Can a hair transplant project with a price difference of 10 times really solve the problem of the top of the head?

strong> “You can lose weight if you are fat, and if you are ugly, you can still have medical beauty, but hair loss seems to be helpless.” There is a popular saying in the social circle of contemporary young people: hair is a luxury in the field of beauty. Data shows that there are about 250 million people with hair loss in China, with an average of 1 in 6 people losing hair. Therefore, “various” names appear on the market for hair transplant surgery in different institutions, Hair transplant surgery has become the only way for many people with hair loss to get rid of anxiety. The price of a hair transplant can easily be tens of thousands of dollars, but people who have done hair transplant have mixed reviews on its effect.

The anxiety of “baldness” seems to have become a syndrome of the times. It has emerged with the anxiety of hair loss, which is flooded in subways and residential areas. The broad demand has brought strong market consumption power, and the “head economy” has also become the most powerful dark horse in the medical beauty market in the past 20 years. Private hair transplant institutions have sprung up, and some tertiary hospitals have also opened hair transplant departments. Today, we will take you to an article about hair transplantation.

width=”600″> >”M-type hair loss”

Characteristics of M-type hair loss It is the frontal angle that moves up, and the hairline in the middle of the forehead moves slowly. M-type hair loss is generally caused by genetic factors and androgen alopecia. Because the hair follicles in the top and frontal areas have hair loss genes, in DHT (dihydrotestosterone) Under the influence, more obvious regional hair loss characteristics are formed.

“strong hair loss /strong>

O-type hair loss is known as The “Mediterranean hair loss”, O-type hair loss refers to the hair loss area that occurs on the top of the head. Over time, the hair on the top of the head becomes thinner and the hair loss area extends around.

“U-shaped hair loss” >

U-shaped hair loss is characterized by shedding from the top area of ​​the head, extending forward and moving backwards, forming a U-shaped hair loss. Because the appearance of hair loss is similar to U-shaped, the concept of U-shaped hair loss is derived. For patients with U-shaped hair loss caused by excessive oil secretion, the main reason is the excessive secretion of male hormones in the body.

Heimg> For hair transplant? Is it true that the hair is grown on the scalp to achieve the effect of lush hair, as it is literally understood?

In order to have a more comprehensive understanding of hair transplant related knowledge, in this chapter, Phoenix Net Fashion invited Deputy Director of Dermatology Department of Huashan Hospital of Fudan University , Professor Wu Wenyu, Director of the Hair Transplant Center to answer professional questions about hair transplant.

3 situations where hair transplant surgery is recommended

The first is patients with severe androgenetic alopecia (commonly known as seborrheic alopecia), baldness is the main manifestation of androgenetic alopecia, and androgenetic alopecia is the main indication for hair transplantation The second is for patients who cannot grow hair because of scars caused by trauma. The third is for medical aesthetic needs (such as hairline adjustment, eyebrow transplantation, etc.) Audience

Principles of hair transplant surgery

< span>The principle of hair transplant surgery is called “donor area advantage theory”, which is also the most important principle for hair transplant. (This also explains that the hair follicles in the hair transplant area are basically in the back area of ​​the head)


Professor Wu further explained, “Even in patients with severe androgenetic alopecia, the posterior occipital All have a horseshoe-shaped hair. This part of the hair is less affected by androgen levels, and if this part of the hair is taken out and planted in a place where there is no hair or thinning hair, the hair will still grow according to its original characteristics.

The essence of moving hair follicles is “removing the east wall to make up the west wall”< /span>

< strong>“For hair transplantation, firstly, the hair follicles are extracted, and then the extracted hair follicles are separated to meet the requirements, which is the process of preparing hair follicle units. The next step is to locate, which is what our hair transplant doctors commonly call ‘punch holes’, that is, to determine the area, direction and density of the planting. The fourth step is to plant the prepared hair follicle units at the location, which is a brief description of the entire hair transplant procedure.

Hair transplant surgery does not increase the total number of hair follicles, but the process of moving the hair follicles.

Surgery It can increase the hair density in the bald area, but it cannot solve the process of hair loss disease, so the progress of hair loss needs to be controlled with drugs.Hair transplant surgery needs to be based on the fact that there are enough hair follicles in the donor area, as long as the hair can be removed later Hair transplants can only be done if the supply exceeds the demand. Otherwise, there will be no walls to be removed.Patients with bald heads and severe baldness cannot achieve this through hair transplant surgery. The effect of dense hair.

In summary, if the hair itself is very small, or it falls out in a large area Hair transplant will not solve the underlying problem.

