Why do we still worry about the worst thing we should be worried about?

Drinking water is not so tangled The future… let anxiety hang over everyone’s life. But recently, research has provided an easy way anyone can deal with anxiety:Drinking water. In February of this year, MedicalXpress published an article stating that water and hydration can play a role in preventing and managing anxiety symptoms. Negative emotions such as tension, fatigue, and anger increase with dehydration. But when modern man prepares for “tons and tons” of water to drink: Drinking water, for some people, is an anxiety in itself. The water on the market is becoming more and more dazzling: pure water, mineral water, mineral water, glacier water, oxygen-enriched water, baby water… There is even a deep “drinking water contempt chain”. We are puzzled, is there really such a big difference in drinking water categories. Drinking water, can’t you go back to a simple thing? What is the difference between water and water There are three main categories of bottled drinking water commonly found in supermarkets, drinking natural mineral water, drinking pure water and drinking natural water. However, there are still some functional water and high-end water with the main health selling points on the market, which are often confusing. Are they really as big on health as advertised? First of all, let’s talk about “baby water” and “mother-baby water” that parents are more concerned about. Baby water features “low sodium and light mineralization”, which does not cause extra burden on the baby’s organs. But in fact, at present, there is no domestic standard to distinguish between baby water and adult water, and there is no unified identification index for baby water in the world. According to an interview with Beijing Business Daily, an associate professor at the School of Food Science of China Agricultural University, “At present, there is little difference between mother and baby water and ordinary packaged drinking water on the market, and the brand side is more based on the concept of mother and baby water Increase the added value of products.” The general price of baby water and mother-infant water is 3 to 4 times that of ordinary drinking water. Let’s talk about “high-end natural water”. Since it is “high-end”, it is first reflected in the price, ranging from tens of yuan to hundreds of yuan for a bottle. But what is its value? At present, the common feature of high-end water in China is that it comes from pure natural water sources, and its concept is nothing more than volcanoes, snow-capped mountains and hot springs. However, there is no standard for distinguishing the quality of drinking water from different sources of water in my country. That is to say, to advertise the uniqueness of the water source can only prove the safety of its water source, but not other efficacy. There is also a new “universal water” that has entered our field of vision: small molecular cluster water. The propaganda caliber of the merchant is: It is smaller than the opening of human cells, accelerates metabolism, and is the water that cells love to drink. It is estimated that the cells are also very puzzled after hearing this: Is that right, why didn’t I feel it. Image source: screenshot of business advertisementDirector of Kexin Food and Nutrition Information Exchange Center, Zhong Kai In an interview, a reporter from Science and Technology Daily stated that there is no scientific basis for the claim that small-molecule water is easier to absorb than ordinary water. The reason is very simple. After drinking water in the stomach, the structure of the water molecules will also change due to the influence of temperature, pH value and ion concentration in the stomach. In fact, the most basic difference between water and water is whether it contains minerals and trace elements. Pure water, as the name implies, is “pure”, and there is nothing but water molecules after deep purification. But are the minerals in the water really that important? First of all, it is necessary to clarify a question that everyone may not think about when drinking water: what is the purpose of drinking water. For most people, drinking water is almost an instinctive reaction: to quench thirst, to rehydrate. So can we add nutrients, such as minerals and trace elements, through drinking water? This is also the focus of some mineral water and natural water marketing. In fact, minerals that can be supplemented in drinking water are very small. The most fundamental use of drinking water is to quench thirst, and other derivative functions are mostly the marketing strategies of manufacturers. Ruan Guangfeng, an expert from China Food Rumors Refuting Alliance and Director of the Business Department of Kexin Food and Nutrition Information Exchange Center, once said: The main function of drinking water is to replenish water, not to supplement trace elements. Minerals and trace elements ingested by the human body mainly come from vegetables, fruits, rice, meat, etc., not from drinking waterobtained in. Since the role of water in the human body is not to supply minerals and trace elements, it is similar to “purified water hardly contains any minerals needed by the human body, and drinking it is not good for the body”. Rumors are self-defeating. Image source: Graphworm CreativePure water is not good for health? RumorsDon’t be obsessed with “drinking mineral water and natural water for health”, and at the same time, don’t report prejudice to “drinking pure water is not good for health”. The most important thing about drinking water is safety. The “Reply Letter of the Legal Supervision Department of the Ministry of Health on Issues Concerning Purified Water” clearly states that purified water that meets relevant regulations and sanitation standards is “safe, hygienic and harmless”. The rumors about “drinking pure water for a long time will decalcify and lead to