Binzhou 2022 National Nutrition Week and “5.20” Chinese Student Nutrition Day launched

Correspondent Fan Yanfeng Liu Xiao Reporter Zhao Xu

On the morning of May 15, Binzhou 2022 National Nutrition Week and “5.20” Chinese Students The series of publicity activities on the theme of Nutrition Day kicked off at the Joy Home Textiles Life Science and Technology Museum in the High-tech Zone. The launching ceremony of the event was jointly organized by the Binzhou Municipal Health Commission, the Binzhou Science and Technology Association, the Binzhou Education Bureau, the Binzhou Market Supervision Administration, and the Binzhou Nutrition Society.

The third week of May 2022 (May 15-21) is the 8th National Nutrition Week. The theme of this year’s National Nutrition Week is “” Know how to cook, choose and read labels”, and the slogans are “Healthy China Nutrition First” and “New Dietary Guidelines Health is always accompanied by”.

May 20 is the 33rd “May 20” Chinese Student Nutrition Day. This year’s theme is “Knowing Nutrition, Exercise, Obesity Prevention, and Health Promotion”.

Organizing the National Nutrition Week and the “5.20” Chinese Student Nutrition Day theme publicity activities is an important way to further promote the patriotic health campaign, advocate healthy new foods, and consolidate the results of epidemic prevention and control Activity. In recent years, with the in-depth implementation of the city’s national nutrition plan and the Healthy Binzhou Reasonable Diet Action, the level of residents’ health literacy has been significantly improved. The National Nutrition Week and the “5.20” Chinese Student Nutrition Day, as annual themed publicity activities for the whole society, have played an important role in disseminating nutrition science knowledge and improving public health literacy.

A new version of the “Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022)” will be released on April 26. The next step will be to carry out reasonable dietary actions with relevant departments in accordance with the new requirements, and promote the popularization of the new version of the dietary guidelines. Make efforts for the nutrition and health literacy of our city residents to reach a new level.

After the launching ceremony, the participants visited the Joyful Home Textiles Life Science and Technology Museum, and nutrition experts held special nutrition knowledge lectures and received dietary nutrition consultation.

It is reported that during this National Nutrition Week, the Municipal Health Commission, Municipal Association for Science and Technology, Municipal Education The bureau, the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, and the Municipal Nutrition Society will successively hold themed publicity activities for Chinese Students Nutrition Day, primary and secondary school theme class meetings, nutrition and health lectures, and nutrition knowledge publicity “Five Progresses” and “Cooking Club Selection” knowledge contests and other activities.