After middle age, body functions will decline. Pay attention to these 5 things and take good care of your body

When the human body reaches the age of 30, all functions of the body will gradually decline. If the work pressure is high and you often engage in heavy physical labor, the aging speed will be faster. If you want to maintain long-term health, you must change your life Bad habits in life, so what are the taboos in body health?

1. Conceal diseases and avoid medical treatment

After clinical symptoms appear, many people will choose to delay treatment, or take medication without knowing the cause , which could have serious consequences.

Don’t go to the hospital for a minor illness and procrastinate, there is a risk of serious illness. When a minor illness exists in the body for a long time, it will accelerate the decline of the body’s immune function, and may Causes endocrine disorders;

Minor ailments continue to procrastinate and it is easy to miss the best time for treatment. If left unattended, it may evolve into a serious illness, and the difficulty and cost of follow-up treatment will increase.

2. Overeating

With the gradual improvement of material conditions and life, many people began to make up for their lack of food and clothing in childhood, Especially in diet, eating and drinking too much, long-term overeating. Some people directly replace water with beverages when they are thirsty, which will affect their gastrointestinal function, which is a common disease now;

Such as high blood sugar and high blood pressure are closely related to daily diet, overeating is the cause of It is one of the main reasons for the decline of body function, gastrointestinal function diseases and common chronic diseases. Long-term overeating can easily cause indigestion and greatly increase the probability of gastric cancer, enteritis and intestinal cancer.

Now the social pressure is relatively high, many people are engaged in heavy physical labor and Working overtime for a long time makes it easy to get sick from overwork. After the age of 40, various diseases will follow one after another. Overwork of the body will directly affect the function of organs. If various organs and tissues are not fully rested, some diseases may arise;

So we must pay attention to the balance between work and rest in daily life, improve sleep conditions, reduce the number of times of staying up late, and those who are engaged in heavy physical labor, it is recommended to have a full physical examination once or twice a year. If there is a minor illness, it should be killed in the cradle in time inside.

4. Holding back stool and urine

Affected by factors such as the nature of work and the law of life, many people have the habit of holding back stool and urine for a long time Over time, this habit will corrode your intestinal and kidney functions. Long-term holding back stools can easily cause hemorrhoids, and many habitual constipation are also related to holding back stools;

Related persons Said: This habit greatly increases the probability of suffering from rectal cancer. In the same way, Holding back urine can also induce nephritis, which is also related to common urinary tract infections, so we must improve the habit of holding back urine and defecation. solve.

5. Drinking alcohol

Many health-preserving people claim that drinking for pleasure will hurt their health, but most drinkers cannot control their drinking , so it would be better to avoid alcohol completely.

Drinking too much alcohol mainly has serious negative effects on the liver and cardiovascular system, which may lead to alcoholic liver and even liver cancer. The psychology of worry, and establish the determination to quit drinking.

Whether it is male or female, We must do a good job in health care, pay attention to the changes in the details of our body, regular work and rest is very important to maintain good health, try to develop the habit of getting up early and going to bed early, pay attention to discovering the beauty of life, maintain a positive attitude, and daily diet Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, eat less red meat, less sulk, find a suitable emotional window for you, and release stress regularly.