A side note on the cooperation and co-construction of experts from Guang’anmen Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences in Sanming City

Sanming City signed a cooperation agreement with Guang’anmen Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences to build a traditional Chinese medicine medical center in Northwest Fujian, and Sanming’s medical and health business entered the “highway”.

At 8:30 on March 30, the sky was drizzled with drizzle. In the outpatient hall of the Municipal Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, the reporter happened to meet Uncle Wang who came to accompany his wife for acupuncture treatment every week.

Talked to the old man and learned that his wife had suffered from waist and leg pain for many years, and he had tried various treatments to no avail. , once the rainy days come, the pain in the waist and legs is unbearable. Now experts from Guang’anmen Hospital have come to the door and formulated a treatment plan for filiform needles, and my wife’s pain is gradually relieved!”

Guang’anmen Hospital’s resident expert group has been stationed in the city’s integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine hospital since February 28, and has conducted more than 40 outpatient visits, with a total of more than 760 visits, and has applied for 4 new technologies and new projects. 4 remote consultations and 1 remote conference, more than 10 programs for the dominant diseases of traditional Chinese medicine were optimized, and resident experts carried out ward rounds of difficult and special cases and guided 24 cases… To further meet the needs of the people of Sanming to “see good diseases” and see “good Chinese medicine” .

Clinical Teaching

< strong>Cultivating TCM Thinking

“How do you feel, will the incision hurt? I have a bowel movement today Is it?” In the ward of a patient with mixed hemorrhoids surgery, Jaffe carefully asked the patient’s postoperative condition, “Compared to the anorectal department, outpatients are mainly divided into two categories: basic treatment and surgical treatment.” Science expert Jaffe said.

In addition to routine outpatient clinics, ward rounds and teaching work, Jaffe also participated in lectures and discussions of difficult cases in the department of anorectal, including giving Nurses instruct TCM operations and how to relieve patient reactions such as nausea, vomiting, and pain. “Xiaozhiling injection is good news for patients undergoing anorectal surgery. Xiaozhiling is a drug developed by Guang’anmen Hospital. Now, through clinical teaching, doctors can observe and learn Xiaozhiling injection techniques from zero distance, and master the four methods of Xiaozhiling. The basic method of step-by-step injection.” Jaffe introduced.

Guanganmen Hospital anorectal Deputy Chief Physician Jia Fei Clinical Teaching

” The advantages of the spleen and stomach disease department of the Municipal Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine are obvious. Their gastroenteroscopy Very good. The purpose of our visit is to further improve their TCM service capabilities, especially the TCM prescription rate and non-drug therapy rate in TCM outpatient clinics, optimize the treatment of common TCM spleen and stomach diseases, and summarize the treatment plans for local TCM dominant diseases. ” said Liu Hongliang, an expert in the Department of Spleen and Stomach Diseases.

“How can we get such clarity?” Liu Hongliang said that the key to cultivating clinical thinking in traditional Chinese medicine lies in understanding the classics of traditional Chinese medicine. study. In addition to outpatient clinics and ward rounds, he also gives lectures on TCM classics to cultivate TCM clinical thinking. “Reading classics, diligent clinical practice, and thinking more” is a path for the continuous growth and progress of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners.

Guanganmen Hospital Spleen and Stomach Deputy Chief Physician Liu Hongliang of the Department of Diseases led the outpatient clinic

After entering the department, Xu Hairong, an expert in acupuncture and moxibustion, participated in the department rounds and teaching rounds non-stop. And go to each clinic to learn about the situation, learn about the patient’s disease in detail, and discuss the treatment plan with everyone…

Xu Hairong believes that acupuncture is necessary Inheritance, the experience and characteristic therapy of the predecessors should be deeply excavated, and young doctors should strengthen their professionalism and solid professional knowledge, so as to ensure the safety of patients. “I hope acupuncture can treat more diseases and can meet more needs of the common people. .”

Guanganmen Xu Hairong, Deputy Chief Physician of the Hospital’s Acupuncture and Moxibustion Department, is teaching ward rounds

Now, from various hospitals in Sanming, involving acupuncture and massage, spleen and stomach disease, and oncology There are 9 doctors in 6 majors including anorectal department, cardiovascular department, sleep psychology department, etc., who will study in Guang’anmen Hospital with experts from the Municipal Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital for a period of 1 year.

Guang’anmen Hospital’s resident experts will improve the medical technology level of the trainees through various forms such as outpatient clinics, ward rounds, consultations, and academic exchanges. And the management ability of the department, comprehensively improve the service ability of traditional Chinese medicine in Sanming City, and better meet the needs of “good traditional Chinese medicine” for people in the Soviet area of ​​the old Sanming area.

Technical cooperation

Cloud consultation “Zero Distance”

“A patient with advanced tumor from a foreign country showed acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction on the electrocardiogram when visiting the outpatient department of the oncology department of our hospital. According to the requirements of epidemic prevention and control , the Cardiovascular Department immediately started the green channel, and performed emergency PCI in the isolated catheterization room. After the patient developed cardiogenic shock, IABP was urgently implanted. At the same time, the advantages of TCM syndrome differentiation and treatment were utilized at the first time, and the whole process of Chinese medicine was used to intervene…”

On the morning of March 10th, the Cardiovascular Department of Guang’anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences and the Cardiovascular Department of Sanming Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital held the first remote typical case discussion , with the theme of “Combination of Chinese and Western Medicine, Race for Life and Death”, a study was conducted on a patient with acute anterior STEMI beyond the time window treated by integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine in the Cardiovascular Department of Guang’anmen Hospital.

