What kind of gallstones need treatment?

[Source: Zhuanglang County Maternal and Child Health Hospital]

Surgical treatment is required for symptomatic and/or complicated gallbladder stones. Asymptomatic gallbladder stones generally do not require surgical treatment, and can be observed and followed up, but surgical treatment should be considered in the following cases:

1. Stone diameter ≥3cm;

2. Combined with surgery requiring laparotomy;

3. Accompanied by gallbladder polyps>1cm;

4. Thickening of gallbladder wall;

5. Gallbladder wall calcification or porcelain gallbladder;

6. Children with gallbladder stones;

7. Diabetes mellitus;

8. Cardiopulmonary dysfunction;

9. Remote areas, underdeveloped areas, and field operators;

10. Gallstones have been found for more than 10 years.

Why do the above asymptomatic gallstones require surgery? Because:

1. Stones in the gallbladder, too large polyps and long-term gallbladder stones will increase the risk of gallbladder cancer;

2. Patients with underlying diseases and underdeveloped areas have greater risk of surgery once acute cholecystitis occurs.

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