Bone soup and dried shrimps do not supplement calcium! Several foods that really supplement calcium, middle-aged and elderly people can eat more

Relevant studies have shown that about 90% of the population in my country has insufficient calcium intake, which is only half of the recommended value. Long-term calcium deficiency can lead to osteoporosis, affect height and body shape, and cause insomnia. , Mood swings, increase the risk of high blood pressure, stroke, and have a great impact on all aspects of the human body.

However, there are many people who know that they are calcium deficient, and many people who supplement calcium. Many people think that calcium tablets should be taken directly for calcium deficiency, but we recommend that dietary calcium supplementation is the first choice. If you cannot get enough calcium in food, you should choose calcium supplements appropriately according to your own situation.

Everyone knows that calcium is one of the essential minerals for the body. It not only supports bone growth but also promotes our development. Calcium supplementation is essential, but Do you know what are the misunderstandings of calcium supplementation? Supplementing calcium with bone broth and dried shrimp is one of the most common dietary mistakes.


Bone broth, dried shrimps No calcium supplements!

Many fracture patients like to use meat and bone broth to supplement calcium. In fact, the calcium content in meat and bone broth is not high. Someone once did an experiment where one kilogram of meat and bones was used to boil soup for two hours. After measurement, it was found that the calcium content in the soup was only about 20 mg. According to the calculation that an adult needs 800 mg of calcium per day, it is estimated to drink 300-400 mg. A bowl of bone soup is enough. Even though the calcium content of bone broth is not high, the fat content is high. Because of the bone marrow, long-term consumption will be a major hidden danger to cardiovascular health.

In addition, studies have shown that the calcium contained in half liang of small shrimp is roughly equivalent to the calcium in 250mL of milk, so many people think that eating small shrimp is more calcium than milk. . As everyone knows, shrimp skin is usually added in a small amount in soups, and people cannot chew the shrimp skin completely, most of the calcium will be excreted together with indigestible residues, and traditional shrimp skin contains a lot of salt, if you eat it in large quantities for a long time, will bring health risks.

In fact, the recommended daily intake of calcium for adults is 800 mg, and patients with fractures need more. It is far from enough to meet the needs, and calcium should be supplemented with milk or calcium preparations.


Real calcium supplement These are the foods that middle-aged and elderly people can eat more

1. Dairy

There is research evidence that increasing the intake of dairy products is beneficial to improve bone health. After all, the calcium intake in the Chinese diet is relatively low, and dairy products contain calcium that can be efficiently used by the body. Milk calcium, if the daily milk intake can be increased from 0 to 250 grams, it will not only not excessively increase the intake of protein and saturated fatty acids, but also improve bone density;

2. Appropriate jealous

Vinegar can help people with low stomach acid to turn insoluble calcium in food into The ionic state is conducive to the absorption of calcium. At the same time, the aged brewed vinegar itself contains high calcium. According to the data in the food composition table, 125mg/100g is comparable to milk. Eating less salt and more vinegar is effective in improving the utilization rate of calcium;

3. Eat more whole grains


Whole Grain MixThe calcium content of grain is higher than that of white rice, and its potassium and magnesium content is much higher than that of refined white rice, which is conducive to the absorption of calcium. Therefore, although the phytic acid in whole grains will reduce the utilization of calcium, the content of calcium, potassium and magnesium is more than enough to make up for the loss.

4. Eat more soy products

Soy products are a source of dietary calcium The raw material of soybean products contains high calcium content. After making tofu, adding brine and gypsum can also increase the content of calcium and magnesium elements. For example, the calcium content of brine tofu is 138mg/100g, and gypsum tofu is 116mg/ 100g, its calcium content is much higher than that of meat products.