Ginger with a treasure can drive away bad breath, constipation and old stomach problems! But don’t touch the 2 types of people, it is “poison” if you eat it

Source | Eating ginger in summer does not require a doctor to prescribe it.” In other words, eating more ginger in hot weather is good for the body.

Now that it has entered the dog days, it is a good time to eat ginger.

However, every time I eat ginger, my whole body feels hot, and sometimes I even sweat.


Why do you eat ginger in hot weather? First of all, ginger can sweat and relieve the body. When the weather is hot, the body will sweat to cool down, and if you can’t sweat, you may suffer from heat stroke. The “Shen Nong’s Materia Medica” says that ginger “smells hot and warm… sweats and dispels rheumatism.”

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Secondly, Jiang can warm the yang and disperse the cold.

Nowadays, people like to stay in air-conditioned rooms and not go out. They also like to eat iced watermelon and cold drinks.

If you suffer from cold for a long time, the contraction of cold will easily lead to muscle tension, the meridians are not smooth, and the blood flow of the whole body will be affected.

Ginger is an evil The “enemy” of cold, drink some ginger tea in time to help expel the cold in the body.

Finally, ginger can appetizer and aid digestion. On a hot day, the appetite is a little bit bad. As the saying goes, “the rice is not fragrant, eat ginger”, and a few slices of ginger can stimulate the secretion of saliva and gastric juice. In addition, gingerol can stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa, which is conducive to the digestion and absorption of food. Health Reminder It should be noted that people with severe internal heat and those with yin deficiency and fire are best not to eat ginger, which not only does not maintain health, but also aggravates physical discomfort. People with yin deficiency and fire are often manifested as long-term upset and insomnia, dry mouth and throat, dry cough and less phlegm, constipation, hemorrhoids, swollen blood in the stool, etc. Next Several healthy ways to eat ginger——Since ancient times, the status of ginger cannot be underestimated. Ancient medicine books believe that ginger is spicy, warm in nature, non-toxic, and has the functions of warming the middle and dispelling cold, warming the lungs and resolving phlegm. “Pharmacopoeia” (2015 edition) contains its “resolving the surface and dispelling cold, warming the middle to stop vomiting, resolving phlegm and relieving cough, and detoxifying fish and crabs”. Moreover, if you can find a good partner for ginger, the health-preserving effect will be doubled-1. Add red dates: replenish qi and blood, remove dampness and nourish yangJujube ginger tea can replenish qi The role of blood, warming the stomach and warming the palace. Moreover, ginger has a remarkable effect of expelling cold, which is especially suitable for people who often stay in air-conditioned rooms. Methods: Cut 3~5 slices of ginger or dried ginger, add a few red dates and brew with boiling water; or boil in boiling water for 5 minutes, the effect of ginger can be fully exerted. Reminder: Ginger tea is suitable for people with qi deficiency and yang deficiency constitution (manifested as pale complexion, mental fatigue, chills and cold limbs, etc.), and it is best to drink it during the day.

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2. Add vinegar: promote blood circulation Circulation, relieve joint painGinger soaked in vinegar can promote blood circulation, increase resistance, relieve colds, and assist in the treatment of arthritis. Materials: 500ml of high-quality mature vinegar, 100g of old ginger. Methods: Cut the ginger into thin slices, preferably fresh ginger; put the ginger in a bottle, and then pour in the vinegar; the vinegar should cover the ginger slices, and the ginger slices should not be exposed; soak the ginger for two days Edible. 3. Adding brown sugar: Relieve dysmenorrhea and drive away old stomach problemsGinger brown sugar has different methods and effects.Difference: ①Cure stomach coldAfter boiling water with old ginger and brown sugar, remove the residue to extract juice, simmer slowly over low heat, add white honey to make paste. A spoonful of soup every morning, used for a long time, has the characteristics of “simple and cheap”. Note: People who are hot and humid in this area should not take it.

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②Treat cold and coldGinger is boiled first (slightly boiled), chopped, served with brown sugar, scallion and boiled water while it is hot. ③Relieve dysmenorrhea Prepare 25 grams of shredded ginger, take brown sugar and brew with boiling water; then add shredded ginger and simmer for five minutes. It should be reminded that the relief of dysmenorrhea varies from person to person and may not be effective for everyone.

