A “contraceptive method” that is more effective than condoms, but many people dare not use it!

“I first took the pill when I was 17…”

Hearing this, you may think that I am not living a proper life and that I do not take care of my body. In fact, I was preparing for the college entrance examination at that time, and I took the first birth control pill in my life in order to delay my period.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

When it comes to contraceptive pills, people always habitually label it with various labels, such as irregular menstruation, ovulation disorder, and great harm to the body… Because of lack of understanding, it leads to Many girls abuse or over-demonize birth control pills.

So the purpose of this article today is to let you read everything about contraceptives, and I hope that all girls can firmly hold the right to contraception in their own hands.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

There are three common types of female contraceptives on the market: long-acting, short-acting and emergency contraceptives[1].

The principle of action is simply: use estrogen, progesterone, etc. to simulate pregnancy, stop the ovaries from ovulating, and at the same time thicken the cervical mucus and thin the endometrium, making it difficult for sperm Swimming through the cervix makes it difficult for the fertilized egg to implant. to achieve the purpose of contraception.

Emergency contraceptive pill is a well-known “regret pill” that can make up for your anxiety and worry after the “land mine fire”. Such as unprotected sex, broken or slipped condoms, and missed doses of short-acting contraceptives.

It should be noted that its overall effectiveness is about 80%, and it needs to be taken within 72 hours after the event, and the earlier the contraceptive is taken, the more effective it is [2]. Common side effects include nausea, headache, and irregular menstruation.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

But there are also many rumors about emergency contraceptives on the rivers and lakes, such as taking no more than 3 times a year, the amount of hormones is 8 times that of short-acting contraceptives, and emergency contraceptives must be combined with vitamins C together, otherwise it will hurt the body.

But the truth is:

1. There is no limit to the number of times the emergency contraceptive can be taken, and it can be taken as long as necessary. After all, the harm caused by abortion after pregnancy is much less than taking emergency contraceptives.

And the World Health Organization (WHO) believes that there is no clear evidence that repeated use of emergency contraception poses any health risks. So, eat or eat!

2. Short-acting contraceptives are combined oral contraceptives composed of progesterone and estrogen, while emergency contraceptives are mainly composed of high-dose progesterone, and the hormone content is indeed higher than that of short-acting contraceptives. Birth control pills are bigger. but! Putting aside the dose and talking about toxicity, it’s all a hooligan. The occasional high-dose progesterone has a less terrifying effect on the body than you might think.

3. It is even more nonsense that emergency contraceptives should be taken with vitamin C. There is no scientific basis for this statement, it is just a promotional tool for pharmacies.

Focus: Be sure to learn the correct contraceptive method, and don’t blindly take remedies every time you are impulsive! Emergency contraception cannot be used as a regular form of contraception!

Combine long-acting oral contraceptives can be taken once a month. Generally, one tablet is taken on the 5th day and the 25th day of menstrual cramps, and then one tablet can be taken on the 25th day of menstruation every month to achieve the effect of contraception [3].

But because menstruation is sometimes 30 days, sometimes 31 days, and sometimes 29 days or 28 days, the medication time may be irregular and lead to contraceptive failure, and because it is a long-acting preparation, which The estrogen content is relatively large, and the risk of adverse reactions is high. It is rarely used at present and is not recommended.

The short-acting birth control pill is a long-term form of birth control that has fewer side effects.

There are many kinds of over-the-counter drugs on the market that can be bought in pharmacies, such as Yasmin, Mafulong, Diane 35, as long as there is no missed dose, the contraceptive effect can reach more than 99%.

It should be noted that short-acting contraceptives must be taken strictly according to the instructions, and other contraceptive measures must be taken when having sex 7 days before taking the pill. Although it has fewer side effects, it does not mean that it is suitable for everyone, so it is recommended to consult a doctor before taking the medicine.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

About short-acting contraceptives, many people worry about whether long-term use will affect future pregnancy. At present, a large number of studies at home and abroad have shown that pregnancy can be achieved in the second month after stopping the pill.

And women taking short-acting contraceptives have no significant difference in the risk of pregnancy and childbirth after stopping the pill compared with the children of women who have not taken contraceptives . So don’t worry too much. (If you are really worried, you can stop taking the drug for 3 months before getting pregnant)

Short-acting contraceptives have “additional features” in addition to their effective contraception. but! Please recite it three times before reading: You can eat it if you want, you need a doctor to judge it first.

1. Regulate menstrual irregularities

Many girls have irregular menstruation, and doctors will prescribe short-acting contraceptives. Don’t be surprised! This is because, apart from the reasons of organic disease or mental stress, many people’s irregular menstruation is caused by endocrine dysfunction.

Short-acting contraceptives contain estrogen and progesterone. Taking the pills on time can regulate menstruation and artificially establish a relatively regular menstrual cycle.

2. Dysmenorrhea

Mainly for dysmenorrhea caused by adenomyosis and endometriosis. Because the release of estrogen and progesterone from short-acting contraceptives can effectively inhibit endometrial hyperplasia and relieve dysmenorrhea symptoms.

3. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Short-acting oral contraceptives can also be used for oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea due to PCOS. It usually takes about 3 months of medication, and there will be significant improvement basically.

4. Acne

Acne is often associated with higher levels of androgens in the body. When the body is out of regulation, acne is easy to appear. Short-acting oral contraceptives can inhibit the secretion of androgen, so as to achieve the effect of treating acne.

5. Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

The symptoms such as abdominal bulging, headache, breast tenderness, etc. that occur before menstruation will be significantly improved after using short-acting oral contraceptives.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Said the short-acting contraceptive pill has so many advantages, does it have no disadvantages? Of course there is!

For best birth control, the pill must be taken at the same time every day, so it is easy to miss or stick to it;

You may face a variety of side effects that vary from person to person while taking the medicine. And only after you start taking it can you be sure what side effects you will experience;

Long-term medication may have some negative effects in women, such as risk of blood clots, but the odds are low.

So again, be sure to consult your doctor before taking it!

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Write at the end:

There are many methods of contraception, and which one to choose requires a comprehensive consideration of many factors. No contraceptive method is foolproof, and the advantages and disadvantages of contraceptive methods need to be weighed. Also remember: be sure to ask your doctor before choosing! Don’t take any medicine by yourself.

From a moral and emotional point of view, Zhimei hopes that boys can take the initiative to take the responsibility for contraception, and girls try their best to refuse or take less contraceptive pills, so as not to bear the risk of contraceptive failure , Don’t worry about unwanted pregnancy, don’t have to bear the psychological pressure of menstrual disorder…

Reviewer: Julie| Chief Physician, Department of Gynecology, The Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University


[1] Cheng Hui. Commonly used oral contraceptives and their use methods [J]. Seeking Medicine and Asking Medicine, 2010(08):31-32.

[2] Hao Min, Lin Qing. Research progress on emergency contraception[J]. Chinese Journal of Family Planning, 2013, 21(10): 707-709.

[3] Ding Yonggang, Fang Kejuan, Zhou Weijin, Che Yan, Sun Yuelian, Han Yaoling, Olav Meirik, Peter Fajans.A systematic review of long-acting oral contraceptives in my country[J].Chinese Journal of Family Planning,2005(06):348-352.

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