Nearly 100 million girls in China are suffering from this disease, and you don’t take it seriously!

In my country,

There are approximately 446 million female friends over the age of 30.

About 20% of them have uterine fibroids,

30-50-year-old female friends,

It is the main target of its bullying[1].


You have a fibroids growing quietly in your stomach.

The uterus, the home for the baby,

Always touches a woman’s heart.

The uterine wall has three layers from the inside to the outside:

Intima, muscularis, serosa,

Fibroids are a monster, and they won’t let go of any of them.

(Animation: Fibroids jumping between three layers)


Uterine fibroids are the most common benign tumor,

It looks like a circle, it’s still Zhou Zheng,

Very different sizes from each other,

Small like a grain of rice and large like a full-term fetus.

They are mostly docile and harmless,

But there are occasional “rebels”,

Hazardous to health.

The fibroids family has three sisters,

live in different parts of the womb,

If you give them a “seniority ranking” according to the probability of the disease:

Big sister, intramural fibroids, accounting for 60% to 70%;

Second sister, subserosal fibroids, accounting for 20%;

Little sister, submucosal fibroids, accounting for 10% to 15%,

The three sisters have their own temperaments and emotional discord,

Each one of them dominates a house, and they do not communicate with each other.

Sister, intramural fibroids

(Animation: Intramural fibroids grow from small to large)

It can be an only child or a group of sisters,

Sometimes there are hundreds [2].

It was born small and timid,

Don’t dare to influence my aunt’s visit,

Had to attack you,

Let you not feel its presence,

But the great thing is that it protrudes inward,

Make a big package,

Endometrial lining is easily destroyed,

As a result, my aunt bleeds more heavily,

As she grows to take up space in the womb,

Affects the development of a fertilized egg,

Conditions that cause infertility.

Second sister, subserosal fibroids

She is growing much faster than the older sister,

She was already a big girl when discovered by a powerful doctor,

And a restless master,

She was born under the uterine serosa,

I always want to see the “prosperous world” outside,

Therefore, it will grow outward against the uterine serosa,

Finally, only one pedicle remains connected to the uterine wall[3],

Move with the owner’s movement,

So, girls, when you exercise:

Acute abdominal pain, urinary frequency and urgency,

See your doctor promptly.

But the second sister lives outside the womb,

Generally does not affect conception.

Little girl, submucosal fibroids

Little sister’s submucosal fibroids are also very personal,

I want to see in the womb,

So she will grow into the uterine cavity,

Can deform her uterus when she grows up[4],

Affects menstruation and conception.

1. Recently, my aunt’s bleeding has increased,

And after a week, my aunt still won’t go,

Indicates that there may be uterine fibroids in the stomach.

2. She is obviously a girl who doesn’t like to drink more water,

But recently I started to urinate frequently and urgently,

Also note that it may be a uterine fibroid pressing on the bladder,

It’s time to go to the hospital.

Uterine fibroids are mostly benign,

But health is no small matter,

Be careful with these three sisters.

Especially middle-aged female friends should check regularly,

They prefer

People between the ages of 30 and 50 who are prone to abnormally elevated estrogens[5],

Young girls should not be taken lightly,

To manage your weight,

Estrogen can also be abnormally elevated when you are overweight.

Recommended sisters:

Go to the hospital for an ultrasound once a year,

Don’t be afraid to find the three sisters with uterine fibroids,

If it’s a small fibroids,

Go to the hospital for a review every 1 month,

She is not tall or slow,

You can re-examine after 3 to 6 months.

If she stops growing,

and less than 5 cm in size,

Then leave her alone.

If fibroids are growing faster,

Over 5cm,

Also accompanied by severe abdominal pain, miscarriage, heavy menstrual bleeding, etc.

It’s time to see a doctor for timely treatment!

Reviewer: Wu Shengdong| Deputy Chief Physician of Armed Police Anhui Provincial Corps Hospital


[1] Bi Xiaoli, Miao Junshuang. Research progress on the pathogenesis of uterine fibroids [J]. Medicine, 2016: 293.

[2] Xu Qiudong, XuLiping, Wang Lei, Ding Dandan, Ying Jianping.Clinical analysis of uterine submucosal fibroids and intramural fibroids diagnosed by transvaginal three-dimensional ultrasound[J].Journal of Medical Imaging,2016,v.26(03):187 -189.

[3] Chen Xiaoyan, Wang Ying, Zhang Min. Color Doppler ultrasonography of the pedicle of subserosal myoma[J]. Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging, 2011(12) :55-56.

[4] Hua Meijuan. Clinical analysis of hysteroscopic uterine submucosal fibroids resection [J]. System Medicine, 2018,3(17):164-166.


[5] Chen Hongju, Yin Ling. Research progress on etiology of uterine fibroids [J]. Practical Preventive Medicine, 2012(06):163-165.