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4. Add mint: remove bad breath , Stomach and digestionGinger and mint can remove bad breath: some studies have found that oral administration of ginger can increase the level of sulfhydryl oxidase-1 in the human body, an enzyme that can decompose the human oral cavity. Sulfur compounds that cause unpleasant odors. Peppermint contains medicinal chemicals such as menthol, which can freshen breath and have a variety of medicinal properties, including relieving abdominal pain, anti-inflammatory and sterilizing, and strengthening stomach and digestion. Therefore, the combination of ginger and mint is a powerful combination in removing bad breath. Methods: Boil 3~6 grams of dried mint or fresh mint, add ginger, let it cool for a while, and drink from time to time. Photo Source/OneMap5. Add leek juice and fresh milk: moisten the intestines and relieve bowel movements, warm the liver and kidneysThis time I added “two treasures”: Materials: 200ml of fresh milk, 50ml of leek juice, 15ml of ginger juice, and an appropriate amount of sugar. Methods: Put ginger juice and leek juice into milk and boil together. 2 doses a day, morning and evening on an empty stomach. This tea recipe comes from the “Danxi Heart Method” written by Zhu Danxi in the Yuan Dynasty. Nutrition Comments: Milk can moisten the lungs and nourish the stomach, moisten the intestines and relieve constipation, and tonic and relieve heat; chives are pungent, warm, and nourishing yang products, which can warm the liver and kidneys, and are known as “yangcao”. It is also a “washing herb”, which can relax the bowels and laxatives. Ginger can be used in addition to eating – 1, dispel cold and activate blood When adding a few pieces of smashed ginger, it has the effect of dispelling cold and promoting blood circulation, and it is also effective in preventing colds. You can try it in winter~ But remember, adding ginger to soak your feet is not suitable for people with high blood pressure and impatient people. .

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2. Relieve motion sicknessGinger slices are pasted on Neiguan acupoint, which can relieve motion sickness and seasickness. It should be pasted five minutes before boarding the car or boat. In addition, ginger can also relieve motion sickness. 3. Soothe the nerves and help sleep For the treatment of insomnia, you can chop ginger, wrap it in cloth and put it on the side of the pillow, which can make it easier for people to fall asleep . Everyone should pay attention before eating ginger – 1. Eating ginger at night is as poisonous as arsenic?Actually, this is a misunderstanding. Think about it, Many dinner dishes are usually fried with ginger. If this is the case, wouldn’t the poisoning be deep? Whether you can eat ginger at night depends on your constitution. It is too exaggerated to be poisonous if it is arsenic. The theory of traditional Chinese medicine believes that people’s constitution has cold and heat.

  • People with little difference between cold and heat should generally not eat ginger at night, otherwise it is not good for health;
  • People with severe cold, That is to say, the whole body often feels cold or afraid of cold. Drinking a bowl of ginger soup at night can help sleep; , It is not advisable to eat ginger at night.

In short, whether you can eat ginger at night depends on your physical condition and cannot be generalized.

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2. Can sprouted ginger be eaten?< /strong>

The sprouted ginger is not poisonous. But after germination, the water and nutrients of the ginger itself will gradually decrease, the ginger will also become dry and rough, and the flavor will decrease. It should be reminded that the sprouted ginger Ginger is easy to rot and deteriorate, so “rotten ginger” cannot be eaten. Preservation tips: Ginger should not be stored in the refrigerator, but in a cool and ventilated place.

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3, Can shampooing hair with ginger juice grow hair? First of all, hair is not a simple phenomenon, it can be caused by a variety of reasons, most young and middle-aged people belong to seborrheic alopecia and androgenetic alopecia. Seborrheic alopecia, TCM syndrome differentiation is mostly caused by stagnation of damp-heat in the liver and gallbladder, fumigation of the scalp and skin. And ginger is warm, not suitable for this type of hair loss. Therefore, if you have hair loss problems, you should go to the hospital for treatment, and don’t pour ginger juice on your head~

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