After fighting cancer for 8 years, she opened a “worry-relief grocery store” on Tumor Street

In modern society, the pressure from work and life is increasing, and there are more and more problems with the body. Among them, the problems of the digestive system are more common.

The main function of the spleen in traditional Chinese medicine is to control the transport and transformation, promote the spleen and control the blood. Damage to the spleen often has some typical clinical manifestations, such as abdominal distention, loose stools, loss of appetite, edema, visceral sagging, chronic bleeding etc. Spleen deficiency is not just one type, it is mainly divided into spleen deficiency and spleen yang deficiency.

Spleen spleen deficiency

Spleen spleen deficiency is mostly caused by overeating, intemperance of diet, and excessive thinking and brain use, resulting in spleen qi deficiency. caused by damage. Of course, some people are born with spleen deficiency. If they have bad habits such as overeating and overthinking, their temper will become weaker.

The spleen’s ability to transport and transform is reduced, resulting in a bloated stomach after eating a little, loss of appetite, loose stools, and even chronic diarrhea. The whole person is very tired, very weak, mental state is sluggish, complexion is pale, and constipation can be accompanied by inability to defecate.

Looking at the tongue image: The tongue image of spleen deficiency is generally characterized by a pale tongue with white coating, a more prosperous tongue, a pale or reddish tongue color, a shaped or fat tongue, Or tooth marks, pale tongue coating, or slightly greasy coating, and sometimes some yellowing can be seen, which is the performance of heat.

Spleen-Yang deficiency

Spleen-Yang deficiency is different again, Spleen-Yang deficiency, that is, spleen-Yang deficiency, spleen-Stomach deficiency cold. Deficiency of spleen-yang can be the consequence of aggravated spleen-yang deficiency. If you live in a cold room for a long time, eat raw and cold food for a long time, eat irregular eating time, and not pay attention to keeping your body warm, the yang-qi will be damaged, and it will become spleen-yang deficiency over time.

In addition to the problem of appetite, spleen-yang deficiency will also cause symptoms of fear of cold. Clinically, it is common to have clear and loose stools, and then the grains will not dissolve.

Looking at the tongue image: The tongue image of spleen-yang deficiency is generally manifested as a more prosperous tongue, pale or reddish tongue color, pale tongue shape, tender or toothed Marks, white and slippery tongue coating, if there is greasy coating, it indicates food accumulation or phlegm-dampness.

So in daily life, how can a person with spleen deficiency protect the spleen and stomach and maintain the righteousness of the human body?

The first vegetable for strengthening the spleen—white lentils

White lentils are sweet in taste, slightly warm in nature, and return to the spleen and stomach meridians. Functions to invigorate the spleen and remove dampness, and relieve heat stroke. Commonly used for weak spleen and stomach, loss of appetite, loose stools and diarrhea, excessive leucorrhea, vomiting and diarrhea due to summer heat, chest tightness and abdominal distension. After frying, it can strengthen the spleen and remove dampness, and is used for diarrhea due to spleen deficiency and excessive leucorrhea.

White lentil water

Materials: 30 grams of white lentils with shells, fried and burnt.

Practice: add water after crushing, cook for about 30 minutes, and finally add brown sugar to taste.

Efficacy: White lentils can strengthen the spleen and remove dampness, and have the effect of relieving heat. Boiled water after burning can be used for vomiting and diarrhea due to summer heat, suitable for people with indigestion, diarrhea, loose stools and other symptoms.

It should be noted that white lentils can relieve some mild symptoms. If it is serious, it is recommended to seek medical attention in time. Attention, health problems do not get lost.