After seeing a beautiful plant in the wild, the man took a bite… Doctor: Fortunately, I didn’t swallow it

Recently, Mr. Cheng (pseudonym), a citizen of Shiyan, Hubei

found a plant in the wild

I think it looks good

I am curious I took a bite

and got poisoned!

The man was poisoned after biting a “taro”

Doctor: Fortunately, he didn’t swallow it

Not long ago, Mr. Cheng, a citizen, found a plant that looked like a taro in the wild The plant thought it looked good, so he pulled it up and took a bite of the root. Because of the bad taste, he spit it out immediately, but his mouth was numb. He hurriedly rinsed his mouth with river water, but the numbness remained unabated. After a while, he developed numbness, pain, swelling and multiple blisters on his face and mouth.

Fang Zhicheng, director of the emergency medicine department of Taihe Hospital, found multiple blisters in the patient’s mouth and obvious ulceration, and was immediately arranged for hospitalization. After the patient was hospitalized, the evaluation found shortness of breath and mild hypoxemia. The emergency medicine department immediately gave comprehensive treatment such as oxygen inhalation and ECG monitoring.

Huang Mingjing, a doctor in the tube bed, introduced that after consultation and discussion with a stomatologist, combined with the patient’s description and clinical symptoms, it was confirmed that the patient was poisoned by eating unicornis. Subsequently, the stomatologist cleaned the patient’s oral cavity; the emergency medicine department took anti-infection and other treatment, the patient’s symptoms improved significantly, his breathing returned to normal, and he was discharged the day before.

“Fortunately, the patient did not swallow the unicornis, otherwise the consequences would be more serious.” Fang Zhicheng introduced →

The unicornis is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, which can clear away heat and detoxify, reduce swelling The role of pain relief and treatment of rheumatic diseases, but unicornis is poisonous, and most of the toxicity is concentrated in the root, the root can paralyze the motor nerve terminal, and gradually affect the motor center, and can cause convulsions, irregular breathing, and even lead to complete respiratory center. Paralysis, overdose can cause death.

At the same time, the branches and leaves of Unicornis are also poisonous. Although they are not very toxic, people who are not sick will experience tingling on the tip of the tongue, nausea, and vomiting after eating them. Long-term consumption may also damage the nerves.

The doctor reminds:

The unicorn is similar to taro and easy to be eaten by mistake

Fang Zhicheng said that the appearance of unicorn is very similar to taro, and it is easy to be eaten by mistake . The taro stem is thicker than the unicorn, and the average taro stem is about 3 centimeters thick, while the unicorn is less than 3 centimeters. In addition, it is extremely difficult to distinguish. Citizens are reminded that if they eat unicornis by mistake, if they experience symptoms such as tingling in the lips, burning throat, salivation, nausea and vomiting, they should immediately find a way to induce vomiting, and go to the hospital for first aid such as gastric lavage as soon as possible.

Data map of unicorn, source: Baidu Encyclopedia

Source: Shiyan Evening News reporter Zeng