Forward reminder! These 20 physical manifestations directly point to cancer, hurry up and check yourself

In February 2022, the National Cancer Center released the latest national cancer statistics. There are several issues that need our attention:

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death

Data show that in 2016, there were about 4.064 million new cancer cases in China, and new cancer deaths There were 2.4135 million cases. Lung cancer is the most common cancer in China and the leading cause of cancer death.

Men are more likely to get cancer and have a worse prognosis than women. Because men may be more likely to have bad habits such as smoking, drinking, and bad living habits, and may be affected by a certain mechanism of the Y chromosome, As a result, both morbidity and mortality are higher in males than in females. Moreover, women with high incidence of cancers such as breast cancer and thyroid cancer have a relatively better prognosis. Statistics show that lung cancer is the most common cancer in men, accounting for about 24.6% of newly diagnosed cancers in men; breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, accounting for about 16.72% of all new cancers.

The mortality rate of all cancers was higher in men than in women, with the exception of gallbladder cancer and thyroid cancer, which were higher in women than in men. Older adults should be especially vigilant. Cancer incidence and mortality both increase with age and peak in the 80-84 and 85+ age groups, respectively. The 60-64 and 50-54 age groups had the most cancer cases, while the 60-64 and 75-79 age groups had the most cancer deaths in both men and women.

The incidence of cancer in urban areas is higher than that in rural areas, and the mortality rate in rural areas is higher. The results of urban-rural analysis show that the incidence of cancer in urban areas is higher than that in rural areas. South China has the highest incidence of cancer. The mortality rate in rural areas is slightly higher than that in urban areas, and the cancer mortality rate in Central China is the highest.

These 20 special manifestations may point to cancer. The following 20 manifestations are relatively typical or characteristic manifestations of cancer. If there are these manifestations, it is necessary to highly suspect the possibility of cancer, and go to the hospital for examination as soon as possible to confirm the diagnosis. 1. Persistent oral ulcers – oral cancer 2. Retractable bloody mucus, unilateral nasal congestion and progressive aggravation – nasopharyngeal cancer, nasal cavity cancer, paranasal sinus cancer 3. Unknown cause, long-term cure, paroxysmal irritation Dry cough, bloody sputum, especially in long-term smokers – lung cancer Aggravated or persistent upper abdominal pain, vomiting, hematemesis or melena – gastric cancer Blood in the stool, intestinal obstruction, exclude other non-tumor intestinal diseases – colorectal cancer (intermittent or persistent dull pain or tingling), abdominal mass, jaundice, ascites, lower extremity edema, liver palm, spider angioma, abdominal wall varicose veins and other liver cirrhosis manifestations – liver cancer, gallbladder cancer, bile duct cancer 10. Painless Sexual and progressive growth of breast mass, characteristic breast skin changes (dimples, orange peel, satellite nodules, armor-like changes, etc.), abnormal nipple changes (nipple bloody discharge, nipple retraction depression, nipple retraction, etc.) Eczema-like changes such as erosion and crusting), hard and enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit—breast cancer There is blood, which may have a special odor) – cervical cancer, endometrial cancer 12. Unexplained abdominal distension, abdominal pain, lower abdominal mass, ascites – ovarian cancer 13. Hematuria, low back pain, abdominal mass (triad) – – Kidney cancer 14. Painless gross hematuria, bladder irritation symptoms (frequent urination, urgency, dysuria, and dysuria) that exclude infection causes – Bladder cancer 15. Older men, urinary tract irritation symptoms such as frequent urination, urgency, and hesitant urination , Inexhaustible urination, interrupted urination, dribbling after urination, laborious urination, frequent urination at night, etc. – Prostate cancer 16. Painless lumps that gradually increase in the testes – testicular cancer 17. Painless enlarged lymph nodes, alcohol pain ( Pain in affected bones and lymph nodes after drinking alcohol in patients with Hodgkin lymphoma), B symptoms (night sweats, fever, weight loss), pruritus — lymphoma 18. Unexplained bone pain, nontraumatic pathological fractures — Bone tumor (primary bone tumor or bone metastases) 19. Abnormal changes in pigmented moles – melanoma 20. Unexplained fatigue, weight loss (wasting) – all cancers have progressed to a certain stage (probably intermediate and advanced) These manifestations are possible. Finally, I would like to remind everyone that the symptoms are only for reference, and it is only a reminder to go to the hospital for further examination, rather than thinking that you have some kind of cancer just based on the symptoms, which is unreliable. If the above manifestations occur, you must pay attention and do not miss the last opportunity for diagnosis and treatment. Expert of this article: Pan Zhanhe, Deputy Chief Physician of Oncology Department of Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Xiamen University

(Science Popularization in China)