< strong>Two types of hair transplant surgery

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  • FUE Follicular Unit Drilling< /strong>p>

  • FUT Follicular Unit Scalpectomy

Professor Wu Wenyu , The two common hair transplant techniques are FUE (Follicular Unit Drilling) and FUT (Follicular Unit Scalp Extraction). Regarding the difference in principle between the two operations, Professor Wu explained that “the fundamental difference between FUE and FUT is that the extraction methods and steps of hair follicles are different.” Surgical sutures are performed.The disadvantage is that there is a band-shaped scar after the surgical repair, and the postoperative pain is obvious. But FUT can take about 100% of the hair follicles in the same area.” span>

FUE is scattered extraction, so it can extract relatively inefficiently within the same area. strong> But its advantage is that the scar is not obvious, which is relatively concealed than the linear scar; second, for the point-shaped extraction wound, because there is no suture and no tension, the pain is much better than that of FUT. Third, this method The recovery period is short, the healing is fast, and it basically heals in about a week, which is its advantage.”

Professor Wu Wenyu added, “So people are more willing to accept FUE than FUT.” Of course, because of the difference in sensory experience, FUE is also more expensive than FUT. Various hair transplant surgeries are based on the principle of FUE

on the market , various technologies emerge in an endless stream, and their names are more complicated. In addition to the mainstream FUT and FUE, there are now popular SHT, micro-needle, gem knife, etc. The more choices consumers have, the more they don’t know which model to choose.

Professor Wu Wenyu explained, “Most hair transplant techniques are based on the principle of FUE. The name used is like when you buy a bag, even though it has various names, its attributes are still bags.”

< span>As for micro-needle hair transplantation, Professor Wu Wenyu gave us a more detailed popular science: “As far as hair transplantation is concerned, the only surgical methods involved at present are FUE and FUT. You can choose to use tweezers to plant the hair follicles; you can also use a hair transplant pen to plant the hair follicles after drilling. When the hair transplant pen is used, it is called micro-needle hair transplant to distinguish it from using tweezers to transplant hair.” strong>

Why extract hair follicles from the back?

Follicles on the head can be divided into two categories: p>

· One type is above the occipital region, congenitally unstable hair follicle structure, this part of the hair follicle will be affected by genetics, living habits and other factors, resulting in atrophy and closure , resulting in hair loss.

·The other type is the posterior occipital hair follicles, which are relatively healthy and are called “longevity hair follicles” ”, this is because it is not affected by hair loss factors (DHT), and the hair follicles transplanted through the occipital region will also retain this characteristic, so the hair follicles will be preferentially extracted from the occipital region during hair transplantation.


The average adult has about 80,000 to 100,000 hairs on the entire head, but it is not Evenly distributed, but getting denser from front to back, that is, the hairline and forehead are relatively sparse, and the back occiput is relatively dense. Take up one-third of the total hair count.

Data shows that in 2020, there will be about 516,000 hair transplant operations across the country.

< span>At present, there are four types of hair transplant institutions in the domestic market:

First, public hospitals Hair transplant department;

The second is the national private chain hair transplant institutions represented by Yonghe Hair Transplant, Biliansheng, etc. ;

The third is the hair transplant department of private medical beauty cosmetic institutions represented by Yimeier and Xiduo;< /strong>

Fourth is a private non-chain institution represented by Hengbo. strong>

The hair transplant institution belongs to the medical department. Before preparing for the hair transplant, you must do details; understand the following three points:

①Be sure to choose a hospital with medical qualifications. Set up related hair transplant programs.

②Learn about the doctor’s qualification and number of doctors, < strong>The technique and experience of the doctorwill directly affect the effect of the hair transplant surgery. In the process of choosing a hair transplant hospital, the hair loss person must carefully check the qualifications of the doctor and the number of professional doctors.< /span>

③The hair transplant technique is very Importantly, when choosing a hair transplant technique for hair loss, you should consider your own conditions, and what suits you is the best. After communicating with the doctor, choose the hair transplant technology according to your hair quality, resources and hair loss situation.

Yes After understanding the basics, the next step is to choose a hair transplant agency. Hair transplant institutions represented by Yonghe, Biliansheng, Damai Microneedle, and Xinsheng Hair Transplant currently occupy half of China’s hair transplant market.

We learned from the official website and customer service consultation that the main promotion models and operation methods of these four hair transplant institutions are slightly different.

As the only listed hair transplant institution, Yong He said that nearly half of the professional doctors with hair transplant qualifications work in Yong He. On the other hand, Biliansheng mainly focuses on hair transplantation without shaving. From the name of the barley microneedle, it can be seen that microneedle hair transplantation is their selling point, while the new hair transplantation, which claims to have a history of 21 years, has always emphasized that its service concept will make customers feel at home . fashion drawing

Said a thousand words and ten thousand, it is consumption The person has the final say. Fashion interviewed 6 respondents who had undergone hair transplantation in the above 4 hair transplantation institutions, as well as the information collected on social platforms, according to: service, pain, price, postoperative effect And the 5 dimensions of the later return visit, made a comparison table, with a 10-point system as the judging interval. (All are subjective responses by real people, for your reference only)

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