The General Office of the State Council issued the “14th Five-Year Plan for National Health” to promote the application of national health information

The General Office of the State Council recently issued the “14th Five-Year Plan for National Health” (hereinafter referred to as the “Plan”, click “read the original text /span>” direct). The “Planning” proposes “promoting the application of national health information connectivity”, and clarifies the specific tasks. Implement the standards and norms for informatization construction of medical and health institutions. Relying on physical medical institutions to build Internet hospitals, provide remote monitoring and remote treatment for key groups of contracted services and key follow-up patients, and promote the establishment of an online and offline integrated medical service model covering pre-diagnosis, diagnosis and post-diagnosis. Support medical consortia to use Internet technology to facilitate appointment diagnosis and treatment, two-way referral, telemedicine and other services. Optimize the “Internet +” contracting service, comprehensively connect residents’ electronic health records and electronic medical records, and gradually access a wider range of health data, and provide online health consultation, appointment referral, chronic disease follow-up, health management, and extended prescription services for contracted residents. Promote “Internet + chronic disease (diabetes, hypertension) management” to realize online follow-up of chronic diseases, prescription circulation, medical insurance settlement and drug distribution. Promote the application of artificial intelligence, big data, fifth-generation mobile communication (5G), blockchain, Internet of Things and other emerging information technologies to realize intelligent medical services, real-time monitoring and evaluation of personal health, disease early warning, chronic disease screening, etc. Guide medical institutions to reasonably retain traditional service methods, and focus on solving the problems of the elderly and other groups that are difficult to use intelligent technology. Build an authoritative, unified and interconnected national health information platform, improve the core database of national health information, and promote unified access and data sharing by medical and health institutions at all levels. Explore the establishment of information sharing mechanisms for health, medical security, drug supervision and other departments, and realize cross-regional and cross-departmental data sharing through the national integrated government service platform. Research and formulate a data open list, and carry out a pilot operation of government medical and health data authorization. Strictly regulate the management and use of citizens’ health information, and strengthen the security protection of data resources throughout the life cycle.

The General Office of the State Council recently issued the “14th Five-Year Plan for National Health” (hereinafter referred to as the “Plan”). The “Plan” proposes that by 2025, the public health service capacity will be significantly enhanced, a number of major disease hazards will be controlled and eliminated, the quality of medical and health services will continue to improve, the medical and health-related support capabilities and the development level of the health industry will continue to improve, and the national health policy system will be improved. Further improvement, the average life expectancy will continue to increase by about 1 year on the basis of 2020.

The “Planning” pointed out that the health work during the “14th Five-Year Plan” period will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Put people’s life safety and health first, comprehensively promote the construction of a healthy China, accelerate the implementation of the Healthy China action, deepen the reform of the medical and health system, and continue to promote the transformation of the development mode from centering on the treatment of diseases to centering on people’s health, and for the masses Provide a full range of full-cycle health services.

The Plan defines seven tasks. First, weave a solid public health protection net. Improve disease prevention and control capabilities, improve monitoring and early warning mechanisms, improve emergency response and handling mechanisms, and improve the ability to treat major epidemics. The second is to comprehensively intervene in health problems and influencing factors. Popularize healthy lifestyles, strengthen the prevention and control of infectious diseases, parasitic diseases and endemic diseases, strengthen comprehensive prevention and control of chronic diseases and injury prevention interventions, improve mental health and mental health services, maintain environmental health and food and drug safety, and carry out in-depth patriotic health campaigns. The third is to ensure the health of the population throughout the cycle. Improve maternity and infant care services, protect the health of women and children, promote the health of the elderly, strengthen occupational health protection, and ensure health services for key populations in poverty-stricken areas and the disabled. Fourth, improve the quality of medical and health services. Optimize the medical service model, strengthen medical quality management, and speed up the filling of service shortcomings. The fifth is to promote the inheritance, innovation and development of traditional Chinese medicine. Give full play to the role of traditional Chinese medicine in health services, and consolidate the foundation for high-quality development of traditional Chinese medicine. Sixth, make the health industry better and stronger. Promote the innovative development of the pharmaceutical industry, promote the manufacturing and production of high-end medical equipment and health products, promote the sustainable and standardized development of social medical services, increase the supply of commercial health insurance, and promote the integrated development of health-related business formats. Seventh, strengthen national health support and protection. Deepen the reform of the medical and health system, strengthen the construction of health personnel, accelerate the innovation of health science and technology, promote the interconnection and application of national health information, improve the health and legal system, and strengthen exchanges and cooperation.

The “Plan” proposes to strengthen organizational leadership, mobilize all parties to participate, do a good job in publicity and guidance, strengthen monitoring and evaluation, and promote the implementation of various tasks.

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