Jiujiang Central Kindergarten launched the “National Eye Care Day” experts preached to the campus activities (Photos)

Dajiang Net/Dajiang News Client News Eyes are the windows to the soul. Through our eyes, we convey the truth and understand the world. In order to cultivate children’s awareness of scientific eye protection from an early age, strengthen the publicity and popularization of eye health knowledge to children’s parents, and create a good atmosphere for publicity and education on myopia prevention and control, combined with the National Eye Care Day on June 6, June 13, Jiujiang City Center The kindergarten invited Dr. Cheng Xiaokang, an ophthalmologist from the First People’s Hospital of the City, to share a lecture on comprehensive prevention and control of children’s myopia.

The lecture mainly focuses on which children will be myopia, why to prevent and control myopia, how to prevent myopia, myopia The “signals” and what to do when preschoolers discover myopia are explained. Dr. Cheng pointed out that the eyes are one of the most important organs in the human senses. Improper eye use can lead to eye diseases and endanger physical health. Preschool children should pay attention to developing good eye use and care in their usual study and life. eye habit. Avoid looking at electronic products for a long time, pay attention to your reading and writing posture, and go to the hospital regularly to check your eyesight to prevent the occurrence of myopia.

After the lecture, parents who participated in the activity expressed that this activity is to publicize and popularize eye-loving knowledge. It is of great significance. It not only increases the knowledge of myopia prevention and control in children, but also makes parents realize the importance of protecting children’s eyes. Eye care education is a long-term task. The prevention and control of children’s myopia requires the joint efforts of the government, schools, medical and health institutions, families, children, etc., and the whole society needs to take action to take care of children’s eyes and bring love and health. to every child. (Photo courtesy of Jiujiang City Center Kindergarten)