“Through this remote case discussion, the depth and breadth of everyone’s understanding has been improved, and the clinical diagnosis and treatment capabilities have been improved. Under the current situation, the diagnosis and treatment of emergency chest pain patients and the early treatment of critically ill patients have provided textbook-level guidance.” Sharp, director of the Cardiovascular Department of the Municipal Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, listened to the treatment experience of experts in Guang’anmen Hospital, and gave the diagnosis and treatment of the cases. The measures, prognosis and further treatment have been thought deeply, and the diagnosis and treatment ideas of traditional Chinese medicine and integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine have been broadened.

“We are now continuously improving the level of specialty construction through remote case discussions, difficult case discussions or academic lectures twice a week, so that doctors can understand The traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment path and plan of related cardiovascular diseases are applied to the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, and the overall concept of traditional Chinese medicine, syndrome differentiation and treatment are used to improve the curative effect.” Wei Yi, deputy chief physician of the cardiovascular department of Guang’anmen Hospital, introduced.

The establishment of remote consultation between Guang’anmen Hospital and the Municipal Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine has further extended the radius of the city’s traditional Chinese and Western medicine medical services and the quality of medical services. Improvement is another “practical move” of technical assistance. In the future, the two sides will continue to improve the level of specialist construction by holding remote case discussions, difficult case discussions or academic lectures, so as to truly allow patients to enjoy the best quality diagnosis and treatment services without leaving the market.

Free Clinic Science

Provide excellent service

“It’s great to see a Beijing expert at your doorstep!” A few days ago , Jiangle County General Hospital informed the people of Jiangle about the free clinic information by phone, WeChat, and word of mouth. So, in the early morning of March 13, Ms. Li came to the free clinic on the first floor of the North District (Xin TCM Hospital) of the County General Hospital.

Ms. Li recently suffered from insomnia and leg pain. After detailed consultation and physical examination, Xu Hairong gave her a scalp acupuncture treatment. .

“After acupuncture, the pain in my legs has eased a lot, and I feel more relaxed and comfortable. I will receive acupuncture therapy regularly to enhance the therapeutic effect. “Ms Lee said.

Since the support and joint construction, Guang’anmen Hospital has continued to promote the full coverage of city, county and district TCM expert rounds, and it has been in the middle of Mingxi County. The hospital, Zhongcun Township in Sanyuan District, and Jiangle County General Hospital carried out activities such as free clinics and ward rounds, benefiting 500 people.

“What is mental health and what are the standards for mental health?”

“How do we adjust ourselves psychologically?”

Wang Fang, an expert from the Department of Psychology, gave a special report on “The Help of Chinese Medicine Knowledge in the Management of Teenagers’ Stress and Emotions” for 160 high school students in Jiangle No. 1 Middle School. By analyzing the causes of stress and how to discover themselves Stress, interact with students in a friendly way, teach children how to deal with stress in a happy way, and help teenagers to manage stress (decompression) and improve their negative emotions.

“We must do a good job in popular science, disease prevention, and treatment.” Carry out on-site assistance in the city’s integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine hospital Wang Fang said after a month of work. People often fall into the quagmire of fear and incomprehension about anxiety, depression, and adolescent emotional disorders and psychological problems. “Depression is not ‘not strong enough’, but ‘the mind has a cold’. Everyone should understand the importance of mental health, If some scientific training methods are adopted in time, mental illness can be prevented.” Wang Fang said.

Guanganmen Hospital Psychology Wang Fang, deputy chief physician of the department, gave a special lecture

Next, Wang Fang gave an online, Offline pre-exam psychological counseling to relieve tension before examination. Wang Fang said that the Sleep Psychology Department will further increase its efforts to popularize science, build a talent echelon in terms of diagnosis and treatment, teaching, scientific research, and popular science, establish a stress management center, promote stress management methods, and strengthen the construction of departments in combination with advantageous diseases to help the construction of Sanming. Northwest Fujian Regional Sleep Medicine Center.

” Regarding the future support and joint construction work, Guang’anmen Hospital will continue to focus on the problem-oriented and demand-oriented, and focus on the people’s urgency and hope ‘ problem, around the goal of building a ‘Traditional Chinese Medicine Medical Center in the Northwest Fujian Region’, benchmarking the needs of hospitals and the development orientation of hospital departments, focusing on the improvement of traditional Chinese medicine service capabilities, the training of traditional Chinese medicine talents, the improvement of traditional Chinese medicine scientific research capabilities, and the participation of traditional Chinese medicine in the integration of medical and prevention. We will continue to promote the development of various work.” As the temporary vice president of the resident assistance hospital, Wang Weiming made an outlook.

The dawn is here, and the future is bright. Today, the desire of the common people to see “good Chinese medicine” takes root like a seed at their doorstep. The medical staff in the city are working together to continuously “overweight” the health and well-being of the people, and “guard the spring” for the masses with their actions.