After suffering from blood disease, what precautions should be taken in diet?

There are many types of blood diseases, both benign and malignant, and different types of diseases have different effects on the patient’s body. However, clinically, due to the abnormality of the hematopoietic system and blood, most patients will have symptoms such as anemia, bleeding, infection and fever.

The daily diet of people with blood disorders is important for recovery. Appropriate dietary conditioning will increase the body’s resistance and promote the remission of the disease. On the contrary, if the diet is improper, it will cause fluctuations in the blood picture and affect the treatment effect of the disease.

What are the dietary precautions after a blood disease?

1. Diet before chemotherapy

Hematological diseases before chemotherapy The patient’s diet should be digestible and nutritious, and can eat more cereals, fresh vegetables, fruits and potatoes, and appropriately eat some fish, poultry, eggs, and lean meat. Light, less salt and less oil, to ensure the hygiene and cleanliness of the food.

2. Diet during chemotherapy

Patients with blood diseases may be Gastrointestinal reactions such as anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may occur. At this time, the diet should be selected according to the specific situation of the patient. Patients with decreased appetite and nausea can choose easy-to-digest soft food or semi-liquid diet, small and frequent meals.

Patients with diarrhea can choose a diet with low cellulose content, such as glutinous rice porridge and rotten noodles. Patients with constipation should appropriately increase foods rich in dietary fiber and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. During chemotherapy, try to maintain a certain color, fragrance, and diversification of food to increase the patient’s appetite. You can also drink more nutritious soup.

3. Diet after chemotherapy

Digestion of the digestive tract in patients after chemotherapy The absorption function is gradually restored, and the diet can be gradually transitioned, such as liquid → semi-liquid → soft food, small meals, gradually increase the amount, and gradually supplement the high-quality protein diet such as fish, meat, and eggs.

4. Other precautions

It is recommended that the diet of patients with blood diseases is best made at home, not Eat cooked food and snacks on the street, wash and peel fruits as much as possible, do not put thick soup flavorings in soups, and debones and shell fish and shrimps. Especially in patients with thrombocytopenia, try not to eat hard or crude fiber foods.

In short, the general principles of diet for patients with blood diseases are: fresh, hygienic, nutritious and easy to digest. Fasting greasy, spicy, spicy food, not drinking strong tea, coffee, alcohol, gas-producing beverages, etc. Also pay attention to eating on time and living routines.

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