Adenovirus infection broke out in many swimming pools, you must pay attention to fever after swimming!

Recently, news about collective adenovirus infection caused by swimming pools appeared in many provinces and cities, which made many parents who usually take their children to swim a little worried.

Image source: Weibo

Image source: Weibo


Picture source: Weibo

In the hot summer, I just wanted children to play Playing in the water, getting cool and cool, I didn’t expect that going to the swimming pool would make children infected with “adenovirus”, and a large-scale outbreak … What is adenovirus? How to treat and prevent infection after infection?

What is adenovirus?

A new virus?

The full name of “adenovirus” is “human adenovirus” (HAdV). It is isolated and cultured from glandular tissue, so it is called adenovirus. Adenovirus is not a new virus, it has already existed in nature.

It is one of the common pathogens of acute respiratory infectious diseases , can cause respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract and conjunctiva and other tissue infections.

●The population is generally susceptible, more common in children.

●It can be prevalent all year round, and it mostly occurs in crowded places such as schools, kindergartens, and military camps.

What are the symptoms of adenovirus infection?

Adenoviruses are generally susceptible to adenoviruses, common in children 6 months to 5 years of age, especially children under 2 years of age.

common The clinical symptoms include fever, cough, nasal congestion, sore throat, conjunctivitis, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms. Patients with urinary tract infection may have symptoms such as hematuria, frequent urination, urgency, and dysuria. A few can develop severe pneumonia and even lead to death. In particular, people with weakened immune systems, chronic respiratory diseases, and heart disease are at higher risk of severe illness. Adenovirus infection is a self-limiting disease. Currently, there is no specific medicine. Most of them are symptomatic treatment. If the above symptoms occur, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. Patients with mild symptoms can recover on their own in about a week, and do not abuse drugs.

Why are adenovirus outbreaks in swimming pools?

The outbreak of adenovirus in swimming pools is directly related to its strong infectiousness. Adenovirus is transmitted mainly by droplets, the respiratory secretions of infected people can be kept in the air for half an hour. If you are in close contact with infected people (especially hands) without any protection, it is very easy to be infected. In addition, adenoviruses can also be transmitted through the digestive tract, that is, through feces, pathogen-contaminated water, food, clothing, etc. Children’s swimming pools are wet and crowded, and direct or indirect contact with contaminated water and objects may cause adenovirus infection and re-transmission.


strong Adenovirus infection?

There is currently no vaccine for adenovirus, and no specific medicine for it. Therefore, pay more attention to babies under 2 years old and try to avoid “provoking” them:

1. Pay attention to personal hygiene: Wash hands frequently with soap; Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing; avoid sharing cups and utensils with others;

2. Do not bring children under 2 years old Go to a public swimming pool with many people; If there are older children in the family who need to swim in a public swimming pool, they should also choose a “sanitation permit”;

3. If someone around you is diagnosed with “adenovirus”, you must do a good job in isolation.

Key points: Pay attention to personal hygiene, and try to avoid swimming in pools with poor hygiene in summer; If you have cold symptoms or other Not adapted to avoid swimming in public pools.

      Source of this article: Jiangsu CDC

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