After drinking, if these symptoms appear in the body, it means that you are not suitable for drinking, and it is recommended to quit drinking early

You can drink one or two taels. Such friends are generous enough. Those who can drink two taels drink five taels, such friends can be cultivated, and those who can drink half a catty drink a catty, such buddies are the most caring.

The most notable thing in the wine bureau is such a postscript, as the saying goes: “Wine is the essence of grain, the more The younger you drink.” “When people walk in the rivers and lakes, they can’t live without wine” “When people float in the rivers and lakes, how can they not drink high” img class=”content_title” height=”300″ layout=”responsive” sizes=”(min-width: 320px) 320px, 100vw” src=”″ width=”600″>

But in fact drinking will have a certain impact on the body. Proper drinking is healthy and friendly. This is a “return” of a person who has been drinking for a long time, and various tissues and organs of the body will be damaged to a certain extent.

After drinking, if these 4 symptoms appear in the body, it means that you are not suitable for drinking , should quit drinking as soon as possible

1, liver pain

< p data-track="6">If the patient is a long-term alcoholic, the possibility of developing alcoholic hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis is relatively high. Pain in the liver area after drinking alcohol is considered to be caused by abnormal liver metabolism caused by alcohol damage to liver cells.

If you often feel pain in the liver area or upper abdomen after drinking alcohol, it means that the liver has been damaged to a certain extent , At this time, special attention should be paid to quit drinking as soon as possible, so as not to delay the disease.

2, decreased alcohol intake

If a long-term drinker experiences a sudden drop in the amount of alcohol in a short period of time, it means that his liver has been damaged to a certain extent, and he will get drunk after drinking alcohol. , Abnormal secretion of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase and alcohol dehydrogenase in vivo affects the decomposition of alcohol.

Because the liver function is damaged, the components in the body cannot be metabolized, and the components in alcohol can not be decomposed, so the patients suffer from constipation after drinking alcohol. In case of drunkenness, it is recommended to quit drinking as soon as possible to avoid aggravating the harm to the body.

3. Yellow urine< /p>

The color of urine turns yellow after drinking alcohol, which is mainly related to excessive drinking. Drinking a lot of alcohol can damage liver cells and even cause alcoholic liver disease, resulting in yellow urine.

Bilirubin only needs to be metabolized by the liver. If there is a problem with the liver, it may cause abnormal bilirubin and cause jaundice, which will lead to The color of urine is yellow, and the color of urine is yellow due to drinking. It is recommended to reduce drinking.

4. Abdominal pain and diarrhea

Alcohol can cause damage to the gastric mucosa and intestinal mucosa, resulting in gastrointestinal symptoms such as upper abdominal discomfort, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. When diarrhea symptoms occur after drinking alcohol, patients should pay attention and stop drinking.

Abdominal pain and diarrhea indicate that the digestive function has been damaged, and it may also be related to liver disease. Do not think that Diarrhea is a gastrointestinal disease, and it may be related to low liver function. It is necessary to quit alcohol and observe it for a period of time.

“People who drink regularly” “How to protect the liver”?

I. Diet< /span>

1. Multivitamins: Vitamins have a very important protective effect on the liver, and vitamins also It can directly affect the metabolism of the liver, so you can add more oranges, oranges, soybeans, corn, and cereals.

< span>2. Drink plenty of water: Drinking water regularly can accelerate blood circulation, promote your own metabolism, and help your body eliminate and excrete accumulated metabolites and waste toxins.

3. Avoid drug abuse: Blindly take some antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, blindly take drugs without the doctor’s advice, any drugs will be metabolized by the liver, excessive drug abuse is likely to cause Cause liver damage.

4. Eat more acidic foods: Eating some acidic foods properly will help The function of liver function can also achieve the purpose of nourishing and protecting the liver.

Second, life aspects

1. Regular work and rest: As we all know, the liver works between 23:00 and 3:00 in the evening, and you should go to sleep as soon as possible during this time. It is recommended to go to sleep before 23:00 to nourish the liver and protect the liver. the goal of.

2. Exercise: Regular exercise can improve your metabolism and enhance your immunity. According to your own situation, choose the exercise method that suits you.

3. Comfortable mood: Traditional Chinese medicine believes that “the liver controls emotions” and “anger hurts the liver”, and it is necessary to be optimistic about nourishing the liver and protecting the liver. Have a good attitude, don’t get angry all the time, and pay attention to the big things and the small ones.

4. Less smoking: Toxic substances and harmful gases in tobacco need to be decomposed and metabolized by the liver, Excessive smoking can increase the burden on the liver, causing cirrhosis and the risk of liver disease.

What will happen to my body in one month of “quit drinking”?

1. (After three days of abstinence from alcohol, liver function begins to slowly recover, and liver cells gradually return to normal)

2. (After 8 days of quitting drinking, the whole person is refreshed, full of energy and full of energy)

3, (after 10 days of abstinence from alcohol, lower risk of liver disease)

4. (Blood pressure drops after half a month of quitting alcohol, and cholesterol levels in the blood gradually decrease)

5. (After a month of abstinence from alcohol, blood lipids gradually decreased, reducing the prevalence of fatty liver)

Abstain from drinking, what’s the best way?

Method 1, reduce “alcohol consumption”

< p data-track="36">Slowly adjust the amount of alcohol you drink to achieve the goal of quitting drinking. For example, if you used to drink a pound of alcohol a day, start with quitting alcohol and reduce it by one or two a week. Or reduce it according to your own physical experience.

Method Two, “Distraction”

There are things you can do to distract yourself, for example: listening to music, exercising outdoors, finding something that interests you, slowing down Slowly reduce the amount of alcohol you drink.

Method 2, “Guati” quitting alcohol

Prepare an appropriate amount of Guadi in white wine, soak it for a week or half a month before drinking it, if The amount of alcohol has not decreased significantly, which can increase the use of guati.

Method Four, “Astragalus Sparkling Wine”

If you quit drinking at the beginning, you can first stop drinking by drinking astragalus wine. The phenomenon of alcohol abstinence.

Extended – What’s up with drinking blush?

1. It is common that acetaldehyde in alcohol is rapidly absorbed by the human body and converted into acetaldehyde under the action of alcohol dehydrogenase in the liver .

2, “Acetaldehyde, a toxic and harmful substance that dilates capillaries throughout the body, can cause Extremely dilated blood vessels in the face or flushing after drinking alcohol”

< p class="pgc-img-caption">

3. If there is a lack of hangover enzymes in the body, the substances in alcohol will be secreted. It will not be quickly transformed, so the phenomenon of flushing after drinking is especially intense. #Aile Health Guide#