Dying your hair but being told it will cause cancer? Do these 5 points before dyeing to make you beautiful and healthy

Whether it is simply to look beautiful or to cover gray hair, dyeing hair has become a choice for many people to change their appearance.

But there are more hair dyes and more questions, and some people also choose to refuse to dye their hair.

But then again, is dyeing really that unsafe?

Dyeing hair does have some unsafe factors

First, allergies

Hair dyes do contain some substances that may have an impact on health. Therefore, some friends with allergies are prone to some allergic reactions. Light people may experience scalp redness, Mild symptoms such as itching and scaling may occur in severe cases, and severe allergic reactions may occur such as scalp, facial edema, and long blisters.

Once the body has allergic symptoms, it is necessary to go to the hospital for examination and treatment in time to avoid delaying treatment. After all, people with sudden allergic inflammation will also die.

It is mentioned in the instructions of many hair dyes that it is recommended to do a skin allergy test before using the hair dye to dye the hair, so that you can clearly know whether you are allergic to the hair dye. .

However, in the test, hair dye can only be used on the hair, and direct contact with the skin is not recommended, because the hair dye itself can irritate the skin to a certain extent effect.

If it comes into contact with the skin surface, it will easily cause bad skin conditions and damage the skin and mucous membranes.

Second, damaged hair

Frequent use of hair dyes will continue to damage the hair, causing the hair to become slender and fragile. It will also be easily damaged in the later stage, and the hair will gradually become more fragile and even pathological. Hair loss.

Third, heavy metal poisoning

“Hygienic Standards for Cosmetics” (2007 Edition) stipulates that hair dyes are allowed to contain certain doses of heavy metals, such as mercury, lead, and arsenic, but within a reasonable range.

And some hair dyes of poor quality will have excessive heavy metals, so repeated hair dyeing may cause chronic lead poisoning.

Is hair coloring a cancer risk?

From the current research and experimental analysis, no association has been found between the use of permanent hair dyes and most cancers, but hair dyes can increase the risk of certain tumors, such as basal epithelial tumors, breast cancer or ovarian cancer.

However, cancer itself does not appear due to very individual reasons, and often occurs together under various conditions, so occasionally dye hair once or twice, and use all the products on the market. Qualified products, don’t have to worry too much.

If you are in the hairdressing industry, long-term contact with the skin or inhalation of hair dyes through the respiratory tract may cause certain hidden dangers, so you need to take relevant protective measures when working, such as wearing a mask or gloves.

How can I reduce the impact of hair coloring on my body?

First, before dyeing, fully test to avoid risks

Before choosing to buy hair dye, you need to know the ingredients of the hair dye, wear gloves when preparing hair dye, and try to use previous products.

In addition, 1-2 days before each hair color, you can do a skin test, apply some hair dye to the skin, and observe whether it will be allergic.

Second, pay attention to the measures of washing your hair before and after coloring

Wash your hair 4-6 hours after dyeing, when the dye is completely dry, which not only prevents allergic reactions, but also reduces the risk of cancer.

The scalp should be kept clean for a few days after dyeing, do not allow excess dye to remain on the scalp, and avoid scratching with your fingers.

Third, avoid repeated coloring for three months

Frequent use of hair dyes can easily damage the cuticles and make the hair easy to break. If the hair is dyed repeatedly within three months, it will cause secondary damage to the hair that has not fully recovered. harm.

Fourth, special groups should not dye their hair

For special groups such as breast-feeding, pregnancy, hypertension patients, asthma patients, etc., you must dye your hair with caution, or do not dye your hair, otherwise the harmful ingredients in the hair dye will easily cause damage to the human body. harm.

Fifth, choose a light color dye

Although most hair dyes contain some chemical components, relevant experiments have found that hair dyes with lighter colors are less harmful to the human body.

During the process of dyeing, if the dye accidentally gets into the eyes, rinse immediately with water.

If you find some allergic symptoms after dyeing your hair, you need to rinse the hair dye remaining on the scalp with water as soon as possible. In severe cases, you need to cut off the already dyed hair to avoid aggravating allergies.

After all, dyeing your hair is just for fun, if you are careless and your body suffers, it is really not worth it!