Cancer cells are most afraid of alkaline foods? Acidic body prone to cancer? tell you the truth

“Eating more alkaline foods can fight cancer and give birth to boys.”

Ms. Wu recently found out that she was pregnant, and her mother-in-law was very nervous and asked everywhere. Folk remedies, I heard on the Internet that cancer cells are most afraid of alkaline food. Eating more alkaline food can also give birth to boys, so I gave Ms. Wu a variety of food to eat, and also replaced the drinking water at home with lemons. water.

Because of pregnancy, Ms. Wu always wanted to eat sour, so drinking lemonade was fine, but she felt that the nonsense diet was always bad for her body, so she euphemistically After I said that, I told my mother-in-law to stop looking for remedies. I didn’t expect her mother-in-law to persuade her hard to persuade her that it is always right to eat more alkaline foods for the sake of the children.

On the Internet, you can always see many “experts” recommending eating alkaline foods to keep the body alkaline and prevent cancer, but is there any scientific reason?

1. Cancer cells are most afraid of alkaline food. Can drinking lemonade fight cancer?

Lemon is obviously sour, why is it said to be an alkaline food? Many people subconsciously classify sour foods as acidic. But in fact, acid refers to the taste, such as sweet, salty, bitter, etc., while acidity refers to the chemistry of food itself, which is an inherent property of food. The essence is like “inside” and cannot be tasted through the sense of taste.

The essence of lemon is “alkaline food”, because after it is digested and metabolized by the human body, the main substance left in the end is carbonic acid Sodium hydrogen, and sodium bicarbonate, I believe everyone is familiar with it when reading “Chemistry” textbooks. It is a weakly alkaline substance, so lemons are also classified as alkaline foods.

Can eating alkaline food really fight cancer?

Dr. Zhong Kai, director of Kexin Food and Health Information Exchange Center, revealed the so-called acid-base foods. span>But no matter what kind of food you eat, humans will automatically adjust and repair, not to mention the weak acidity and alkalinity in food compared with the human body, the effect is basically “negligible” span>, so for healthy adults, food “acidity and alkalinity” does not change the body’s PH value.

Lemon is just a fruit, not a drug, and cannot kill cancer cells. Lemons contain certain anti-cancer active substances, but it does not mean that they can fight cancer. A popular science article published by the Qinghai Lake Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences also showed that: even though some foods/plants contain anticancer active ingredients, most of these studies remain in cell experiments or animal experiments. There is no more data to confirm whether it is effective in humans, and further research is needed..

Second, can the acidity and alkalinity of food determine whether a boy or girl will be born?

It is obviously unrealistic to try to prevent cancer by consuming a single food. The acidity and alkalinity of food have little effect on the human body.

A boy or a girl is determined by human chromosomes. Among them, the mother’s egg cells only carry X chromosomes, while the father’s sperm carry X and Y chromosomes, so in terms of gender, whether the combined sperm carries Y chromosomes determines whether the baby is a girl (XX) or a boy ( XY). The process of chromosome pairing is completely random, it is not changed by taste or the nature of the food, like a lottery, only ” It’s up to the gods.”

3. Acidic constitution is prone to cancer. Is there any scientific reason?

An acidic constitution is prone to cancer, and environmental pollution will turn the constitution into acid. Cancer patients are basically acidic constitutions… The concept of “acidic constitution” is constantly being “exaggerated”.

Dr. Zhong Kai said, human blood is weakly alkaline at 7.35-7.45< span>, normally does not have an “acidic constitution”. If the body becomes more acidic or alkaline, it will be regulated by the respiratory system to restore the pH within a few minutes, so no one’s blood is acidic.

Some people like to associate the body’s “acid-base” with cancer. In fact, not that “acidic constitution” causes cancer, but After the tumor appears in the body, the growth of the tumor causes the surrounding microenvironment to become acidic. The rapid proliferation of tumor cells requires a lot of nutrients, but the supply of blood vessels in tumor tissue often cannot keep up with its growth rate, which leads to the lack of nutrients for cancer cells, resulting in the production of more acidic metabolites such as lactic acid, which increases the pH value of the surrounding environment of tumor tissue. lower.

Fourth, scientific diet can prevent and fight cancer, keep three principles in mind

The incidence of cancer is increasing , Although a single food cannot prevent cancer, through a variety of dietary conditioning and nutritional matching, we can lay a good “foundation” for the body, help enhance immunity, and achieve scientific cancer prevention.

1. Choose the right ingredients, keyword: Balanced

Diversification of food is the basis for cancer prevention. , not a partial eclipse. Plant foods should account for more than two-thirds of the daily diet, and the diet structure should be: High in vitamins, high in fiber and low in fat .

2. The cooking method should be selected correctly, keyword: light

Learning to cook correctly is equally important. Maybe you will think, cooking is not easy? The emphasis on cooking here is: light. Frying and grilling should be used as little as possible in cooking. It has a negative impact on human health. Cooking should also pay attention to less salt, Salt intake should be less than 6 grams per person per day, and Pay attention to “hidden salts” such as soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, and hot sauce.

3 , Choose the right way to eat, keyword: slow Eating too much can lead to obesity, and if the temperature of the food is too high, it is easy to burn the mouth and esophagus.

A health plan for cancer prevention should be a comprehensive plan. It includes not only eating habits, food matching, but also personal physique, exercise and a good attitude. This is the natural medicine for anti-cancer. #HealthTrueknowledgePlan#

References Materials:

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