4 types of people need to be highly alert to liver cancer, use it to drink water to improve liver detoxification ability!

Why is liver cancer most of the time at an advanced stage once discovered?

Many internal organs have powerful functions, and only a part is enough. For example, as long as 1/4 of the kidneys are working properly, the human body can function. That’s why kidney donation is possible.

The same goes for the liver. A healthy liver only needs about 1/4 to ensure the normal function of the body. In the early stage of liver cancer, liver function is often sufficient, so it is likely that no obvious abnormality will be felt.

Many patients do not find out that it is advanced liver cancer until the tumor is so big that the stomach is stretched up, but even then, the patient’s liver function may be normal.

4 types of people need to be highly vigilant for liver cancer

Class 1: Yes Hepatitis B

In my country, about 90% of liver cancer patients have been infected with hepatitis B virus. Therefore, anyone who has been infected with hepatitis B or hepatitis C virus is recommended to have regular physical examinations and pay more attention to their liver conditions.

Category II: Liver cirrhosis

The next step of liver cirrhosis is often liver cancer, especially if liver cirrhosis has been detected. hardened patients.

Category 3: family with liver cancer

HCC is not “Genetic Diseases”. But liver cancer will have a “familial aggregation phenomenon.” The most common example is that a mother with hepatitis B “passes” the hepatitis B virus to the child when giving birth. But don’t worry too much, even if the mother is a carrier of hepatitis B virus, as long as the child is given hepatitis B immune globulin and hepatitis B vaccine in time, it can be well controlled.

The fourth category: love to drink

Many people know that people who drink for a long time are prone to “alcoholic liver”. Alcoholic liver is not easy to mess with, on the basis of it, there is a chance to develop into liver cirrhosis, and further is liver cancer.

If you happen to be one or several of the above four types of people, then you need to be highly alert to liver cancer, and you must pay attention to whether your body has appeared in your daily life. The following situations:

1. Feeling tired for no reason, feeling irritable, anxious and depressed for no reason.

2, dry eyes or dead fish eyes, dry mouth and bitter taste, migraine.

3. Hair is often very oily.

4. Sticky stools and body odor.

5. Indigestion, increased waist fat, particularly strong temper, insomnia and dreams.

6, drooling during sleep, snoring, bad breath, dry and bitter mouth, body odor.

7. Weak all over, often feel tired, lack of concentration, neurasthenia, and memory loss.

8. Emotional instability, particularly strong temper, tired, and too lazy to speak.

If you have met 3-5 or more of the above symptoms, it means your liver has turned red. Light”, it’s time to start regulating liver function.

First of all, we must quit the habit that hurts the liver the most – alcoholism

Especially if you don’t drink for a day, you will feel bad If the mouth is comfortable, the liver can’t take it.

One sentence: no smoking, drinking less alcohol (preferably no drinking), a balanced diet, and exercising, all three are indispensable for the prevention of any type of cancer.

Secondly, make homemade liver-protecting and nourishing tea to improve liver detoxification ability

First, mother-in-law Dinggen

Mother-in-law, also known as dandelion, is a medicinal herb in China, Japan, Russia and EuropeThere are special records in the history of learning, and it has been regarded as an antidote for more than 100 years. Modern science has confirmed that Po-Potin can antagonize the damage of lysosome and mitochondria in liver cells caused by endotoxin, and relieve the toxic effect caused by endotoxin, so it can protect the liver.

Among the health benefits of Granola Ding, the most influential one is to protect the liver, clear liver toxins, and prevent liver damage. Dandelion and milk thistle have similar functions, and are most commonly used in patients who need to detoxify the liver. Dandelion root, in particular, is the most important natural nutrient in many hepatitis C preventions.

Panthera Root has excellent liver cleansing and strengthening properties, tonic for the liver and gallbladder, while improving blood circulation. It can be said that mother-in-law is the best food for expelling liver toxins.

Second, chicory root

originally produced in Europe It was later introduced into China and included in the Pharmacopoeia. It is commonly known as chicory. It is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine with both medicinal and edible functions.

Frequently soaking chicory root in water can not only protect the liver, but also promote uric acid metabolism. Science has confirmed that the hepatoprotective effect of chicory root extract is due to the presence of choline, which accelerates the synthesis of phospholipids, which can accelerate the speed of cell repair and has a significant protective effect on liver cells.

Specific practices:

1. Chicory root, washed, cut into sections, dried and fried to make tea;

2. Mix diced mother-in-law and chicory root in a ratio of 1:1 and set aside.

3. Take 3~5g of prepared mother-in-law chicory tea every day, brew it with boiling water, and drink it after 3 minutes.

In addition, regular physical examination and reasonable cancer screening are very necessary for high-risk groups of liver cancer!

Having good habits can help reduce the risk of cancer. Regular physical examinations can also allow us to catch the disease at an early stage.

After all, early detection, early treatment and early prevention are our fundamental strategies.