The adjustment of the National Medical Insurance Catalogue in 2022 is about to start, and the non-exclusive drug access rules will be mentioned for the first time

Recently, the National Medical Insurance Administration released the “2022 National Basic Medical Insurance, Work Injury Insurance and Maternity Insurance Drug Catalog Adjustment Work Plan” (hereinafter referred to as the “Work Plan”) and related documents to solicit public comments.

Red Star Capital Bureau noted that Compared with 2021, the “Work Plan” first proposed rules for the access of non-exclusive drugs, increased the announcement of application results, and improved the expert review process. Regarding the non-exclusive drugs to be included in the drug list, the medical insurance payment standard shall be determined simultaneously by means of bidding; formulate non-exclusive drug bidding rules, and revise and improve the negotiation of drug renewal and other rules.

This year’s medical insurance drug list, on the basis of continuing to support new coronavirus pneumonia treatment drugs and innovative drugs, fully reflects the attention to rare disease treatment drugs and children’s drugs—— Clearly include “drugs for the treatment of rare diseases approved for marketing before June 30, 2022” and “drugs approved for marketing before June 30, 2022 and included in the list of children’s drugs encouraged for R&D application”.

It is worth mentioning that in recent years, my country’s medical insurance catalogue has The included drugs have focused on drugs for tumors, chronic diseases, anti-infection, rare diseases, women and children.

In November 2021, during the negotiation of the National Medical Insurance Drug List, the Aquilence Injection (trade name: Yikaida), known as the “anti-cancer magic drug”, was sold for 1.2 million yuan per injection. Price is a concern. Although Akilence injection passed the preliminary formal review, it did not enter the negotiation link of the medical insurance catalogue because its price far exceeded the affordability of the fund and patients.

In December 2021, after the negotiation is finally concluded, 7 kinds of drugs for rare diseases will be included in the medical insurance catalog through negotiation, among which is the sky-high price drug Nosinagen Sodium Injection of “700,000 injections”. Nosinagen Sodium Injection is used for the treatment of spinal muscular atrophy. After negotiation, the price has been greatly reduced, and it has reached the affordable range for most patients. In addition, there are “sky-high drugs” with an annual treatment cost of more than 1 million yuan, such as daratumumab injection, which have been reduced to less than 300,000 yuan after negotiation.

In addition to rare disease drugs and children’s drugs, eligible Chinese herbal decoction pieces and proprietary Chinese medicines are also included in the adjustment scope.

Red Star News reporter Deng Lingyao

Editor Yu Dongmei

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