Attention Shi citizens whose ID cards start with 130! Those who meet the conditions for dental subsidy in June can apply for free online!

According to the “Fourth Oral Disease Epidemiological Survey Report”, the awareness rate of residents’ oral health knowledge was 60.1%, and 84.9% had a positive attitude towards oral health care. The average number of caries in 12-year-old children was 0.86, and The caries prevalence rate of permanent teeth in children aged 65-74 was 34.5%, and the number of remaining teeth in the elderly aged 65-74 was 22.5. The detection level of tartar and gingival bleeding in middle-aged people was higher, and the periodontal health status needs to be improved. (Content from China Government Network)

The subsidy is officially released!

Unlimited household registration Online application

In response to the national “Healthy Oral Action Plan”

Help to improve the oral health of the whole people

Reduce medical expenses in the per capita consumption of citizens Proportion of

“Shijiazhuang TV Station News Comprehensive Channel” in conjunction with

Shijiazhuang Zhongnuo Dental< /span>Initiated

“Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Oral Benefiting Subsidy Program”

Citizens can apply for free before June 17, 2022

RMB 2,480—RMB 100,000 Dental Subsidy!

(subsidy standard increased)

aimed at reducing the proportion of health care in residents’ spending< /p>

Help improve residents’ quality of life and health

Tooth, orthodontic and other projects are subsidized and aided, and the aid objects cover the entire population (regardless of household registration) and all age groups in Shijiazhuang, so as to better meet the oral health needs of the people.