The most poisonous month of the year is coming, men should not sleep 3 times, women should not take 3 baths! People who don’t understand the rules will lose their life if they get wet

Source/Health Daily Push (FDHealth)

As the temperature rises, the “Five Poisons Moon” also comes quietly. Many young friends may not know what the “Five Poisons Moon” is, so let me give you a simple science first! What exactly is the “Five Poison Moon”? In simple terms, the five poisonous month refers to the fifth month of the lunar calendar. Since ancient times, there has been a folk saying that “all kinds of diseases are rampant in the fifth month of the lunar calendar”, so it is called “poisonous month”. And Chinese medicine believes that this statement has some truth. May is the noon month, and noon belongs to fire. At this time, the yang qi is at its most prosperous, and the temperature also rises sharply. People are easily attacked by heat evil. The air is humid, and the damp evil also came to “trouble”. Under the attack of humidity and heat, people can easily get sick. Source: OneMapMore specifically, The “poison” of the Five Poisons Moon is mainly reflected in the following 4 points:

  • Loss of water, leading to “deficiency of body fluids”;
  • Weakness of the spleen and stomach, leading to indigestion, poor appetite, and increased moisture;
  • The accumulation of heat in the intestines can lead to constipation, bad breath, dry mouth and bitterness, and acne;

Now that we know that the Five Poisons Moon will threaten human health, we’d better learn about the “detoxification” tricks-

Men should not sleep 3 times, women should not take 3 baths

1 grass and 1 water hurry up and eat!

After entering the Five Poisons Month, men and women have things to pay attention to——Men should not sleep 3 times①Cool sleepBecause men have more developed sweat glands and sweat more easily, they tend to be more afraid of heat. Therefore, men are more “cool” in summer, especially when sleeping. For example, turn down the air conditioner to sleep, sleep on the floor, sleep on the fan, etc. However, this is not only easy to catch a cold, but also consumes yang. If the yang qi is insufficient in the human body, the body will be relatively deficient and prone to gastrointestinal diseases. When the autumn and winter are cold, the disease is more likely to occur. Source: OneMap②Uncontrolled intercourseProfessor Ma Xiaonian, a sex expert once said: “In a year, people have the most sex in summer, as much as 2/3.”Although the summer It’s a hormonal season, so I advise you to be in moderation! When the hot summer comes, the human body consumes a lot of itself. In addition to normal work and study, if there is a lot of extra consumption, it is easy for physical energy to fail to keep up. Especially for patients with underlying diseases, such as heart disease, intense sexual intercourse can easily aggravate the condition and even cause accidents. Of course, it is not for everyone to abstain, but to measure according to their own situation And go. Judging whether sex is appropriate:After sex, both parties feel refreshed and comfortable; , suggesting that the frequency of intercourse should be reduced. Wait, why target men? Whoever contributes the most has no points! Source: OneMap③Sleep after drinking I feel uncomfortable after drinking, and many people fall asleep. However, there is a risk of suffocation if you fall asleep while drinking! Because drunk people are prone to vomiting, but the gag reflex and swallowing action of drunk people are relatively slow. If you lie on your back or prone at this time, the vomit will be difficult to spit out, and aspiration may occur. Aspiration pneumonia may occur in mild cases, and in severe cases, the trachea may be blocked by vomit, resulting in suffocation and life-threatening. A similar tragedy happened before ▽Source: Internet Anti-suffocation tips:

  • If the drunk person is still conscious, remember to sleep on the side.
  • If someone around you is drunk, you can untie his tie or button, keep his head turned to one side and slightly Lean back; then put him to sleep on his side; check for abnormal performance every once in a while; in case of coma, suffocation and other dangerous situations, send him to the hospital for treatment in time.

Women should not take 3 baths >①Damp bathMany people think that only by rubbing vigorously and rubbing the skin red can they be considered clean. However, rubbing too hard or for too long can easily damage the “protective barrier” on the skin surface. In summer, if the fan or air conditioner blows again, moisture will “take advantage”. Especially in the hot and humid summer, it gives the humidity an “opportunity”. Although there is no difference between men and women, it is clear that women who love clean tend to wash longer and are more likely to “kill the hand”. Suggestions:It is best to rub it every few days, as long as the skin is not red or painful. Source: Yitu.com②washing too often /strong>In the big summer, you can sweat while sitting still, and your clothes are dry and wet, wet and dry. Many girls can’t stand it and have to shower several times a day. It is not recommended for you to do this. It is not because you are wasting water, but it is not good for your health. Too frequent bathing will wash away all the oil and protective bacteria normally secreted on the skin surface.It is easy to induceItching of the skin, the resistance of the skin will also be weakened, and it is easy to get skin diseases. Recommendation:In the season of sweating, wash once a day, no more than twice a day . Source: Yitu.com③ Take a bath immediately after sweating or strenuous exercise /span>In the big summer, after going home or exercising, you will definitely be sweating profusely and feel so uncomfortable, you just want to take a shower! Wait! Taking a bath at this time is dangerous. When a person sweats, especially after strenuous exercise, the body will produce a lot of heat, resulting in increased heart rate and blood flow. Taking a hot bath will cause insufficient blood supply to vital organs such as the heart and brain. Cause hypoxia; taking a cold shower will make the blood vessels shrink rapidly, which is easy to damage the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular. Especially for those with high blood pressure, coronary heart disease and other diseases, fatal accidents may occur. Suggestions:After a lot of sweating or exercising, rest for a while before taking a warm shower. Eat “one grass and one water” often ①Drink 1 more waterIt’s not a deal, this “1 water” is what looks ordinary – boiled water! In hot summer, there is a lot of water loss, so you must pay attention to adding fluids, and the healthiest choice is of course plain water. Summer water tips:

  • Don’t Use beverages instead of boiled water;
  • Do not drink too cold water;
  • It is not recommended for ordinary people to add light salt water by themselves;< /span>
  • Don’t drink too much water in one go, only drink 100~150ml each time;
  • adults drink 1500~1500ml per day 1700 ml, less for the elderly and patients with renal function.

Source: YituwangThis “fairy grass” is wormwood! Mugwort also has the reputation of “medical herb”, which can cure diarrhea, relieve itching, repel mosquitoes, relieve dysmenorrhea, help sleep and invigorate kidney. Every year in the fifth month of the lunar calendar, there are folk customs of using mugwort, such as inserting mugwort sticks, soaking in mugwort bath, etc., in order to achieve the purpose of eliminating evil and defilement and maintaining health care. Picture source: Wormwood has many uses, let me introduce a few practical ones-

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Methods:1 old hen, washed and cut into pieces; 10 grams of ginger, 150 grams of fresh ai root or 70 grams of dry Put all the above into a pot, add an appropriate amount of water, boil on high heat for 5 minutes, simmer on low heat for 1.5 to 2 hours, and season with salt. This soup has the functions of dispelling wind and warming the stomach, clearing heat and detoxifying.

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Acupoint selection method:Located 3 cun above the tip of the inner ankle of the foot. Source: Homemade by family doctor

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