, and the conclusions drawn from related studies are ambiguous and even contradictory.

Actually, blood types are not just A, B, O, and AB! The so-called “blood group” is distinguished according to the type of specific antigen on the red blood cell membrane, including different blood group systems such as ABO, RH, MNS, and Kell. Currently, there are 36 erythrocyte blood group systems identified clinically.

Two, type A, type B, type AB, type O, which blood type is healthier?

Although there is no evidence for the relationship between blood type and life expectancy and personality, there have been considerable studies on the relationship between blood type and disease. According to statistics, four blood types have their own “difficulties”, for example:

Type A: prone to tuberculosis, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases , salmonellosis, rheumatism and other diseases.

Type B: Prone to arthritis, bone disease, dysentery, flu and other diseases.

AB type: prone to schizophrenia, viral hepatitis and other diseases.

Type O: It is easy to suffer from liver cirrhosis, cholecystitis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer and other diseases.

Each blood type has its own advantages and disadvantages, and there is no perfect blood type. In terms of cancer risk, people with A antigens in their blood group seem to have a higher risk of cancer and a lower cancer survival rate. People with no A or B antigens in their blood group (type O) appear to have a lower risk of developing cancer and have a higher survival rate from cancer.

About the potential relationship between blood type and cancer, scholars have also put forward various hypotheses, such as:

·ABO glycosyl transfer Dysregulation of enzymatic activity of enzymes, alterations in surface molecules, may contribute to the progression of malignancies.

·ABO blood group antigen may affect systemic inflammatory response, and chronic inflammation is associated with cancer.

·The structure of some tumor antigens is similar to that of ABO blood group antigens, so that tumor antigens “camouflage” as blood group antigens and successfully escape the attack of immune cells.

However, relevant research also highlights that the formation of cancer is related to many factors, can not be judged by blood type alone. Actively preventing cancer is more important than focusing on blood type.

Third, is it reliable to judge whether a child is biological by blood type?

Blood types are determined by genes. In the ABO blood group system, both A and B are dominant genes, and O is a recessive gene, so as long as O encounters A or B, it will not be expressed, showing the A or B blood type.

Some people here will ask, since the genes that determine the blood type come from the father and mother respectively, can knowing the blood type of the parents directly determine the blood type of the child?

Picture: Common ABO blood group inheritance laws

The answer is: not necessarily. Although the gene locus of the ABO blood group system is on chromosome 9, it has inheritance laws, But it cannot be used alone to judge the blood relationship, because there may be genetic mutations. In clinical practice, there are cases where the father has type B blood and the mother has type O blood, but the child has type AB blood. This is because the mother’s blood type is The rare Bombay blood group is extremely rare.

So, if you want to know the true blood relationship, the most reliable method is a paternity test.< /p>


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