Beware of “training loan” scams! National Student Financial Aid Management Center Issues Warning No. 1 for 2022

A few days ago, the National Student Financial Aid Management Center issued Alert No. 1 for 2022: Beware of the “training loan” scam. Let’s look at the specific content together——

National Student Financial Aid Management Center Alert No. 1 in 2022: Beware of “training loan” scams

Recently, we have learned that a number of college students have been subjected to a “training loan” scam. Some training institutions induce students to receive course training on the grounds of providing part-time jobs, and guide students to fill in false information on the online platform to apply for “training loans”. After paying tuition fees through loans, students cannot learn valuable courses and professional skills, let alone get part-time jobs promised in the early stage, but they are burdened with heavy loan debts because of the difficulty of refunding fees.

Please keep your eyes open to increase the risk Awareness, enhance the ability to distinguish, recognize the scam. Don’t easily add strangers who call themselves “teachers” on WeChat, don’t easily participate in training classes under the guise of part-time money, and don’t easily transfer money or apply for loans on unfamiliar web pages and platforms. If you are not sure about something, you must think twice and communicate with teachers and parents in a timely manner.

National Student Financial Aid Management Center p>

April 15, 2022

What are the common routines for training loans? How to prevent it? Continue to read↓↓↓

Common routines for training loans< /span>

False training institutions and P2P network lending institutions conduct Cooperation, posing as a recruitment company to publish a large number of false recruitment information on recruitment websites, and attracting job seekers to the company’s loan training scam. Many job-seeking college students are tempted by false information such as “high salary”, “bright future” and “no work experience required”, and it is difficult to refuse the “great job” in front of them. Blinded by interests, they hurriedly signed an “unequal treaty” without detailed understanding, and became a “sheep” to be slaughtered by others. In this process, it is nothing more than taking advantage of two weaknesses of some college graduates: one is that they are not deeply involved in the world, and the other is that they are eager to prove themselves through employment.

Some “training loans” “In order to evade law enforcement, companies often apply for qualifications with low thresholds, and even open chain training institutions. The real profit point of these companies lies in the rebates given by the small loan companies after the “training loan”, the high training fees charged, and the profit commission after developing franchisees. After attracting a certain number of job seekers to “get in”, these companies will “run away with money” for various reasons such as operational difficulties to avoid responsibility.

How Prevention training loan?

Beware of consumer loans and consumer installments

If there are institutions that provide designated loan channels, it is best to add Multiple hearts. The signed contract should specify the terms and conditions, even if the installment is interest-free, and if interest is charged, what interest rate will be implemented. Be sure to know the cost, and don’t be fooled for nothing. When signing agreements and contracts with training institutions, you should read and check the relevant content carefully. Any unfavorable terms should be put forward in time, and signed after negotiation or revision.

Raising awareness span>

Victims of “training loans” are often college graduates who have just left the school and lack experience. consciousness. There is no free lunch in the world, and no “pie” will be lost. No effort can be made to reap the rewards. When encountering problems, ask teachers and parents for advice, and seek help from relevant departments. Consciously build a strong defensive Great Wall, never Only by giving criminals an opportunity to cut off their evil hands from the source.

If you accidentally “enter “Pit” to file a complaint quickly

If you accidentally step into the “training loan” trap or encounter a suspected “training loan” In the case of “loan” fraud, relevant evidence should be actively collected and retained, and those suspected of fraud should be reported to the public security organs. Be sure to report the situation to the relevant departments in a timely manner, do not consider yourself unlucky and settle things for others, and have the courage to use legal means to protect your legitimate rights and interests.

Source| Comprehensive from Chinese student aid, 24365 employment information WeChat account, etc.