Chongqing has built 74 pneumoconiosis rehabilitation stations, where patients can receive free rehabilitation treatment nearby

[Source: Chongqing Network Radio and TV Station]

Pneumoconiosis is the most common and most important occupational disease in my country. However, due to various reasons, some patients suffer from Failure to treat in time resulted in aggravation of the condition. To this end, Chongqing took the lead in exploring the grass-roots rehabilitation model for pneumoconiosis in the country. By establishing rehabilitation stations and rehabilitation points at the grass-roots level, it provided free rehabilitation treatment for the majority of pneumoconiosis patients nearby. There is such a pneumoconiosis rehabilitation station in Qijiang District.

Fan Anjin, 54, is receiving rehabilitation treatment at the pneumoconiosis rehabilitation station in the central health center of Ganshui Town, Qijiang District. Fan Anjin has been engaged in coal mining for nearly 20 years. In the past few years, he suffered from cough, asthma, fatigue, and difficulty in sleeping… Various ailments came to him one after another. Diagnosed with stage II pneumoconiosis, he began to go to various hospitals for symptomatic treatment. “In the past, treatment was done in Chongqing, and the distance was too inconvenient,” said Fan Anjin, a villager in Meizi Village, Ganshui Town, Qijiang District.

Fan Anjin is exercising with the equipment. Photo by reporter Xie Tianjiao

Fan Anjin’s pressure was doubled due to the treatment and transportation costs of seeking medical treatment. The double burden of economy and body once made him want to give up treatment. In March 2021, relying on the central health center of Ganshui Town, Qijiang District, the region’s first pneumoconiosis rehabilitation station was built. Being able to get free rehabilitation treatment nearby has given Fan Anjin hope again. “As long as everything is fine, it is very convenient to take a bus here for rehabilitation treatment,” said Fan Anjin, a villager in Meizi Village, Ganshui Town, Qijiang District.

According to the classification and catalogue of occupational diseases in my country, pneumoconiosis mainly includes 13 kinds of pneumoconiosis, including silicosis, coal worker pneumoconiosis, graphite pneumoconiosis, and carbon black pneumoconiosis. According to the doctor, after suffering from pneumoconiosis, it will lead to the decline of the patient’s physical function and even the loss of labor, but many patients, like Fan Anjin, did not pay attention to it at first. Zhou Mingya, director of the Department of Pulmonary Diseases of Qijiang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, introduced that pneumoconiosis usually takes 10-20 years to develop, and the age of exposure to dust is even longer, and the disease can still occur after being removed from dust exposure. At present, there is no effective treatment for pneumoconiosis as an occupational disease. Prevention is the key and fundamental to reduce or avoid the occurrence of occupational pneumoconiosis.

Doctors at the pneumoconiosis rehabilitation station are rehabilitating patients. Photo by reporter Xie Tianjiao

For patients who have been diagnosed with pneumoconiosis like Fan Anjin, intervention is mainly through rehabilitation treatment. At the pneumoconiosis rehabilitation station, the reporter saw on the spot that there are six-minute walk laboratories, oxygen therapy rooms, rehabilitation clinics, pulmonary function testing rooms, etc. , high-frequency chest wall vibration expectoration instrument and other facilities and equipment are also readily available, and these are all paid for by the government and provided to patients with pneumoconiosis free of charge.

A pneumoconiosis patient is using equipment for rehabilitation. Photo by reporter Xie Tianjiao

In addition to some patients going to the rehabilitation station for rehabilitation treatment on a regular basis, doctors at the rehabilitation station will also visit regularly to guide patients in rehabilitation training. Zhang Zongmo, 60 years old this year, has been engaged in coal mining for more than 17 years. In 2006, he was diagnosed with stage 2 pneumoconiosis. Since his symptoms had worsened during this time and he was far from the rehabilitation station, the doctors at the rehabilitation station considered his actual situation, so Go to his home for a return visit for him. “It’s much better now. The doctors at the rehabilitation station often give us guidance, which is very helpful to our physical recovery,” said Zhang Zongmo, a villager in Chatan Village, Ganshui Town, Qijiang District.

Doctors from the pneumoconiosis rehabilitation station visited Zhang Zongmo, a patient with pneumoconiosis. Photo by reporter Xie Tianjiao

In order to better help patients with rehabilitation treatment, the pneumoconiosis rehabilitation station also establishes patient rehabilitation files for patients free of charge, and doctors will do a good job of stratified management of patients according to the disease level . “Our pneumoconiosis rehabilitation station not only provides free rehabilitation for our local pneumoconiosis patients, but we also include pneumoconiosis patients with rehabilitation needs in neighboring provinces and cities into free rehabilitation treatment to better help our pneumoconiosis patients recover. ” said Wen Fangmin, head of the pneumoconiosis rehabilitation station of the Central Health Center of Ganshui Town, Qijiang District.

It is reported that in addition to the Ganshui Town Pneumoconiosis Rehabilitation Station in Qijiang District, the Anwen Town Pneumoconiosis Rehabilitation Station has also been put into use in January this year. As of April this year, Qijiang District has established 335 rehabilitation files of pneumoconiosis patients, carried out 4,467 rehabilitation assessments, 1,716 rehabilitation times, 620 follow-up visits, and rehabilitation treatment for 128 people. The relevant person in charge of the Qijiang District Health and Health Commission said that they will continue to explore the comprehensive promotion of the construction of pneumoconiosis rehabilitation stations in streets and towns with more than 100 pneumoconiosis patients, establish free health records for pneumoconiosis patients, and conduct free health assessments, rehabilitation treatment and follow-up visits, etc. Work to effectively reduce the medical burden of pneumoconiosis patients and improve the quality of life of pneumoconiosis patients.

The reporter learned from the Chongqing Municipal Health Commission that at present, Chongqing has built 74 pneumoconiosis rehabilitation stations and 56 rehabilitation points. These rehabilitation stations and rehabilitation points To enable people with pneumoconiosis to carry out occupational disease management and rehabilitation close to home.

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