The post-95 girl’s anti-cancer postgraduate entrance examination made people cry


Chen Linqiong, a 24-year-old Chaoshan girl, has become the focus of public attention because of her inspirational experience of “anti-cancer postgraduate entrance examination” and “405 points in the preliminary examination for postgraduate entrance examination”. When receiving a call from a reporter from Southern Metropolis, Chen Linqiong said jokingly: “There have been too many interviews with the media recently, and I haven’t had much time to prepare for the re-examination of the postgraduate entrance examination.” She also said that through the media reports, to spread her own experience, “I can help Good to everyone.”

This coincides with what she said in a video about her experience during the New Year’s Day this year: “I hope you who watch this video can think of a girl fighting cancer. ‘Success’ also passed the postgraduate entrance examination, so you must be able to.”

In January last year, she was unfortunately diagnosed with nasopharyngeal cancer. 3 times of chemotherapy, more than 30 times of radiotherapy; 4 teeth were extracted in 3 days, her mouth was full of ulcers, and her neck began to fester… In half a year, she fought against the disease many times, which is a big challenge in life.

And she also took the initiative to launch another difficult challenge: she was unwilling to be behind, and decided to fight cancer while taking the postgraduate entrance examination. Even in the face of difficulty in concentrating and physical discomfort after treatment, Chen Linqiong still immersed herself in exam preparation. Except for lunch break and evening break every day, I study at other times, and even watch online classes when I eat.

More than half a month ago, the results of the preliminary examination of the postgraduate entrance examination were officially announced. With a score of 405, she, who “dreams to score 400 points”, her dream came true, and she cried with joy.

The next dream is to successfully pass the re-examination and truly become a graduate student in psychology at Guangzhou University. “Originally, psychology was just my interest, but now, I want to take it as my life direction, and I hope I can go in the direction of psychological counseling in the future.” Chen Linqiong said to the Southern Metropolis reporter.

Chen Linqiong, a 24-year-old girl, took the postgraduate entrance examination while fighting cancer.


Because of love, no matter how hard I work, I can persevere

Southern Capital: How did I find myself in the first place What is the current physical condition?

Chen Linqiong: I have been working in marketing since graduating from university in 2019. I was about to change jobs to Guangzhou in January last year, but received a highly suspicious report of nasopharyngeal cancer a few days before joining the job. Initiate further examination and treatment.

The treatment has ended at the end of May last year, and now I just need to review it on time. However, due to 3 times of chemotherapy and 30 times of radiotherapy, the body has suffered double physical and chemical damage, resulting in damage to the salivary glands and deterioration of the stomach and intestines. Now the body is gradually recovering, but it is still necessary to take some medicines such as regulating the stomach and supplementing vitamins.

After being diagnosed, Chen Linqiong cut off her long hair.

Southern Capital: After being diagnosed with cancer, why do you set the goal of the current stage of life as the postgraduate entrance exam?

Chen Linqiong: Since the treatment takes about half a year, and after the treatment, I also need to rest for a long time, so I thought about how to make good use of this time. After all, I’m only 24 years old, and I’m still on the rise in my career. If I stop suddenly, I’ll fall behind my peers. After I was diagnosed with cancer in January, after a month of repeated thinking, I made up my mind to take the postgraduate entrance examination in February.

In fact, I didn’t think about postgraduate entrance examination before, I just wanted to improve my education, such as reading an MBA after working for a few years. After all, the postgraduate entrance examination is an activity that needs to be calm and studied, and I was not a learning person before, and I preferred to participate in practical activities.

So choosing the postgraduate entrance exam is actually a big challenge for me. Because I graduated more than two years ago, and I have not been in the state of study; if I am not particularly interested in psychology, just to get a graduate degree, I may not do this thing. You can persevere so hard because you really like it.

Chen Linqiong receiving treatment in the hospital.

Southern Capital: How did you spend the time preparing for the exam?

Chen Linqiong: Concentration of concentration and problems with my body after treatment are the two major difficulties I actually encountered in preparing for the exam.

In the beginning, I tried to bring the book to the ward, or listen to the online class in the ward, but it was difficult to focus and concentrate, and I felt very uncomfortable during the treatment. After finishing the treatment at the end of May, I went home and carefully planned the arrangements for the postgraduate entrance examination. At that time, there will be various discomforts in the body, such as severe neck, shoulder and neck pain, heart discomfort, etc. So I just watch online classes every day, and I dare not put too much pressure on myself. By September, my body has recovered, and I will devote myself to studying.

