Academician Zhang Boli calls for attention! It is the “second brain” of the human body. If it is blocked here, toxins and garbage will flow all over the body! Discovery is late…

Are you often constipated and diarrhea?

Is sufficient complexion and bad breath?

When you wake up, your body is heavy and you don’t want to do anything?

Actually, this is probably your gut protesting .

Image source: Visual China

The intestinal tract is the largest digestive organ in the human body and has immune functions.

Nobel Prize winner in medicine, Russian microbiologist and immunologist Mechnikov proposed that the best secret of longevity in the world is gut health.

The gut is the “second brain”

If the human body is likened to a factory, the intestinal tract is the “gas station” and “sewer” of the factory, mainly responsible for the dirty work in the body. All kinds of food are decomposed and absorbed here, and the remaining residues are also excreted from the body here.

Academician Zhang Boli pointed out that The spleen and stomach are the foundation of the day after tomorrow. The spleen and stomach refer to the entire digestive tract, and the intestine plays an extremely important role in the digestive tract.

United States A Columbia University study showed that in the folds of the human gastrointestinal tract, there is an organizational structure, the “nerve cell complex”, which is actually the nervous system in the intestine.

This complex can perceive, receive signals, and respond independently of the brain, It can make people feel happy or uncomfortable, and even participate in intellectual activities such as learning like the brain.

Therefore , the intestine is also known as the “second brain” of the human body.

Intestinal tract is actually very fragile

< p data-track="27">Many people only pay attention to the heart, brain, liver, and kidneys, but they don’t know that intestinal health may also be a matter of life and death.

The study found that< strong>More than 50 diseases, including obesity, diabetes, cancer, etc., are related to the imbalance of intestinal flora.

As an integral part of the digestive tract, the gut is both powerful and fragile. It has multiple functions and is susceptible to many diseases.

< span>1、Colorectal polyps

Colorectal polyps are a general term for all neoplasms protruding into the intestinal cavity, including neoplastic and non-neoplastic types.

If polyps rupture , can cause intestinal obstruction and bleeding. After being sick, symptoms such as mild or atypical abdominal distension, diarrhea, and constipation may occur, and problems such as blood in the stool, mucus and blood in the stool may also occur.

< span>2、Inflammatory bowel disease

Among them, 18-30 years old and 70-80 years old are the high incidence age groups.

Patients will also have abdominal pain, diarrhea and other problems, but the symptoms are more serious, and may also be accompanied by symptoms such as fever, weight loss, and abdominal mass.

Image source: Visual China

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3、Colorectal Cancer

< p data-track="51">Colorectal cancer is a common malignant tumor of the digestive tract, which often occurs in the rectum and the junction of the rectum and the sigmoid colon. It is a lifestyle disease. It is manifested in changes in bowel habits and stool properties. For example, frequent stools, shapeless stools, blood and mucus in stools, and sometimes patients have constipation, diarrhea, and pain in the middle and lower abdomen.

< span>4, intestinal obstruction

Bowel obstruction can be divided into three categories:

The first is called mechanical ileus, where the intestinal tract is blocked by parasites, feces, gallstones, foreign objects, etc., or a certain part of the intestinal tract is stuck together;

The second type is dynamic intestinal obstruction, which is common in peritonitis, enlarged abdomen ileus due to surgery, abdominal infection;

The third cause is vascular ileus , due to mesenteric vascular embolism, intestinal blood flow disorder, resulting in intestinal paralysis and intestinal obstruction.

< span>5、Irritable Bowel Syndrome

The symptoms of abdominal pain in patients are generally related to defecation. If the abdominal pain is relieved or aggravated after defecation, the possibility of irritable bowel syndrome is greater.

If your body has these manifestations, you should pay attention!

If you find that you have the following symptoms, you should pay attention to them. This is the “alarm” issued by the body when toxins accumulate in the intestinal tract.

The skin is rough, showing a lifeless rust color.

Long termBad breath< /span>, cannot be removed.

OftenConstipation, occasionally bloody.

Stinking stool.

A little cold wind blows on your body, justrunning to the toilet.

Once the intestinal tract is clogged and toxins are accumulated, our body becomes more vulnerable to pathogens, so it is urgent to maintain the intestinal tract.

5 ​​small ways to take care of your intestines to make your intestines healthier

1. Eat high-fiber foods

Cellulose in food can provide nutrition for intestinal bacteria, help digestion, promote intestinal peristalsis, and take away spoilage bacteria in the colon. If you eat too little, your gut bacteria won’t have the nutrients to break down toxins in your body.

Common high fiber Foods include potatoes, beans, and whole grains.

2. Get rid of the bad habit of accelerating intestinal aging

Such as smoking, alcoholism, indiscreet eating, overeating, eating high-fat foods and other habits will accelerate the aging of the intestinal tract, if you have these habits, you must get rid of them in time!

3. Drink a glass of warm water in the morning

Drinking water before eating in the morning will make the gastrointestinal function faster than usual. When the water is transported to the large intestine, it will Increase the water content of feces, assist defecation, and relieve constipation.

4 , regulate emotions

The intestinal tract can feel the brain’s reaction. Negative emotions such as tension, anxiety, and depression can lead to the disorder of the physiological function of the gastrointestinal tract and cause the imbalance of the micro-ecological environment in the intestinal tract.

Maintaining a happy and optimistic mood is more conducive to the stability of the intestinal environment.

5 , two acupoints: unblocking stasis, improving immunity

Baimai point

Acupuncture and moxibustion can be used to adjust and dredge the stagnation of Qi stagnation and blood stasis. Knocking on the belt pulse also has the effect of losing weight and laxative.

In general , the belt channel has the function of “consolidating all channels” and governing the health of the whole body, so it is known as a “longevity belt” that comes with the human body. Knocking on the belt pulse can help the intestinal peristalsis and clear the blockage.

Hegu Point

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Kneading the Tonghegu point has the effect of passing the intestinal gas, clearing intestinal garbage, and eliminating intestinal toxins, and it is the original point of the large intestine meridian, the main point of the large intestine meridian Qi and blood gather here.

Knead this place It is equivalent to activating and dredging the entire large intestine meridian, and the effect of excreting intestinal toxins is doubled!