osteoporosis” and “drinking pure water will form an acidic constitution” have also been slapped in the face again and again. The former, Zhong Kai, director of the Kexin Food and Health Information Exchange Center, believes that “drinking pure water will decalcify and lead to osteoporosis, which is a lack of understanding of the physiological conditions of the human body. A 60 kg adult’s The body fluids are 36-42 kg, and the water intake is no more than 2 liters a day, how much can it affect the calcium ion concentration? Age, hormone levels and dietary intake are the main factors that cause calcium loss.”The latter, From a medical point of view, there is no such thing as “acidic constitution” and “alkaline constitution” in the human body. Because the human body has a strong acid-base regulation function, the outside world has little influence on it. Even if an acidic or alkaline substance is ingested, it will be quickly neutralized by this regulation function. More literature conclusions show that for healthy people, drinking pure water for a long time has no effect on the body. Not only does it not affect health, but experts have found that purified water is more suitable for making tea and cooking rice than mineral water and tap water. Shen Hong, a former professor-level senior engineer at the National Tea Quality Inspection Center, told Life Times that pure water is weakly acidic, which helps the tea polyphenols in tea to remain active; It not only removes bacteria, viruses, pollutants and other impurities in the water, but also removes minerals including calcium and magnesium ions. Without the influence of minerals, the tea has a better color, aroma and taste. In 2021, the team from the School of Basic Science of Tianjin Agricultural College published “The Effect of Cooking Water Quality Combined with Water Addition and Soaking Time on the Taste of Japonica Rice”. Through control experiments, it was found that cooking rice with pure water can achieve better taste. The team of Zhang Yue from the Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, School of Public Health, Peking University proposed through literature research that purified water has a certain protective effect on patients with urinary calculi. Drinking healthy water, never “deifying” every water starts< span> From the above analysis, it is not difficult to draw a conclusion: the human body has always treated the absorption of water equally. treated differently. No matter what water you drink, the purpose is to replace the water lost in your body. So how to choose bottled drinking water, the answer is very clear: qualified pure water, mineral water, mineral water, high-end natural water, no problem, love to drink Which to drink. They themselves do not have much impact on our physical health, but only affect our psychological factors and the number of changes in the balance of the bank card. What really affects our health is how much and when we drink water. Generally speaking, healthy adults need to drink about 1500-1700 ml of water per day (about 7-8 cups of disposable conventional paper cups). But that doesn’t mean you have to force yourself to drink 8 glasses of water a day. Water requirements are affected by many factors. For example, in high temperature or exercise, the water demand can be appropriately increased; and if there are more soups in the diet, the water intake can be appropriately reduced. The timing and frequency of drinking water are also important. There are three principles: drink a small amount of water frequently, drink it actively, and don’t wait until you are thirsty to drink it. You can get up and have a cup to supplement the water consumption at night; a cup before meals to stimulate the secretion of digestive juice; a cup between work to relieve work stress… In short, see the needle, catch Take a few sips whenever you get the chance, but don’t drink a lot of water at one time. You need to drink a small amount of water, don’t follow these principles and drink it more than eight glasses of water Water itself is a very simple thing. Just like thirsty in summer, a bottle of water brings us a touch of coolness, no anxiety, no IQ tax. References:[1] Zhang Jianfen, Du Songming, Ma Guansheng. Contribution of nutrients in water to nutrient intake. New Observations on Nutrition and Health (4th Issue 15): Water and Health 2016.[2] Xin Hua. Seven truths about pure water[J]. People’s Life, 2018(3):2.< span>[3]Li Ying. Small molecular clusters are not necessarily good water[N]. Science and Technology Daily, 2017[4]Liu Meiyan. There is no evidence that weak alkaline water is good for health[N].Health Times, 2015[5] Guo Xiujuan, Wang Xiao. Is Maternal and Infant Water an IQ Tax. Beijing Business Daily, 2021[6]Morning Dew .Mineral water, purified water, boiled water…Which water is better to drink? . Dr. Lilac, 2017[7] Li Ping, Zhou Guangchun, Cui Jing, et al. Effects of cooking water quality combined with water amount and soaking time on the taste of japonica rice [J]. Chinese Rice, 2021, 27(6):6.[8] Zhang Yue, Ma Guansheng, Zhang Man, et al. A qualitative evidence-based study on the health effects of purified water [J]. China Food and Nutrition, 2020, 26(4):5.[9]http://shipin.people.com.cn/n1/2016/1108/c85914-28843963.html[10]https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-02-relief-anxiety-glass-full. htmlThis article only represents the author’s point of view and does not represent the position of this journal. Recommended reading< /span>House prices have fallen and policies have warmed up. Who will buy a house? 281″ data-title” data-backh backw=”578″ data-galleryid=”” data-ratio=”0.48703703703703705″ data-type=”jpeg” data-w=”1080″ layout=”responsive” sizes=”(min-width: 320px) 320px, 100vw ” src=”300,640″ srcrc=”https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/Zibeuu43K6ehj58JzTXe70FvN8Rklug2SkMZJcREIKbdZggQoTccKicocPaPNsTXW2JPibQrz89DGRCsyjZTxSGdA/640?wx_fmt=jpeg”>