Packing Zongzi also sent free medical examination Qingdao Municipal Science and Technology Bureau entered the community to carry out party building activities

(Source: Qingdao Science and Technology Bureau)

News from Xinwang, May 29(Reporter Gu Qingqing)5 On March 25th, Qingdao Science and Technology Bureau and Jiaxing Road Community, Sifang Street, Shibei District, launched a party building activity. Through a series of activities such as the competition of making rice dumplings, visits to the disadvantaged, and free screening for chronic diseases, Qingdao Science and Technology Bureau sent full care and blessings to the residents of Jiaxing Road community as the Dragon Boat Festival approached.

At the beginning of the event, officials from Qingdao Science and Technology Bureau and residents of Jiaxing Road community launched a unique rice dumpling competition. Full of laughter and laughter, each zongzi of different shapes is filled with warmth and harmony, and the strong aroma of mugwort fills the whole community.

Afterwards, accompanied by Secretary Li Meng of Jiaxing Road Community Neighborhood Committee, officials from Qingdao Science and Technology Bureau delivered the wrapped rice dumplings, organizational care and holiday blessings to the homes of the poor in the community.

In addition to sending traditional holiday blessings, Qingdao Science and Technology Bureau also brought an artificial intelligence “black technology” – Airdoc, an artificial intelligence high-risk chronic disease screening prevention and control equipment based on retinal images, which can Accurately identify dozens of cardiovascular, neurological, endocrine, eye disease or complication risks. Under the guidance of doctors from Qingdao Eye Hospital, community residents experienced the power of science and technology by themselves. Simple mobile phone operation, a short retinal scan, and a one-minute health assessment report is instantly displayed on your mobile phone.