After the college entrance examination ushered in the “tide of picking mirrors”, the doctor reminded: do not blindly follow the trend for surgery

Changjiang Daily, Wuhan Client, June 15th (Correspondent Ao Panpan) Recently, the number of college students and their family members who have visited and consulted about myopia surgery in the Refractive Department of Wuhan Aier Eye Hospital Hankou Hospital has been increasing. . Lei Xiaohua, director of the Refractive Department, reminded that myopia surgery is not for everyone, nor can it be done at any time. The preoperative examination and surgical process of myopia surgery are particularly important.

Liu from Honghu, in order to fulfill his dream of joining the army, the first thing he did after the college entrance examination was to come to the Hankou Hospital of Wuhan Aier Eye Hospital to find Lei, the director of the refractive department who had performed presbyopia surgery for his mother. Xiaohua. “I have also learned before that joining the army requires a relatively high level of personal vision, so myopia surgery is particularly important for me.” After more than 20 rigorous preoperative examinations, Lei Xiaohua learned that Liu’s uncorrected visual acuity in both eyes was 0.05. Eye myopia 675 degrees, 75 degrees astigmatism, left eye myopia 650 degrees, 125 degrees astigmatism. After a comprehensive evaluation, she recommended the Jingdiao Green Femtosecond operation to Liu. Lei Xiaohua introduced that Jingdiao Green Femtosecond astigmatism cutting is accurate. The astigmatism axis refers to the axial direction of the topographic map, and the cutting degree is calculated by one degree, and the accuracy is higher.

Dr. Lei Xiaohua is conducting an eye examination for Liu. Photo by Correspondent Ao Panpan

On June 13, Lei Xiaohua successfully performed surgery on Liu. On the morning of the 14th, Liu came to the hospital for a re-examination, and the visual acuity in both eyes recovered to 1.0 after the operation. “Mom, I can see the small characters in the distance too!” In the waiting area, classmate Liu, whose eyebrows were full of joy, shared with his mother.

Lei Xiaohua reminded that before accepting the preoperative examination, it is necessary to make preparations for “stopping the mirror” in advance. For example, stop wearing soft spherical lenses for more than 1 week, stop wearing soft astigmatism lenses and hard lenses for more than 3 weeks, and stop wearing orthokeratology lenses for more than 3 months. More importantly, surgery has strict contraindications requirements, such as refractive instability, keratoconus, glaucoma, etc., and diseases that affect corneal wound healing such as scar constitution, diabetes, lupus erythematosus and other connective tissue diseases are not suitable. Do nearsighted surgery.

[Editor: Yu Lina]

[Source: Changjiang Daily – Changjiang Net]