In terms of specific arrangements, I usually get up around 7 am and go to bed at 12 pm. Except for lunch break and evening break every day, I study at other times, and even watch online classes when I eat. I feel that I have no one else to work hard. After all, many people who take the postgraduate entrance exam get up at 6:00 in the morning.

Chen Linqiong’s postgraduate study notes.

Southern Capital: In the difficult process of preparing for the exam, what kept you persevering?

Chen Linqiong: I think it is the love of psychology. After graduation for a period of time, if you have a little life experience and then go to study, the feeling will be very different. I may have been a little rigid before, just simply memorizing the knowledge points, not connecting with my own experience, and feeling very boring. But now, if you study politics, history, philosophy, etc., you will have thoughts and insights, and it will be very interesting.

Chen Linqiong’s desk.


I found my life direction in my interests

Nandu: How did you feel when you saw that you scored 405 in the preliminary examination of the postgraduate entrance examination?

Chen Linqiong: After finishing the exam in December last year, I took a month off in January this year. After the Spring Festival, I came to Guangzhou and found a job that I liked. At that time, I thought that even if I didn’t get into graduate school, it would be good to stay in Guangzhou to work, and I would feel more secure if I was prepared with both hands.

I often say to my friends that I dream of taking the exam with a score of 400, but the topics of this year’s professional courses are different from those of previous years, and I have not been very sure. Therefore, when I found out my results in the first test, I was very excited and super happy. I felt that I had worked so hard for so long and everything was worth it, and then I cried with joy.

Chen Linqiong scored 405 points in the preliminary exam.

Southern Capital: What was your biggest achievement in the past year?

Chen Linqiong: The state of self-discipline will be a great gain. Although I used to like reading books, in recent years, due to the influence of mobile phones and short videos, it has been difficult to calm down and study. Now the postgraduate entrance examination allows me to concentrate and learn knowledge, which is very valuable.

Another gain is that I have found my own life direction. In the past, my dream was to start a business, so I plan to start learning from marketing, and my work is also related to this. But this time being sick changed my mind.

I experienced depression for a long time in therapy, often crying secretly in the middle of the night, and even went to see a psychiatrist. Looking back on that experience, I feel that the psychological problems of the sick group will be more prominent, but even so, when I went to the psychiatrist, it was not because of emotional problems such as depression, but because of insomnia. Nowadays, young people are under a lot of mental pressure, but they rarely seek professional psychiatrist help.

Originally, psychology was just my hobby, but now, I want to take it as my life direction, and hope that I can take the direction of psychological counseling in the future.

After fighting cancer, Chen Linqiong found a new direction in life.

Southern Capital: Is it also because of this life goal that you share your experience in postgraduate entrance examination while fighting cancer on the Kuaishou short video platform?

Chen Linqiong: I started sharing the video in March last year (after the first chemotherapy), the purpose at that time was to remind young people to pay attention to their bodies, I hope everyone can cherish their own after watching my video body. After all, people feel that ordinary life is very precious only after they are sick. In fact, having a healthy body has been envied by many people.

After I posted the video, I received a lot of encouragement from people who motivated me to move forward by sharing their experiences. When they saw my videos and news reports, many people also left me a message saying that my experience had strengthened their confidence in taking the postgraduate entrance examination again after failing. Seeing these messages, I feel that what I have done is very meaningful.

My dream in life is to have more and better influence on the world and others. Through this incident, I have realized a large part of the value of my life. In the future, I will continue to operate my self-media platform, hoping to help more young people in the society by sharing my own experiences and insights.


I hope to pass the re-examination and engage in psychological counseling in the future

Southern Capital: this way Come down, who do you want to thank the most?

Chen Linqiong: That must be my parents. When I was sick, they had a lot more psychological pressure than me. For example, the financial pressure of the treatment is very high, and my father has been silently carrying it all the time; during the treatment, my mother took care of me throughout the whole process, and was also the one who suffered the irritability caused by the treatment. I chose the postgraduate entrance examination and the life I wanted to live because of their support.

Southern Capital: What are your plans and expectations for the future?

Chen Linqiong: At this stage, I hope that I can pass the re-examination smoothly, and then go to Guangzhou University for a postgraduate study in psychology. During my postgraduate studies, I also hope to have practice in psychological counseling, and at the same time share knowledge related to psychology on the self-media platform. In the future, I hope to also engage in psychological counseling work.

Source: Southern Metropolis Daily

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