Anshun Economic Development Zone Xingguang Community Service Center held a lecture on mental health knowledge

Lecture site.

In order to effectively relieve the work pressure of cadres and employees in the jurisdiction of Xingguang Community Service Center, and create a positive and healthy working environment. On June 8, the Xingguang Community Service Center invited Ban Yongfei, associate professor of psychology and postgraduate tutor of Anshun College, to give a lecture on “emotional management and stress counseling” mental health knowledge for all cadres and workers in conjunction with the “Xinxinxiang School Night Reading Activity”.

Lecture site.

In the lecture, Ban Yongfei made a vivid exposition and explanation from the relationship between psychological stress and health, stress coping strategies, etc. from multiple angles and different levels through PPT presentations, and taught everyone the knowledge of mental health and the basics of psychological counseling. Methods and techniques to help everyone release stress, establish mental health concepts, and develop a positive and optimistic lifestyle.

After the lecture, everyone said that this lecture will help you correctly understand your own mental health problems, and help everyone take the initiative to adjust the pace of work and life, release psychological pressure, maintain a good mental state, and be positive with a more sunny attitude. into the future work and life. (Text/Photo by Zhao Caijun)