About Coenzyme Q10, you need to know at least these 5 points!

*For medical professionals only

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When it comes to coenzyme Q10, everyone should be familiar with it. Coenzyme Q10 has the “dual identity” of medicine and health care products at the same time. What are the benefits of coenzyme Q10 to the human body? Who are the people who can eat it?


What is CoQ10?

Coenzyme Q10 is a fat-soluble quinone compound that can be synthesized endogenously from tyrosine in the human body and can also be ingested from food.

Because it contains a side chain composed of 10 isoprene units, it is called coenzyme Q10.


What is cellular respiration?

Cellular respiration refers to the process in which organic substances such as sugars, fats, and proteins undergo a series of oxidative decomposition in the body, gradually releasing energy and generating ATP, and finally CO2 and H2O.

This process requires oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide excretion, and is carried out in cells, so it is also called cellular respiration.

Coenzyme Q is an essential component of mitochondrial synthesis of ATP, and is an activator of cellular respiration and cellular metabolism.


What are the functions of supplements?

In 2003, my country approved the first coenzyme Q10 health food.

In the “Coenzyme Q10 Catalogue of Health Food Raw Materials” implemented on March 1, 2021, Coenzyme Q10 has only two approved health functions: Antioxidant and enhancement immunity.

Recommended dosage: 30-50 mg/day.

Suitable for adults, not suitable for children, pregnant women, nursing mothers and people with allergies.


Which patients can take it?

1. Indications for drug inserts


Oral medications are not covered by health insurance. Although injections are included in the medical insurance catalog, they are only used for first aid and rescue.

Injection can cause anaphylactic shock and should be used in medical institutions with emergency conditions. Coenzyme Q10 is easily decomposed when exposed to light. Intravenous infusion, should take measures to protect from light.

2. Recommendations of clinical diagnosis and treatment guidelines (expert consensus)


Can it be used in patients with statin-induced myopathy?

Statins are myotoxic and may be related to the lack of coenzyme Q10 in the mitochondria of muscle cells.

Studies have confirmed that coenzyme Q10 supplementation can improve the symptoms of myopathy, but the exact effect remains to be verified.

2021 edition of “Chinese Expert Consensus on Clinical Application of Drugs to Improve Myocardial Metabolism”:

In patients with statin-induced myopathy, the dose of coenzyme Q10 should start at 200~400mg/d, and the statin should be suspended within a few weeks before starting coenzyme Q10 to relieve muscle symptoms, and then restart. Start statins. If muscle symptoms recur but are relieved, the combination therapy can be continued; If there is no effect, stop statins and coenzyme Q10, and consider other lowering drugs.Cholesterol treatment.

Where can I find more knowledge about cardiovascular medication?

Source of this article: Center for Drug Evaluation

This article was written by gcplive

Editor in charge: Peng Jianping, Peng Sanmei